Saturday 2 February 2019

"Desert Sheild" and The Brutal Israeli Massacre of Arabs on Islam's Holy Grounds...By Ben Klassen

Israeli arrogance and American stupidity

We are all familiar with the expression of a case where the tail is wagging the dog, although we have never seen it happen to a dog. However, it would be difficult to find a more exemplary situation to which this epigram can be applied than were we to take a good look at the now impending war that is about to explode on the hot sands of the Arabian desert. If there was ever a case of a tail-like appendage wagging the much larger body of the dog, a prime example is being demonstrated by what is happening in the Middle East, where the louse-infested Israeli tail is wagging the larger American dog.

Never in the history of the world has such a miserably small parasitic state as Israel manipulated, exploited and controlled so completely the world’s most powerful economic and military nation, namely the United States of America. The situation is so stupid and so bizarre the average hoodwinked and gullible American doesn’t seem to be able to believe and comprehend the obvious facts unraveling before his or her very eyes. They seem to remain blindfolded even after the facts are clearly and meticulously laid out to them.
In this article it is our objective to review recent events, to review the facts and lay them out in logical order with the hope that we can educate the best elements of the White Race, bring them to their senses and arouse them to lead the entire White Race to active struggle against the Jewish Conspiracy.
Jewish Massacre of Arabs
George Bush, our chabez-goy president, had been, oh, so careful In putting together what would seem like an international coalition against that bogeyman of the hour, Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Much treachery, deceit and bribery had gone into this operation. Egypt and her Jewish lackey, Hosni Mubarak, had been bribed with a seven billion dollar "Forgiveness’ of her debts to the United States, at the expense of the White American taxpayers, of course. Syrian President Hafez al-Assad had been bribed with a monumental sum of eight hundred million dollars, to go to him personally. For this huge amount Assad could pretend to love a lot of Jews and betray the masses of his own people. Half of this amount would come from the Saudis and the Kuwaitis, and the other half from, guess who?, that perpetual patsy – the White American taxpayer. The way this last 400 million is to be paid is in itself a masterpiece in camouflage. Half of it will be funneled through the CIA and the other half through Israel, and the American taxpayer will never know the difference. The other non-Arab collaborators, such as France, Britain and others, have their own chabez-goy traitors, such as Margaret Thatcher, and the Jews can turn them on and off at will.

There is one other little dirty trick Shabby George had up his sleeve. Just before the Iraqi invasion on August 2, 1990, he had our state department and their mouthpieces make it clear to Saddam Hussein that the United States would look the other way and not interfere, should he decide to take over Kuwait. In fact, only two days before the August 2 invasion White House spokeswoman Margaret Tutwiler openly declared at a news conference that the U.S. had no commitment to defend Kuwait from invasion.

Shabby George had put together a real slick deal (such a deal!) and had good reason to gloat in his craftiness. Why, he had Bush-whacked Saddam into invading Kuwait, giving the U.S. JOG a pretext to move a massive aggregation of American troops into the Middle East to defend Israel. In addition, now the whole world was against Saddam, even the Arabs, he crowed.
Through coercion, through bribery, by means of dirty tricks and treachery George Bush-whacker had put together an extremely precarious coalition, which perhaps could stay together for a short time, provided no one rocked the boat, and provided the attack against Iraq is launched before the shaky allies might take a second look at what they had gotten into. Also, providing Israel stood aside and was not implicated in the phoney war that Bush was conniving at the instigation of Israel.

But on Monday, October 8, 1990, Israel pulled a major snafu that put her right In the middle of this carefully staged but precarious exercise in hypocrisy and deceit. On that day, while some 3,000 Jews pretended to be "wailing" at the Wailing Wall, all hell broke loose. This Wailing Wall is actually the wall of a Moslem shrine that encloses some 35 acres of Holy ground which the Arabs call Haram al-Sharif, their term for Noble Enclosure. In it is the gold topped Dome of the Rock Mosque, and also the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third most holy shrine, after Mecca and Medina. The Arabs have owned this ground for more than a thousand years. The Jews in the last two decades have tried to steal this "holy ground" from the Arabs, and claim this is the site of their biblical Second Temple. They vow to pull down and demolish the Moslem Temples and rebuild their Jewish Temple on this same ground, which they call The Temple Mount.

In fact, on this same Jewish Holy Day, a rabbi-led Jewish mob tried to sneak the first cornerstone of their to be rebuilt temple on to the site. This set off a riot, with the Arabs throwing rocks at the Jewish mob, the only weapons the Arabs had. The Jewish police, heavily armed with American-financed Uzi automatic machine guns responded with premeditated brutality firing live ammunition at the unarmed Arabs, on the holy ground legitimately belonging to the Arabs. In a matter of minutes 21 Arabs lay dead, and more than 150 wounded, a massacre of major proportions by any standards.

