Tuesday 8 January 2019

The Much-Touted "Multicultural Society" Leads to Chaos and Decadence...By Ben Klassen

How to effectively break up a Civilized White Society and drive it to hell in a handbasket.


We repeat: Who needs niggers?
There were two racial issues that received a tremendous amount of attention in the Jew-controlled press, including The Atlanta Constitution, during the months of July and August. (At the Church we call this Jew-orchestrated scandal sheet The Atlanta Prostitution, and rightfully so, since no other sinister vehicle has done so much to prostitute and niggerize the once proud city of Atlanta, Georgia.) One of the issues The Atlanta Prostitution has been pounding away at is one that hardly need concern Atlanta at all, since the event is not taking place In Atlanta, nor even within the state of Georgia.


For years the PGA (the Professional Golfers’ Association) has been holding its annual Championship Tournament at some of the finest country clubs in the nation. For 1990 it chose to stage this event at the city of Birmingham, Alabama, and specifically at the Shoals Creek Country Club, to be held August 9-12, 1990. Shoals Creek is one of the most prestigious country clubs in the nation, and it also had the honor of hosting the PGA Championship six years ago. Being a country club of some class and distinction and being a social club as much as a sporting club, it has throughout its long history avoided having any black members. It is, in fact, very careful as to whom it accepts into Its membership roll, even though they be White, and the initiation fee is a steep $35,000. The PGA was well aware of the fact that Shoals Creek had no black members when it chose to hold its tournament there in 1990, and also when it played there six years earlier.

But this time the Jews decided that they would break down the social barriers and inject a nigger into this elite private White society, whether they liked it or not. Having made that decision and having control of the newsmedia of the country (and the world), soon all hell broke loose. As they unleashed their massive propaganda campaign all over the country, with The Atlanta Prostitution probably screaming the loudest, all the world was soon to know that horror of all horrors! There was no nigger in the Shoals Creek Country Club and therefore the PGA should ban the place. Soon the Jew-orchestrated NAACP also got into the act and threatened to picket the place and raise a ruckus.

Neither the membership of the Shoals Creek Country Club, nor of the PGA was too keen about bowing to the demands of the Jewish cabal nor of the NAACP, no matter how loud they screamed. But then the Jews brought their second line of artillery into play. Such events as the PGA Championships are big media and TV events and the millions of dollars of advertising that goes with it. Soon Toyota, IBM, Delta Airlines and Honda/Acura were induced to withdraw their advertising from the ESPN and the ABC television networks which were sponsoring the PGA Championship event. This really cut to the heart of the controversy. Since money rules all, and faced with the loss of two million dollars worth of advertising money, the Shoals Creek Country Club and the PGA soon came to terms with the enemy. Soon the search was on for some token nigger to be taken into the membership of their elite club. Soon thereafter they found one Louis Willie, a mulatto insurance executive in Birmingham, and Willie was taken in, willy nilly, without any fuss about a background investigation that usually precedes a new membership, and without the usual $35,000 initiation fee! Presto! Instant nigger membership! The Jews had broken the longstanding tradition of the Shoals Creek Country Club. They had humiliated and insulted not only its members, but also the PGA, and furthermore now threatened all White Country Clubs throughout the nation. They sent out the message that they had better scramble to put niggers in their midst, even though niggers are notoriously uninterested in golf and never produced any good players. Even Louis Willie, who is not really a golfer at all, said that he didn’t really want to be a member, but somebody had to be first. Really? Who needs niggers in their ranks?

The other unimportant item that seemed to preoccupy the editors, reporters and columnists of The Atlanta Prostitution for days and weeks on end was the National Black Arts Festival. To hear them gush, eulogize and extol this primitive collection of nigger junk that had been gathered in Atlanta, Georgia, you would be led to believe that this event overshadowed the Second Coming of Christ. Day after day the paper showed reproductions in color of primitive attempts at daubing paint on canvas that could easily have been done by an amateur six year old.

Such extravagant captions as "Sounding a vibrant new note," "the Ascension of Thornton Dial," "He’s black, proud" headlined an endless number of articles, extolling the virtues of nigger "art," most of which, had it been done by a White artist, would not have been given so much as passing glance. All of which brings up some crucial moral questions. Why is it alright to have a National Black Arts Festival from which Whites are obviously excluded, but a heinous moral crime for the White people to have an all White social country club that has no nigger membership? Would it have been alright to have a White Arts Festival from which nigger artists would be excluded? If such an event were held, the niggers and the Jews would be screaming louder than the wailing banshees. If we are going to espouse color blindness in one area, then we should also do so in all other categories. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Why is it great to have an organization like the NAACP that is extremely racist in promoting only the interests of niggers, but at the same time it is deemed to be an outrage if we have a racial religion such as Creativity promoting the best interests of the White people? 

