A. Basis of Belief.
Hinduism is based on primitive customs, superstitions, taboos and hangovers that originated as far back as the Stone Age.
They believe in Karma, the transmigration of "souls" (reincarnation) into animals, snakes, humans, or whatever. They believe that the form they transmigrate into in the "next" life depends on how well they performed in the previous life. This supposedly goes on endlessly until the soul is finally liberated into an indescribable state called NIRVANA. Life on earth is considered as a transient migration of the soul and at best, a burden to bear, not to enjoy.
Although Hinduism is complex, confused and contradictory in most of its aspects, it became more formulated as its religious scriptures, written in Sanskrit, were handed down beginning approximately 1500 B.C.E. These scriptures. The Vedas and the Upanishads, have already been described in greater detail in our accompanying text.
Of prime significance, also, is the Dharma, religious law, which details the caste system, dietary laws, religious law and even civil law. These are neither consistent, nor well organized, and are at best a confused hodgepodge of contradictions.
CREATIVITY, on the other hand, is in dire contrast to the superstitions and confusions of Hinduism. Creativity is based on an intelligent assessment of the universe in which we find ourselves, and seeks to solve the realities of life for the betterment and advancement of our own kind - the White Race. In so doing, we shun all the superstitious mind clutter that has been dumped upon us by an ignorant and superstitious past, and instead pursue reality, logic and common sense, as detailed in our THREE BASIC BOOKS, Nature's Eternal Religion, The White Man's Bible, and Salubrious Living.
B. Goals and Objectives.
Hinduism has no particular goals or objectives that have any earthly purpose or meaning. When the (White) Aryans from the north invaded the Hindu Kush and finally conquered all of India, they set about organizing and governing their new homeland. This occurred circa 2000 B.C.E. In so doing, they absorbed many of the indigenous religious customs and traditions of the black mud people they had subjugated, and were now organizing. But that is not all they absorbed. They soon found to their horror that through miscegenation, they were being absorbed and mongrelized into the bloodstream of the more fecund and more numerous aborigines. They desperately tried to prevent this catastrophe from happening as best they could. They formulated harsh civil laws, proclaimed religious taboo against it and instituted the caste system of separation. As history plainly shows, as long as there was geographic mixing of races, none of this worked, and the exemplary Aryan race that
conquered India four thousand years ago was completely mongrelized into the stupid negroid masses within approximately six centuries.
The present day objectives of Hinduism, if any, are for the soul to migrate from creature to creature, until finally it ends up in some dim and distant Nirvana and is no more. Life is considered a burden and the objective (if any) is to end it all in some dim and distant future. At the same time, they want to be fertile on this earth and produce as many offspring as they can. This is, of course, a stupid contradiction that results in nothing more than endlessly proliferating the misery in an overcrowded, filthy, diseased and hunger-ridden world.
CREATIVITY, on the other hand, will have no truck with all this superstitious hocus-pocus, nor with the incompetent mud races. In- stead, we seek to organize the tremendous potential of the White Race and the White Race alone, and build a Whiter and Brighter world for our future generations.
C. Racial Attitude.
The caste system, formulated and implemented by the Aryan conquerors, was not only highly racial, but was primarily based on color of the skin, and therefore indirectly on race. After six centuries the original Aryans were drowned in an overwhelming sea of negroids and the caste system no longer had any useful purpose. It then more or less classified the classes by profession and status rather than race, although the upper castes had and still have to this day, more White genes, less negroid, than do the lower castes.
However, outside of being an archaic relic of a dead past, it has little or no racial meaning anymore in today's mongrelized masses, and Hinduism embraces and welcomes any and all mud races. There arc even a number of White Americans that have embraced it and stupidly find it "different" and "fascinating".
CREATIVITY, on the other hand, is highly racial and the whole religious creed is based on race - the White Race. We have learned our lesson well from the fatal mistakes made by the Aryan conquerors of India several thousand years ago, the mistakes made by the White Egyptians three to five thousand years ago, and every other White nation that has gone down the sump hole of history via mongrelization with its "cheap" negroid labor. We are determined not to make the same mistake.
We want to "conquer" no mud races, we do not want to enslave anybody, we do not want to exploit any race, nor are we looking for "cheap" yellow, black, or brown labor. We want to advance and expand our own kind, do our own work and build a Whiter and Brighter World for ourselves. This, we are determined to do until we inhabit every square mile of good territory available. The whole world is our oyster and we will not rest until this beautiful Planet is all ours.
D. Organizational Structure.
Hinduism is one of the most disorganized of all the major religions and has no central head, only a loose scattering of temples, holy men and groups, sects, etc. No one knows exactly what the real creed of Hinduism is, as I have already outlined. The only structural organized tenets, if
any, are inherent in its caste system, but it too, is loose and vaguely defined, and varies from area to area, and from village to village.
CREATIVITY is based on the Leadership Principal. Its fundamental creed and program are clearly delineated in our Basic Books. As it grows, we will continue to build our organizational structure according to the basics of the Leadership Principle, as did Adolf Hitler, and as has the Roman Catholic church for the last 18 centuries.
As far as the White Race is concerned the Jew controlled United States government is a powerful tyrant and can be rated as Public Enemy Number One. The overwhelming issue is and remains: Either the White Race takes charge of this world in total, or it will shortly be drowned in a sea of mud.
Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator
Article taken from Racial Loyalty # 30
Dec 12AC (1985)
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