Tuesday 19 February 2019

The Impending Pro-Jewish War in the Middle East...By Ben Klassen


JOG Treachery: There’s more than meets the eye
The Impending Pro-Jewish War in the Middle East

Iraq, Bush-whacked and Booby-trapped, is only a pretext for the treacherous JOG to move U.S. armed forces into the Middle East for protection of Israel.

The overwhelming majority of Americans have been grossly misled and misinformed about the war that is now Impending in the Middle East. The Jew-dominated media has seen to that, along with some massive help from our Bush-whacker president. To hear the Jewsmedia tell it, everything was going just fine out there in the Arabian desert, Iraq and Saddam Hussein were the best of our buddies, until suddenly Saddam had this strange Impulse to invade Kuwait. Then in a matter of minutes the whole situation turned topsy-turvy and the dictator of Iraq Instantly became the world’s most sinister and dangerous villain. Suddenly our "vital Interests" were at stake, our way of life was threatened, Saddam was a dangerous threat to all of mankind, and not only must he be destroyed but also the total Iraqi military machine along with him. Surprise! Surprise!

There is much deception in this posture, as we shall see, and it is the American public who is most deceived, snookered and bamboozled, of all the parties involved. Like in a Hollywood movie script, through conspiracy, deceit and deliberately planned machinations, our JOG, in collaboration with the Jews in Israel, has set in motion a military operation to fight Israel’s wars with American soldiers. Let us try to put the Individual pieces together.

Piece No. 1 Planning the Destruction of Iraq

In the first place, Bush-whacker George, manipulated by his Jewish mentors, was not surprised at all, but was treacherously laying plans for the event to happen at least 18 months before the August 2, 1990, invasion of Kuwait. In an article dated October 25, 1990, in The Atlanta Constitution, there is a detailed story about how the strategy was hatched with the objective of destroying Iraq. I quote: "Starting in March 1989, Army Lt. General John Yeosock and his 500 war-garners, fuel-estimators and other planners sat at a Georgia military base and thought about how they could move 200,000 troops to Saudi Arabia."

The story goes on. "The top-secret work in Building 363 of Atlanta’s Fort McPherson spelled out the Army’s part of the enterprise. By July 1990, the cigar smoking General Yeosock and his three-star and four-star counterparts in the Navy, Marines and Air Force were ready for the test run." Test run indeed. It is more than a coincidence that by July the military was ready to roll, and by August they did roll.

Piece No. 2 Enter Dr. Gerald V. Bull

For some 25 years Dr. Bull, a Canadian born space and ballistics genius who has been compared to Dr. Werner von Braun, has been designing super artillery, cannons/rockets. His Canadian-American High Altitude Research Program (HARP) has broken all records for long-range artillery. For 15 years the Pentagon has turned down Dr. Bull’s offers and strenuous efforts to equip U.S. armed forces with the advanced 155 mm and other long ranged projectiles. That was ten years ago. In the meantime, Dr. Bull’s Space Research Corp., rebuffed by the United States, turned its attention and its production of long range artillery to Iraq, who snapped up the opportunity with gusto. Iraq now has the capability of delivering poison gas and biological warfare missiles into the camps of our boys, who are set up like sitting ducks in the Arabian desert. What with using rocket boosters equipped with homing devices, Saddam Hussein can also deliver such projectiles directly into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, hence the extensive distribution of gas masks in Israel.

Why did the United States turn down Dr. Bull and allow him to turn his efforts and genius to the benefit of Iraq instead? Since this didn’t happen overnight but over a period of decades, it must have been a planned and deliberate action on the part of our military establishment. It is a strange puzzle, but this piece, too, fits into the overall picture. Evidently JOG wanted Iraq and Saddam Hussein to have enough destructive military power to make him seem a credible threat to world peace, and also probably to be able to kill a significant number of American boys. The situation is not unlike Pearl Harbor in 1941 when Roosevelt and the Jews acted dumb and silent and allowed the Japs to bomb Pearl Harbor, destroy our Pacific fleet, kill more than 3,000 of our men in one day. All the while the traitors in the White House and the Pentagon knew months in advance that the attack was coming. In fact, they were shadowing the Japanese fleet and knew the day and the hour when the Japs would strike. The Dr. Bull episode suspiciously appears to be a similar case.

There is one difference. When the imminent danger to Israel became all too real, on March 22 of this year, Dr. Gerald V. Bull was assassinated by the Mossad at his Space Research Center in Brussels, Belgium.

Piece No. 3 Creating a Pretext

We now come to the recent train of events, July, 1990. By this time the planners in Atlanta were ready and now needed a dramatic pretext to send all those troops and heavy machinery over there into that hot, godforsaken Arabian desert. How convenient then that on August 2, 1990, Saddam invaded postage-stamp sized Kuwait. Was this most propitious timing accidental? Did it just happen? Hardly.