  Recently some of our activists distributed several hundred copies of Racial Loyalty in a Tampa neighborhood, an activity that is practiced by millions of other people in distributing their particular literature such as shopping guides, flyers for political campaigns, by the Watch Tower people, Hare Krishna and thousands of others. But ours was White racist, that one category of no-no, and immediately a major storm erupted. Articles denouncing us were printed in The Tampa Tribune and the St. Petersburg Times. The Jewish mayor of Tampa, a certain Sandy Freedman, was inspired to lead a parade in downtown Tampa on July 12, 1990. It was labeled as a Solidarity March against bigotry and prejudice and was designed to "stop all the hate." The affair was organized by a number of the most virulent of all hate groups, all of which proceeded to concentrate their hate exclusively against the White Race, and whose major goal was and is to wipe out the White Race in totality. When they talk about Solidarity, it is only solidarity directed against the White Race, never solidarity of the White Race. As usual, the Solidarity March was led by Jews, of which Jewish mayor Sandy Freedman was its major protagonist.

One interesting offshoot of this blathering exhibition of "brotherly love" was a Hispanic hate flyer sent from Tampa to us here at our address in Otto. The flyer showed pictures of their heroes, namely bandits Pancho Villa and Emilano Zapata, as militant warriors against the gringos of the United States. It was all in Spanish, and a translation of a strident paragraph at the bottom of the flyer proclaimed:  "Death to the racist, imperialist, fascist and (filthy expletive) gringos, sons of bitches. We are determined to continue our defense, in front of you, amidst you and behind you."
Such brotherly love! However, Jew mayor Freedman didn’t seem to notice, or care, or mind those kind of hate mongers right close to home and in her own back yard. After all, they weren’t White. As every other organ of the Jewish propaganda in the U.S., every day of the week The Atlanta Prostitution proclaims in loud and glowing terms the joys and virtues of a multiracial society. It is, oh! so proud, of the polyglot races, languages, ethnic groups, and the renegades, derelicts and scum of the world that are gathering Into Atlanta. There are the Vietnamese, the Nicaraguans, the Cubans, the Hindus, the Mexicans, the Pakistanis, the Chinese and the Japanese, and not to mention the millions of niggers that swarm over the landscape. Best of all, the mayor is a mulatto nigger, as are the police commissioner, most of the city council and all the rest of the civil service cabal. How lucky can you get, says The Atlanta Prostitution, we are becoming such an international city. The fact that the Japanese are buying up many of the city’s most prominent skyscrapers is such a blessing, it not only adds investment capital to our city, but it all adds up to such a richness of our cultural mix. We all want to live in a polyglot, multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiplex, multifarious, polymorphic, motley, discordant, heterogeneous, incongruous, divergent, mixed-up and screwed-up society, don’t we?
No, we don’t! Not even the stupid niggers or Vietnamese want a polyglot society. Each of them wants to build and enlarge their enclave, to take over, to exterminate the other races and ethnic groups and rule the roost.
In Creative Credo No. 17 of The White Man’s Bible we clearly state a law of Nature and the uncompromising lessons of history, namely: only a homogeneous society can be governed and can endure. The first paragraph of this chapter lays down the basic principles of this observation:

Race Mixing Spells Death. History has proven over and over again that no multi-racial or polyglot society has survived for long. Just as in the previous chapter we have seen that a healthy body will not and cannot tolerate any alien organisms in itself, so also a society cannot survive admixture with alien elements. Let us learn this basic lesson for all time and heed it and heed it well! Let us state it another way: Any society whose elements are composed of two or more differentiated races will perpetually be at war within itself until it destroys itself. Usually the dregs of such a society will destroy the best elements and the former will survive to occupy the real estate in a more primitive social structure. Anarchy, poverty and misery will then become its normal life style. A prime example of this is the history of Haiti, which story we have related in a future chapter. But history abounds with any number of other examples. In our previous book, Nature’s Eternal Religion, we have cited a few such as Egypt, India and others."

Since the above chapter was written more than ten years ago, the evidence to support that conclusion ominously keeps piling up. As we look at the daily headlines and observe how the mud countries are faring on their own, we find the common denominator in every one of these "self-governing" mud countries is one of poverty, starvation, anarchy, revolution, crime and murder. I look at today’s paper and find the following:

One article, dateline Eravor, Sri Lanka, proclaims: "Gunmen murder 119 Muslims in Sri Lanka; Tamils blamed."

Another article, same page, dateline Johannesburg, South Africa: "9 die in fight at hostel for black S. Africans."

