Monday 4 March 2019

Rev Matt Hale...Letter To The Editor (2019)

The agents of the Deep State never tire of trying to find something to use to impeach President Trump. Since Trump’s election in 2016, these change agents have harassed and persecuted people who have been close to the President whether it be members of his campaign, his transition team, his cabinet and even his family. When none of this worked, they have targeted people who worked for and with Trump in his personal and business life.

The latest target is a lawyer once hired by Trump, one Michael Cohen. It has been alleged that Cohen’s wife has been threatened with a long prison sentence by Special Council Mueller for some transgression and so it is obvious that Cohen will provide the Deep State whatever he thinks that its agents—including Mueller—want. President Trump has responded to Cohen’s allegations by pointing out that when one hires an attorney, he does so with the expectation that that person will fulfill his obligations under the law—but there isn’t much that can be done when exactly the opposite obtains.

If there is anyone who knows about this betrayal of a client by an attorney, it is Matthew Hale. Matt’s trial was a study in illegitimacy, unconstitutionality and criminality. The man he hired to protect him was only slightly less hostile than the prosecutor, the judge and several members of the jury, especially the jury foreman. His lack of professionalism was breathtaking. First, he refused to interview Matt while he was incarcerated at MCC in Chicago, though his office was located across the street.. Apparently, the gentleman didn’t care for the atmosphere of the holding facility. Then, he refused to allow Matt to sit in on the entire procedure of jury selection, his right under the law, telling Matt he didn't need to do that. When Matt told him that he wished to testify in his own defense—another of his guaranteed rights—the attorney refused to put him on the stand saying he wasn't prepared to do that. The final farce in this whole exhibition of injustice was Matt’s “advocate’s” charge to the jury; that is, that they should convict Matt because of his morals. What about the legal charge against him? Not enough was said by Matt’s lawyer and too much was said to the jury by the prosecutor including charges that were never in evidence in the trial itself! 

As for the judge, he just wanted to be somewhere else and had no interest in all of the miscarriages of justice that took place in his courtroom. One would think that the outcome of such monstrous injustice would have been the granting of Matt’s appeals against his conviction—but not so. Apparently, the Appellate Court was as unjust as the trial court. 

Matthew Hale was the victim of a hate crime perpetrated by the government itself. He was convicted in part because of an attorney who, while supposedly “representing” him was more interested in money than justice. Given what happened to Matthew Hale, all decent, patriotic Americans should be very uneasy indeed regarding the fate of Donald Trump at the hands of that same system with his former attorney now acting as an agent of the Deep State.

Matt Hale 15177-424
U.S. Penitentiary Max,
PO.Box 8500, Florence, CO

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