Monday 29 January 2018

Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case).. Motion of recent Unlawful Activity by the Defendant and it's Employees Germaine to the Eventual Resolution of this Case

In The United States District Court for The District Of Colorado
Civil Action NO. 14-cv-00245-MSK-MJW

January 28, 2018

Motion of recent Unlawful Activity by the Defendant and it's Employees Germane to the Eventual Resolution of this Case

Declaration of Evelyn Hutcheson

In my attempt to have communication with my son Matthew F. Hale, I have had my letters returned unopened with a sticker placed on them saying, "return to sender, unable to forward". I have had letters returned along with a letter saying that my letters are being returned because they contain "gang related' material  which is not true. 

I did write the warden Jack Fox complaining and he said that my letters were returned because I had the wrong box number on them. I had mailed the letters to the box number (8500) which is the box number I have been using for the last 13 years. The warden said the box number is (8000). I see on the BOP website, it is saying the box number is (8500). I called my sons counselor and he said the box number is (8500) for inmates. He checked and then said it is (8000).

I have ordered the book from a book seller that Matthew needs for the civil suit. The book is Racial Loyalty Portfolio, Part one. Matthew is being allowed to have the last Creativity book yet that book was returned to the book seller three times.
I hereby swear under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the forgoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief

January 2, 2018

Respectfully submitted,

Evelyn Hutcheson
200 Carlson Ave. 25 H
Washington, IL 61571

January 28,2018

Certificate of Service

     I hereby certify that on January 28,2018, I served the foregoing document on the following by U.S. Mail: Susan Prose, Atty. for Defendant, Asst. U.S. Attorney, 1801 California Street, Suite 1600, Denver, Colorado 80202


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