Dateline Paynesville, Liberia: "Liberian government counterattack loosens rebel grip." In the article it mentions further that 18 civilians were killed in the counterattack, and bodies of refugees and pieces of clothing from their bundles were scattered in the streets.

Karachi, Pakistan: "5 Bhutto cohorts held in corruption charges."

Sidon, Lebanon: "Battle between Lebanese Shiites kills 16."

Port-of-Spain, Trinidad: "Trinidad coup leader threatens hostages." Further in the article it says: the black Muslim leader of the attempted coup threatened to kill the prime minister and other government hostages and already 22 people had died in the uprising. Meanwhile, closer to home in our "model" multicultural city of Atlanta, which has the honor of being the Murder Capital of America (second only to that black jungle which is our nation’s capital), things are also stirring.

More than ten years ago, In order to revive the nigger infested "core" of the city of Atlanta, a lot of money was poured into building a tourist, entertainment and nightclub attraction "Atlanta Underground" in a below street level section. Much of this money came from the taxpayers. Despite all the shops, restaurants, attractions, and other businesses that were opened, the operation failed, mostly because the White people were afraid to venture into this crime infested nigger area. A few years ago, mulatto mayor Andy Young again tried to revive Underground Atlanta, pouring vast sums of public money into the venture and beefing up the police protection to the point where there were sometimes more law enforcement officers than customers. The Atlanta Prostitution went ecstatic in boosting the project, and for a time it seemed that the venture might become financially viable. But no more. The chickens are coming home to roost, and niggers and crime being inseparable, last week signs of drugs and gang warfare broke out into the open in Underground Atlanta. It seems that the warfare between two rival nigger gangs from Los Angeles, the Crips gang and the Bloods gang, has moved in. Last week the shooting started at the Peachtree entrance of Underground Atlanta, and one person was killed and two wounded. I predict that this second go-around of Underground Atlanta is doomed. It will go belly-up as did the first version. Problem: niggers.

Meanwhile in Balkanized Europe, our White Racial Comrades are having almost as many problems as the mixed-up mud countries. A headline across the page of a recent reporting of that area proclaims: "Balkan rivalries threaten to re-ignite Europe’s tinderbox." Dateline Zagreb, Yugoslavia, the article reports "Rioting broke out at a recent soccer game in Zagreb. But it wasn’t your run-of-the-mill European soccer fan violence. It was a bloody battle between Croats and Serbs, Yugoslavia’s two largest ethnic groups, whose hatred for each other runs centuries deep. 138 people were injured, 12 critically... Many see the violence as a precursor of what is to come."

The Balkans are undoubtedly Europe’s most volatile tinderbox. But they are by no means the only source of ethnic warfare and dissention. In Czechoslovakia there are unresolved tensions between the Czechs and Slovaks. No matter what treaties are signed by a reunited Germany about the permanency of the present borders, there were millions of ethnic Germans left behind in borders of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Russia, in the insane redrawing of the map of Europe after W.W. II. They are going to want to reunite with Germany. There are the Hungarian and the Romanian "ethnic minorities," each of which want separation. There are the Slovenians and the Croats who are at each others throats. The ethnic Albanians want separation from Yugoslavia. The list goes on and on, and is not confined to the Balkans. What is the solution to all this mess that has not only all the mud countries of the world in turmoil, but also the White European countries as well? Furthermore, the world’s foremost and most affluent country, the United States (we are only ten trillion dollars in the hole) is also rapidly sinking into a Balkanized swampland that will soon reach the status of a mongrelized poverty and anarchy ridden third world country. What is the solution? When we ask people this question, they throw up their hands and roll their eyeballs.

Well, we, the Church of the Creator, have a total, straightforward and meaningful solution, and, we believe, the only solution. We have the one and only winning formula, and we have spelled it out repeatedly before. But allow me to spell it out again, step by step. It is all polarized in the one word – RAHOWA!

1. In the first place, the White Race must unite on a worldwide basis. It must unite under one language (Latin), and one religion (Creativity).

2. Secondly, we must forget about trying to save all the scum, freeloaders and mud races of the world, and take whatever measures are necessary to save ourselves.

3. Thirdly, in order to do this, we must get the goddamned Jews off our back and take charge of our own affairs and our own destiny.

Until we do this nothing will be settled, and we, the White Race, will sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire, until mongrelization, slavery and extinction will be our final lot and dismal fate. If not Creativity, what else is there? If not now, when?
White Man, Unite and Fight! There is no other way out! Either we unite, get the Jews off our back and take over the world, or else all is lost. Otherwise, there Is no future for you, or your family, or your children. The prize is dazzling, the alternative is horrible beyond comprehension. No sacrifice is too great, no price is too high.
White Man, join with us!
Propagandize! Proselytize! Organize!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator


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