Now Shabby George’s precarious and artificial coalition against Iraq is rapidly unraveling due to Israel’s "indiscretions," but George the Jew-lover Bush is reluctant to criticize Israel and her hot-head Prime Minister Shitsack Shamir. After all, the only true purpose of that "coalition and the entire "Desert Shield" operation is to protect Israel against Arabs in general, and Iraq in particular. "Desert Shield" for Israel  
As a Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) in most deceptive Jewish campaigns (and all Jewish campaigns are deceptive) the focus or target of their campaign is usually ad hominem, that is, concentrated on a person. Select a given person as the target and then go all out to vilify, denounce, slander, lie, attack and finally destroy that person. In World War I, it was the Kaiser, in World War II, it was Adolf Hitler. Since that tragic Jewish debacle, we have had any number of lesser targets of Jewish hate. At one time it was Ayatolla Khomeini, another time it was Muamar Khaddafi, at another time it was Daniel Ortega, and at another – Manuel Noriega. Today all guns of Jewish propaganda are firing at Saddam Hussein, although only two years ago he was the American buddy and we were supporting him in the cruel and destructive war against our then enemy Iran.
Let us again review the meaningless twaddle and idiotic charges that the Jew-manipulated George Bush is hurling at Saddam Hussein as pretexts to drag our young manhood half way around the world to suffer, sweat and die on the hot 120 degree sands of Saudi Arabia. All this at tremendous expense to our chaotic and floundering economy. All this to fight a war that Israel wants and manipulates, but is completely useless and meaningless to the White American taxpayers and our boys sent to Saudi Arabian deserts to die for Israel.

Saddam Hussein is a big bully, an aggressor pouncing on a weaker neighbor.
Well, George, old boy, this is the pot calling the kettle black. If you will jog your memory a bit and recall as recently as last December, you, the biggest bully in the world, pounced on your once partner in drugs, and beat the hell out of Panama. The inequality of the big bully and the little victim was much greater than between Iraq and Kuwait. What sayest thou about that? And then, George, if you will recall, in the not too distant past there was Grenada.

We, the U.S., cannot tolerate aggression anywhere in the world. What a goddamn laugh! The United States of America has hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in dozens of foreign countries where they are hated and unwanted, especially the nigger troops. The largest number of bases and contingents of troops are in Germany supposedly to defend the German people, another big belly laugh. So, we will not tolerate aggression anywhere in the world? Well, how come we tolerated the Soviet aggression against the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries? How come we not only tolerate but actively support and bankroll the continued Israeli aggression against the Arabs?

 We, the U.S., are determined to restore the legitimate government of Kuwait. Having deposed and imposed any number of legitimate and illegitimate governments all over the world (e.g., Vietnam, Nicaragua, Palestine, Panama, Philippines, Germany, etc.,) who in the hell are we to say whose governments are legal or illegal? The American people couldn’t care less whether some pompous fat billionaire "emir" governs Kuwait, or whether it becomes a province of Iraq. Certainly they are not willing to spend 20 billion a year and have their sons sweat, suffer and be killed on the hot desert sands of Saudi Arabia just to put some greasy "emir" and his coterie back on the throne.

 We must protect our vital interests in this oil rich territory. What vital interests? What possible "vital" difference does it make to us whether one Arab or another sells us the oil from Kuwait? If we had not dragged our vast military forces halfway around the world into the land of the Arabs, Saddam Hussein would still be selling us and other countries oil as usual, and it would still be around $20 a barrel, instead of $40. There never was any threat that Kuwait oil would cease flowing, and furthermore, only a minor 1.5% of our oil supply formerly came from Kuwait. Why does George Bush keep lying to us? Now that we have thrown a blockade around both Iraq and Kuwait, we have cut off our nose to spite our face, and cut off the oil supply to the world of not only one country but two.

 Saddam Hussein was surely going to invade Saudi Arabia next. The fact is we have no evidence of what Saddam Hussein’s intentions were or are at present, unless we claim to be mind readers, which we are not. His statements and actions after the occupation of Kuwait Indicate that he had no aggressive plans against Saudi Arabia. Our Jewish propaganda machinery, otherwise known as "mass communication media," is just plain lying to us as it did 25 years earlier about Vietnam and the domino effect and all that nonsense for which 57,000 young American lives were sacrificed in the jungles of Vietnam.  And even if Iraq were to invade Saudi Arabia, we again come to the basic question, what damn difference does it make to the average American whether we buy our oil from one Arab or another?  

In studying all the above highly touted charges against Iraq, we can come to only one conclusion: they are all a passel of lies and phoney as hell. There is only one basic and meaningful reason why the Bush administration has dragged hundreds of thousands of our boys halfway around the world to suffer and sweat and die on the hot sands of Arabia, and that is – Israel. It Is Israel and the domestic Jewish network in America that has given the orders and is calling the shots. They want us to go to war to smash the military potential of Iraq and other Arab countries which might pose a threat to Israel.

