Saturday 27 September 2014

Rev Hale Lawsuit vs B.O.P Update

My Fellow Brothers and Sisters!

As part of my current lawsuit against the B.O.P., I need all of you to write a letter explaining the importance of our Creativity religion in your lives and how you would like to receive sermons from me as part of your fellowship in our great Creativity religion church. Please include your name and the country you live in; however. your actual address is unnecessary. Then send your letters to me, with or without your address on the envelope. Be sure to sign your letters in any case.

Send your letters to:
Reverend Matt Hale #15177-424
U.S.P.--Max. P.O. Box 8500
Florence, CO. 81226.

On a related note, if any of you are interested in actually joining my lawsuit against the B.O.P., send me a separate letter to this effect as well. Talk about how the two bans that were imposed on my mail since 2010 interfered with your desire to communicate with me as well as your desire to practice our Creativity religion, that they damaged our ties with one another. With this letter though, I do need your address within the letter and on the envelope if possible. You see, every person who wanted to write me during the mail bans but couldn't and whose letters may have also been returned to them, also suffered a violation of their constitutional and other legal rights. So, you have a legal right to join my lawsuit as a fellow Plaintiff if you so desire and seek money damages against the defendants for violating your rights. And this, by the way, applies to Creators and non-creators alike. You have a right to join my lawsuit as fellow Plaintiffs because the mail bans hurt you as well as they did me.

Please type either or both letters if possible. I hope to receive many of each letter from you soon at which time I will file them with the Court. The first letter will enable me to obtain a preliminary injunction prohibiting the defendants from stopping me from issuing sermons to you. The second letter will get the ball rolling on your joining my lawsuit as a fellow Plaintiff. With your support, I will be able to do my utmost for our great cause for our people's future, prison walls or no prison walls!

Yours truly for Our Folk!

Reverend Matt Hale
Sep 41AC (2014)

Pontifex Maximus Emeritus

Church of the Creator
P.S. I mailed my opening brief to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals on September 2nd in my fight for freedom. This brief should be available to all of you soon, if it hasn't been provided already. We will prevail.

PDF Available upon request....


Friday 19 September 2014

White Revolution # 24/31/32.... Hosted by Rev Matt Hale

                            East Peoria cable television


Wednesday 17 September 2014

Overcoming Apathy and Fear....By Rev Kyle Marquardt

Based on the personal experiences I've gained from interacting with most average uniformed Whites (most notably when dealing with my fellow peers of the Murray Rothstein MTV generation), I have come to the realize that they are often apathetic to our message because they have difficulty understanding how it relates to them in their personal daily lives.
Unfortunately a large portion of our racial comrades are radical individualists who are selfish and only concerned with themselves. They are indifferent to any social/political/ religious matters that they feel have no significant bearing or direct impact on their daily existence. These are complicated, tedious affairs and are completely irrelevant as far as they are concerned. In other words it appears as if they are incapable of thinking from a collectivist perspective. They fail to see the bigger picture. Instead of contently viewing themselves as a small, but important, component (themselves as one individual) working in accordance with other small components (other individuals) to form a larger machine (society), they see themselves as unique individuals who strive to be what they like to call a "non-conformist".
These same Whites are explicitly discouraged from thinking in terms of their own ethnic interests, which directly relate to their specific racial identity. Any form of White identity is considered taboo in today's social environment and is a felonious fist degree thought crime against the dogmatic moral zeitgeist. Political/religious organizations that our hook-nosed overlords have deemed guilty of upholding and practicing a form of what they classify as "extremist, right-wing" ideology are off limits. We know there is nothing extreme about our beliefs. We think and act in accordance with Natural Law. It is the Jews who are guilty of ideological extremism. Nevertheless these Jewish trigger words continue to stupefy the easily-impressed masses of subservient goyim.
Some Whites may wholeheartedly agree with our message but fail to react out of fear of persecution. While they may be not like what’s happening in the country, most are just too satisfied and content with their own personal lives to lift a finger. They are financially stable and preoccupied by their lavish material possessions that offer them comfort, security, and a respectable social status.

Then there are those lucky ones who have managed to temporarily escape the disastrous effects of the MultiCult. They don't give a damn if the border is being overrun by hordes of savage squaw invaders, so long as they are safe and sound in their own gated communities. I mean why should they care? It's not like they have to experience firsthand the wondrous joys of mestizo cultural enrichment.

They couldn't be any less
concerned about the dangerous non-White environment that lower and middle class White children are subjected to in the public educational system, so long as their little Johnny or little Suzy gets to attend private school. Why should they give a rat's ass about the violent black-on-White robberies, assaults, rapes and murders occurring across all the major cities of the US when their neighborhood has virtually no crime rate? Heaven forbid, if anything like that were to ever occur in their community, why they could just simply flee and relocate their family to another White suburban refugee reservation.

