Tuesday 19 June 2018

We Won! .....By Ben Klassen

The Establishment’s Tax Assessor did not win this round

We might not chalk up too many victories against the Jewish power establishment, but the recent decision of the North Carolina Tax Commission in our favor is a welcome exception.
Terrorist Tactics Against Us in the Past

As everyone who has been reading Racial Loyalty for the past several years knows only too well, the Jewish ADL in collaboration with the Christian churches has been hounding and harassing us from the time we poured the foundation for our church building back in 1982. In June of 1983 we were shot at (our logo on the front of the building still shows a number of bullet holes from a double-O pellets shotgun blast). In the same sneak attack in early hours (2:30 a.m.) of the morning of June 15, 1983, our church was also firebombed and only the timely arrival of the local fire department saved it from destruction.

Since we did not run and fold up shop, a number of scare and harassment tactics were continued to be aimed against us. For example, in June of 1986 Hasta Primus Rev. Carl Messick heard voices on the grounds near our church, laughing and loudly proclaiming that they were going to shoot out our yard lights, burn down the church and shoot the "dude" (Rev. Messick) when he came running out. In anticipation of impending trouble, we immediately called the Sheriff’s department to inform them of the threats. In the meantime, while the Sheriff’s department dragged their feet in arriving, sure enough, a car drove up our road (at about 3:30 a.m.) up to my house, turned around and stopped in front of the church. I jumped into my car (rifle in hand) to pursue. As they fled out of our domain, Rev. Messick was waiting for them at the end of our private road trying to stop the attackers. When they would not stop and in fact tried to run him down, he unleashed a fusillade of a dozen or more rounds from his M-1, aiming low. It riddled the car with a number of bullet holes, flattened their tires, but nevertheless they escaped. This dramatic incident evidently scared the hell out of any further vandals, and we have not had any such assaults since, although you never know when some fool may try again.

"Legal" Strong-arm Tactics Now Being Employed Against Us
In the last year the ADL and the power establishment switched their tactics from physical terrorism and intimidation to using "legal" strong-arm tactics instead in their attempt to break us. After having applied for real estate tax exemption, the same as any other church, and having such granted for 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988, a new tax assessor, one Richard Lightner, evidently volunteered to front as the tool of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to do the dirty job.

On February 14, 1989 we received a first notice that arbitrarily and capriciously the tax assessor was summarily revoking our tax-exempt status. This started a whole chain of hearings, appeals and legal maneuvering that cost us (so far) at least $7000 in legal and other expenses, not to mention the time, aggravation and energy expended. It probably cost the county (meaning the taxpayers) another $30,000 in legal fees and other expenses. All this for a $800 a year tax revenue, something that cannot be justified by the county other than it is the vindictive and malicious strong-arm abuse of the power to tax in order to destroy someone whose beliefs they hate with a vengeance. And what is that belief that the Jewish power establishment hates so vehemently? It is the right of the White Race to assert its Constitutional rights for its own survival, expansion and advancement.

On our part we would be better off financially to throw in the towel and pay the taxes. But only temporarily. It would only be the opening gun of further legal maneuvering to close us down. They know it and we know it. As Gen. MacArthur said "there is no substitute for victory," and we have just won the first round.
All this maneuvering ended in the state capital, namely Raleigh, North Carolina, when a hearing on our appeal was held on September 21, 1989 before the North Carolina Property Tax Commission. On December 22, 1989 the Commission came out with their eleven page Report and Decision. It was decidedly in our favor. Without quoting the Report in its entirety, this is what the Decision states:
Conclusions of Law

Based on our review of the applicable law, the evidence, and our findings of fact, the North Carolina Property Tax Commission makes the following conclusions of law:
1. The County’s motion to dismiss is denied. In the Commission’s view, the Appellant made a timely appeal from an adverse decision of the local board. The Commission has subject matter jurisdiction over such appeals, and the Taxpayer’s notice of appeal stated a claim upon which the Commission could give relief, namely, that the Appellant protested the removal of a previously granted exemption from ad valorem taxation.

2. The Commission does not address the Taxpayer’s motions to quash certain subpoenas issued in connection with the appeal. In view of the Commission’s disposition of this appeal, these motions are now moot.

3. The Commission denies the County’s motion for sanctions against the Appellant, The Commission has no lawful authority to impose such sanctions.
4. The Commission concludes as a matter of law that the Macon County Assessor did not employ a lawful procedure in removing, for the tax year 1989, the exemption previously granted.
5. The Commission concludes as a matter of law that the Macon County Board of Equalization and Review for 1989 had no authority to remove the previously granted exemption from the subject property for the tax year 1989 under the circumstances presented in this appeal. But for the Assessor’s letter of February 14, 1989, the Appellant would not have appealed to the local board.

6. The Commission concludes that the Macon County Assessor, in his letter dated February 14, 1989, exceeded the authority granted to county assessors under the law. Wherefore, it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed that the decision of the Macon County Board of Equalization and Review for 1989, removing the exemption from ad valorem taxation of the subject property for the tax year 1989, is REVERSED. 12/22/89.  

The ADL Continues Its Attacks Against Us

The matter should end there, but it will not. The ADL is apparently goading the Macon County Commissioners to pursue this matter viciously and maliciously no matter what the cost, no matter what the financial consequences. (The County undoubtedly has already spent more in legal fees than they would collect in taxes from us in the next forty years!) At a special meeting on January 8, 1990, in a split vote they decided to appeal, and drag this matter on indefinitely.

We on our part are determined to defend our rights of freedom of religion, freedom of speech and defend the rights of the White Race to the limits of our ability for the next hundred years if necessary.
We are damn well determined that if the Jewish synagogues, the Black Muslims and thousands of other religious cult groups and institutions are allowed tax exemption, then we will demand, yes, demand, equal rights. Furthermore, we intend to sue the County summarily, and each individual member of the County Commission, for punitive damages running into the upper six figures for their arbitrary, capricious, deliberate and malicious abuse of tyrannical power to violate our civil and religious rights. Before we are through, we hope to teach these Jew-manipulated tyrants and race traitors that they cannot willy-nilly play fast and loose with the constitutional rights of the White Race. It will be a lesson they won’t soon forget!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator


FEB 17AC (1990)

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