Just days before the Invasion, Jewish stooge Bushwhacker George took Saddam by the hand, led him by the nose and told him to go ahead and realize his long-standing ambition of grabbing that most cherished prize – oil rich Kuwait.

The American spoon-fed encouragement could hardly have been more explicit, as shown by the train of events that immediately preceded the August 2 invasion. On July 25, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, met with Saddam. A transcript of that meeting shows that ambassador Gillespie told Saddam that "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts like your border dispute with Kuwait." This, obviously, with the blessing of President Bush and Secretary of State James Baker. In fact, Bush followed this up further with a personal message underlining ambassador Gillespie’s message, with only a gentle hint that it was not ‘nice" to use force against a neighbor. This position was further waffled by the White House spokeswoman Margaret Tutwiler, a few days later, stating during a press conference that the U.S. had no commitment to defend Kuwait from invasion.

Piece No. 4 Premeditated Reaction

No sooner had Saddam taken the bait when all hell broke loose. "Kinder, gentler" chabez-goy George Bush now Immediately became a roaring lion, and he immediately began screaming war and moving troops. Now there was no waffling. The Jews had written the script for his speeches a long time ago, and the movement of the troops had been meticulously planned for the last 18 months, as previously described. It all went according to the script.

It was a monumental decision to launch a major war in the midst of the Arab nations, the consequences and ramifications of which were far-reaching and unpredictable. The American economy was already tottering and on the brink of disaster, but Bush-whacker George seemed completely indifferent about the tremendous cost such a war would inflict upon the American people in terms of money and American lives. And where was Congress all this time? Quiet as a mouse. That, too, was all in the prearranged script. It seemed that Jewish stooge Bush alone was now the grand commander-in-chief, making the decisions and calling all the shots, while Congress, which alone by the Constitution is empowered to declare war, stood supinely by, presumably supporting a bellicose president whose rhetoric was now screaming for an all out war.

Piece No. 5   Huge New Oil Reserves Discovered in Saudi Arabia

There is one more element that has been tacitly ignored by the Jewsmedia. According to the October 29 Issue of Spotlight, a gigantic new and untapped oil field has recently been discovered in a remote area of the Saudi desert. It is claimed to be the largest accumulation of oil anywhere on the face of the earth discovered in the last 20 years, and enough to keep the Saudis pumping oil well into the 22nd century. Although its discovery has been known for some time, its existence has been discreetly kept quiet so as not to raise undue suspicions about the coming war in the Middle East. The question is: who will control the future of this huge, strategic asset – the Jews or the Arabs? With the massive military might of the United States firmly in the hands of the Jews, only the unraveling of history will tell the tale.

Piece No. 6  The Winners and the Losers

Despite the tremendous stakes of who will control the oil of the Middle East, the real and paramount issue of the impending war in the Arabian desert is the protection of Israel and maintaining the Jewish control of the world. If this now becomes a shooting war, the destruction on both sides will be catastrophic. As in the American Civil War, as In Worlds I and II, and most other wars, the numbers of people killed, wounded and maimed are always much larger and the wars last much longer than the trigger happy instigators initially led us to believe. Tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of American boys will be killed. But the Jews couldn’t care less.

The Jews would like to see the neighboring Arab countries such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan and even Egypt destroyed, pulverized and pounded to a pulp, as has already happened to neighboring Lebanon, once a prosperous and peaceful Christian country.

The Jews plan to have American forces in the Middle East and on Arab soil permanently to protect them from 150 million hostile Arabs. The cost to the White Americans will be crushing and overwhelming, it will further escalate the ruination of a rapidly disintegrating America, but it will tighten the Jewish grip on America and the rest of the world.

Saudi Arabia will lose control of its oil and its sovereignty as well, as will Kuwait, Iraq, the Emirates and the rest of the Arabs. It will all fall into Jewish hands, at least that is the aim of the Jewish vampire.


There is only one way out of this bloody mess and only the White Race can mobilize the powerhouse to expunge and destroy the Jewish plague. We must take the bull by the horns and confront the goddamned Jewish menace head-on. In order to do so, we must organize and mobilize the total resources of the 500 million White Minority that still remains on this planet. We must polarize into one mighty movement, one battering ram. We must smash Judaism and its auxiliary tentacle, Christianity, and replace it with a vital, meaningful, no holds barred White Racial Religion – Creativity. Only Creativity has the answer, the creed and program to do that job. Join with us, White Racial Comrades, and help build a Whiter and Brighter World for yourself, your family and your future progeny. Delenda Est Judaica! RAHOWA!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church Of The Creator


                                   ARTICLE TAKEN FROM RACIAL LOYALTY #66
                                                        DECEMBER 17AC(1990)

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