All Arab countries are Intently hostile towards Israel and for good reason. The Jewish intrusion into Palestine and what it has done to the native Arab population was a brutal act of aggression that raised havoc not only with the Palestinians, but because of the mighty backing of the world’s foremost power, the United States, has created chaos and hostility in all of the Middle East. It has wrecked once prosperous Lebanon, it has set the United States against Libya, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and many other countries. Since the Jews control world affairs and especially the United States, they have managed to either bribe these countries, such as Egypt, or destroy them by military force, such as Lebanon, all at the expense of the White American taxpayers. Evidently today Israel considers Iraq as its most serious threat and has managed to manipulate the stooges that head the American government to use our vast military resources to smash Iraq.

But evidently the Jewish Kehilla is thinking beyond Iraq. George "Read-My-Lips" Bush keeps talking about THE NEW WORLD ORDER, and about the LONG-TERM commitment of the U.S. forces to the Desert Shield Operation. It seems to me I have read about the New Order somewhere in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, how the word will go out from Jerusalem and from Zion, and how the Jews will rule the world. Evidently the U.S. military forces are to remain In the Arabian desert permanently In order to protect Israel not only from Iraq, but also from all other Arab countries. Just as we have had anywhere from 250,000 to 350,000 American troops in Germany for the last 45 years to protect the Jews from the Germans, so now we are evidently settling in permanently in the Middle East to protect the Jews in Israel from the Arabs.
Holy War against Jewish Tyranny

However, I am confident that the Jewish tyranny throughout the world might soon be coming to an end. What the U.S. JOG is doing in Saudi Arabia today is the beginning of the end. The American presence in the Arab Holy Land, home of Mecca and Medina, is stirring up a hornet’s nest that cannot and will not be contained.
The so-called "alliances" Bush is trying to put together are extremely precarious and none of them, including the non-Arab allies, have any stomach to do the dirty work for the Jews. They all hate Israel with a passion, and America, the chief bankroller of Israel, is included as the principal accomplice in Israel’s crimes. It is only through vast amounts of bribery and/or threats that we have these so-called "allies" consenting to rendering token aid. The fact is our blatant, biased and slavish defense of Israel is stirring up a Jihad, an Islamic Holy War that is uniting 150 million Arabs in the area to vent their wrath against both Israel and the United States.  At the same time, this transparent pro-Jewish treachery, deceit and hypocrisy of the U.S. JOG is stirring the White people in America and the world to join us in the RAcial HOly WAr (RAHOWA) against the Jewish tyranny.

Israel and the Jews have over-reached themselves and they will soon find themselves between a rock and a hard place, between the wrath of a holy war waged by the Islamic forces and a Racial Holy War waged by the most powerful force on the face of the earth – a united White Race. It is our sacred duty to see to it that this comes about, and soon. Already the fires of rebellion and opposition against this stupid war are springing up in the streets in many parts of the United States, and in foreign countries as well. The familiar Vietnam slogans of yesterday are now being revised to read:
Hell no, we won’t go!
We won’t fight for Texaco!
Perhaps it doesn’t rhyme, but it would be more on the mark to proclaim:
Hell no, we won’t go!
We won’t fight for Israel!

All of the known White Racialist publications have strongly condemned the Jew-orchestrated U.S. military moves in the Middle East. Some of the pro-White activists, such as Matt Hale in Chicago, have publicly burned the Israeli flag and organized demonstrations against the Jewish conspiracy to fight Israeli wars with American soldiers. It seems that the anti-Israeli protest is not limited only to the White Racialists. According to the October 21st Sunday edition of The Atlanta Journal, thousands of protesters against "the pro-war hysteria" took to the streets in various U.S. cities, as well as a number of foreign countries, including Australia, England, France, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Spain and even Panama. Let us hope this is the beginning of a broad rebellion to break the tyrannical stranglehold of the Jewish serpent.

The duty to rebel against tyrants and traitors

That greatest of all leaders, Adolf Hitler, admonished us with these words of wisdom in Mein Kampf:  "If, by the instrument of governmental authority, a people Is being driven to its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right but the duty of every member of that people." The government of the United States, led by such racial traitors as President Bush, flanked by mulatto nigger Chief of Staff Powell, and Jewish Secretary of Defense Cheney, is indeed leading the White people of the United States and the world to disaster and destruction.

The traitors and tyrants have the (Jewish) law, but we have the right! It is our right and duty to mobilize Nature’s Finest, the White Race, the most powerful force on the face of the earth, and wage a White Racial Holy War, and do it now.

Only Creativity has the religious zeal, the creed and program to do a complete and final job. In Creativity we have the TOTAL PROGRAM, the FINAL SOLUTION and the ULTIMATE CREED for White racial survival, expansion and advancement. Join with us in our sacred cause and do your part in building a powerful steamroller to smash the Jewish tyranny and get the Jewish parasites off our back, once and for all.

Delenda est Judaica! RAHOWA!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church Of The Creator

                                ARTICLE TAKEN FROM RACIAL LOYALTY #66
                                                      DECEMBER 17AC (1990)  

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