Wednesday 30 January 2019

Three Cheers For A United Germany!.....By Ben Klassen


But, if the White Race is to survive, Germans and all other Whites must put Racial Loyalty above National Loyalty

There is much rejoicing and great jubilation in Germany these days. In fact, there is an air of euphoria prevalent with all Germans all over the world. East and West Germanys are to be united! The Berlin Wall has been torn down! Communism Is collapsing! For the first time in 45 years eighty million Germans can pool their resources and face the world as one. It is indeed a great historical epoch for Germans.

Looking further into the future, beyond the present day euphoria, let us try and visualize the course of future developments, not from the perspective of Germany and Germans, but from the viewpoint of the total White Race and its present domination and enslavement by the conspiratorial Jewish network of evil gangsters. Although I personally am proud of the German people, am proud of my German heritage, I basically consider myself a member of the White Race, and it is there that my first loyalty belongs. Racial Loyalty in our book by far overrides and supersedes National Loyalty. With this in mind let us see what we can expect to develop in both the short and the long term course of world affairs.

Whereas the Germans are jubilant, their European neighbors are fearful and most apprehensive. Jew-loving stooge Margaret Thatcher is fearful that German, now with a population of 80 million energetic and industrious people, is going to dominate Europe and will out-produce and outtrade Britain and relegate Britain’s already shabby economy into utter chaos. And, she has good grounds for those fears. The Poles, who have seemingly thrown off the communist yoke, and whose economy is in utter chaos, are fearful that the Germans, once they have again established themselves as a major world power, will want to reclaim vast areas of their former lands that were forcefully torn from the Germans after their defeat. They, too, have solid grounds for their fears. Weak and debilitated France, who has feared a resurgent and expanding Germany ever since the beating France took in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, is fearful of German revanche, that Germany will not only push France’s tottering economy into further disintegration, but will eventually want to avenge herself for the atrocities heaped on Germany after both World Wars I and II, and might even want to reclaim Alsace-Lorraine. Russians, on the other hand, are now in such desperate straights, in such utter confusion and so preoccupied with their own mess, they have no particular fear of German as such, but only hope that a resurgent German economy will help bail out their hopeless predicament in Russia itself, a mess left them upon the collapse of their odious Jew-imposed communist legacy.

Within Germany itself there is much optimism and a resurgent spirit of Nationalism. As multitudes of hundreds of thousands of Germans gather to jubilate at the Brandenburg Gate, we can hear them again singing "Deutschland! Deutschland, uber Alles! Uber Alles in der Welt!", their hallowed national anthem that preceded World War I. It is their epitome of nationalism – Germany above everything in the world! However, they are far from being home safe, and their problems are prodigious. Seventeen million Germans in formerly East Germany are almost as destitute as their Soviet oppressors. Their housing, their factories, their roads and bridges, their whole city infra-structures (sewers, water systems, etc.,) are in a state of decay and neglect and that whole section of the country has to be rebuilt from the ground up.

Even more of a problem is the whole mental disorientation of the 17 million East Germans, who have been subjected to 45 years, two generations, of Jewish communist propaganda and ideology. The result, not surprisingly, is that most East Germans have been inculcated with the slave mentality of having their lives planned and directed by the state. This, of course, has destroyed much of the natural initiative inherent in most Germans, and also the opportunity to develop the ability to spawn private enterprise, a deficiency that cannot be restored overnight.

However, despite all these handicaps, I am confident that the Germans, being an intelligent, industrious and resourceful people, will not only overcome the 45 years of repression, but will in a few years rebound and become the most prosperous and economically powerful nation in the world, surpassing even the United States. Despite their new burdens, the Gross National Product of West Germany for this year is projected to Increase by 4.0%, ten times that of the United States, whose projected increase is only 0.4%. One big advantage the Germans have over the United States is that they will not only be a united people, but they will be a homogeneous people, the vast majority of which are industrious and competent, whereas no matter what the United States tries to undertake, it is saddled with vast hordes of niggers and other incompetent mud races, which threaten soon to become the majority in what was once a White Man’s domain of enterprise and opportunity. As they say, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

We now come to Germany’s political situation, which is not nearly as bright, and in fact, contains a multitude of sour notes. For one thing, the Jews still run Germany, as they do the rest of the world. Also, there are still 250,000 U.S. soldiers in West Germany. Since the Soviet Union is a bankrupt and broken down collection of polyglot factions and no longer a military threat (if it ever was), what are those 250,000 U.S. troops, on more than 100 military bases, doing in Germany? I’ll tell you what they are there for. They are in Germany to protect the parasitic Jews from the Germans and to make sure that the Germans will never be able to install a government of their own kind and of their own choosing. Then there are still 350,000 Soviet troops in East Germany. That is a pretty heavy army of occupation for a small geographic area containing only 17 million people. What are they there for? They were originally there to impose Jewish communism on the Germans and hold them in the communist tyranny’s slavery and bondage. Now that communism is crumbling in Russia itself, as well as most other Eastern European countries, they will probably move out at the insistence of a revitalized Germany, but I am sure not without extracting a heavy price, a heavy handed piece of blackmail, to make the Germans pay to help bail out the rotten Soviet economy.
However, whether the 250,000 U.S. troops and/or the 350,000 Soviet troops will pull out at all, Is, in my opinion, still very questionable. It will depend very much on events in Russia, in Europe, in the Middle East, and, above all, in the home power base of the Jews, the United States itself. We can be fairly certain the Jews are not going to release their stranglehold on the Germans, whom they fear more than any other people on the face of the earth. And for good reason. The atrocities the Jews have heaped on the Germans in the last one hundred years are so horrible that if the Germans ever get into a position to do so, and are inclined to wreak vengeance, the total price would be to wipe out the Jewish population in toto. (Read again "Avenge Dresden!" in R.L. 51 and 52.)

However, even if Germany again should get its house in order and control of its own destiny, which is not likely, the problems of the present mess in Europe under existing ideology and accepted values, are Impossible of solution. The Jews have seen to that. Here is an excerpt from the newsletter of July/August, 1990, called Teutonic Unity, which is published by Manfred Roeder, a long-time German patriot who has spent several years in prison for his Germanic views. I quote:

"Yes, the Poles should live in secure borders, just like any other nation. I sincerely hope so. But this is just the reason why I can never accept the Oder-Neisse-Line as Germany’s border. Only a just border can be secure. Injustice can never guarantee security but rather the contrary: unrest for generations to come. And the Oder-Neisse is blatant injustice, it is a crime, dictated by Stalin and meant to perpetuate the hatred between Germans and Poles.
I cannot accept the Oder-Neisse-Line because I do not want a new conflict or war about it. And no German Parliament or government can foresee how coming generations will think about this robbery of territory, and therefore nobody can guarantee anything for the future. Beyond the Oder-Neisse lies one fourth of undisputed German land that has been German for 750 years, as long as Berlin.

Accepting this annexation means that Germany will be entitled In the future to retaliate likewise and – if circumstances change (and they change all the time) – take not only all her lost territories back but in addition one fourth of original Polish land up to the gates of Warsaw. And we would have the ‘right’ to expel all the inhabitants of this territory and connive the death of a few million in the process. And we could do it with no bad conscience at all, for up till now no Pole has ever regretted this crime against the German people or apologized for it. On the contrary, inflamed and sanctioned by the Catholic Church, one propagates in the most shameless manner historic lies of the ‘homecoming of ancient Polish lands’. And on top they demand reparations for damage during the war. Can we build a new Europe on such a foundation of lies and effrontery? Never!"

Now Manfred Roeder is not a man of any great influence in Germany or anywhere else. But the bottom line is that what he is saying represents the gut feeling of the vast majority of Germans, and once they have the power, they will demand a return of their stolen territories, that I can guarantee.
The present reality of the European situation is such that, communism or no communism, its nationalistic hatreds, grievances, boundary disputes, religious feuds and a hundred other problems are insoluble, if Germany again becomes the world power of which it is capable, promises or no promises, it will on nationalistic grounds demand a return of its lost territories. So will a number of other polyglot political divisions whose ethnic groups and convoluted boundaries are an insoluble nightmare. Europe will then be back to Square One, where it was in the 1930’s and war will again ensue. I repeat, the linguistic, political, religious and ethnic mess in Europe under the present state of values and ideology is insoluble. Two of the most implacable villains in the piece are Nationalism and Christianity.

Is there a solution? Yes, there is, and Creativity and only Creativity has the solution. The answer is a complete Revolution of Values through Religion. Unless we can persuade the White Race to think in terms of their most important value of all, their biological bond, instead of their national and linguistic differences, we will never solve any of the world’s problems, and the Jew with his diabolical technique of "Divide and Conquer" will again set the world on fire and destroy us all.

Think about it, White Man: Survival of the White Race, or going through the same old suicidal rat race of Whites killing Whites?

Remember, Whites now constitute less than 10% of the total world population, and, if present demographic trends continue, in 80 years Whites will be less than 1% (one percent!) of the total world population. It is high time for all Whites to unite as a racial entity and fight for its own survival. United under the banner of Racial Loyalty we can build a Whiter and Brighter World, but divided under banners of National Loyalty we are doomed to extinction.

White People Awake!
Save the White Race!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church Of The Creator


                                    ARTICLE TAKEN FROM RACIAL LOYALTY #65
                                                        NOVEMBER 17AC (1990)


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