Unfortunately we may not be able to get through to these types of people. They may not realize the gravity of the situation and the validity of our message until they themselves eventually experience firsthand the costs and suffering that accompanies Jewish multiculturalism. Be it in the form of the tragic loss of a loved one who falls victim to a lead bullet fired from the barrel of a handgun controlled by some impulsive, low-IQ, feral nigger gangbanger, or be it something as simple as depleted property value thanks to federal HUD housing regulations that implant third-world muds into White communities in the name of diversity, equality, and fairness, or the loss of an employment opportunity, promotion, or when their child is denied acceptance into a particular university due to affirmative-black'shun.

While many may have to learn the hard way, we mustn’t get discouraged. There are still plenty of Whites out there who are open and receptive to our message, some of whom may have even had that eye-opening epiphany and are searching for answers along with a constructive outlet to positively channel their frustrations.

Perhaps they are Disenfranchised members of the White working class who have finally come to realize that they have been misled and lied to and have become disillusioned with the entire jew-rigged democratic political process and the false sense of hope promised to them by the kosher conservatives that comprise the treasonous Republican party.

One thing is for certain, this unnatural jewish system is not sustainable. It is destined for collapse, as was the case in the Soviet Union. And this cataclysmic collapse could very well provide that necessary spark needed to ignite a wholesale White revolution of values. Because when people lose their jobs along with the sense of financial economic security and are no longer able to provide for themselves and their families, they become angry. And when they become angry, they search for answers. They want to know who's responsible for their suffering. And when the truth becomes obvious they demand justice and they demand change.

For a prime example, one need look no farther than the current situation in Europe, and specifically in Greece. Nationalist parties like Golden Dawn have witnessed an explosion in membership and popularity. The same scenario occurred in Germany and resulted in the glorious, yet temporary, Third Reich. We as Creators should take note, because it has happened before, and it will most assuredly happen again. And there is much to learn from the well-intentioned mistakes of our ancestors.

Speaking of historical mistakes, there has been one major mistake that many within this movement seem to have not yet come to terms with. I’m referring to the ultimate mistake in which Whites have continuously embraced a poisonous, alien religion. There are many groups who promote Christianity as a solution to our current problems. Christianity offers no solutions. Christianity is the root cause of our problems. We as a race need to adopt a new religious strategy. A logical strategy with a foundational creed designed to assure not only our continued racial survival, but also our territorial expansion and genetic advancement. We Creators have already discovered that religious solution. It is now our sacred duty to inform and proselytize our racial comrades. We must be the messengers of truth, devoted missionaries, determined to spread the good word of Creativity, the one and only creed capable of ensuring a Whiter and Brighter World.



Rev. Kyle Marquardt




               Originally Published in IMPERIUM # 13
             The Creativity Movement online magazine

Monday 15 September 2014

Defendants in Hale/Prison Lawsuit Decline settlement Offer

Hale Vows "A Great Victory" for his Cause
Reverend Matt Hale, former leader of the pro-White and anti-Jewish Church of the Creator and America's most well-known political prisoner, today announced that the defendants in his civil rights lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons have declined to accept the generous settlement offer that he had made to them in July. He had offered to drop his lawsuit here and now if the defendants would simply agree to refrain from violating his constitutional rights in the future and would allow him to have his violin in his prison cell in lieu of the money damages that he is entitled to. Instead, the defendants have opted for a fruitless legal battle and inevitable defeat.
Reverend Hale filed suit in February 2014 asking for $19 million in damages, alleging numerous  grotesque violations of his clearly established constitutional rights and his rights under the Religious freedom Restoration Act, including his right to deliver sermons to his church, his right to send and receive mail, and his right to be provided with his religious diet.
The case is Reverend Matt Hale v. Federal Bureau of Prisons, et al. No. 14-cv-245 and is in the federal district court at Denver, Colorado.
Widely circulated on the internet,his 30 page complaint has generated support for Reverend Hale all over the world as people everywhere despise the kind of crass religious persecution that has been meted out to him in the supposed "land of the free." His complaint also continues to be available upon request from the email address below.
 (Or read here)...........

From his prison cell in solitary confinement at the infamous "Supermax" prison in Florence, Colorado, Reverend Hale had this to say about the refusal of the defendants to settle the case:

It's really the kind of hubris, stupidity, and downright sadism that one should expect from the federal government, actually. Here they have a no-win case but they would rather fight it out because they figure that the taxpayers are the ones who are going to have to foot the bill anyway. Plus, I suspect that the defendants could not bear the thought of my actually enjoying myself by my being able to play my beloved violin in my prison cell. So, my lawsuit will go forward and we will win a great victory for our cause in the courts!
Reverend Hale will be requesting a jury trial in Denver on the issue of damages, a trial that will give supporters the chance to see him again in person after more than a decade of his unlawful imprisonment.

For further information write,
Matt Hale 15177-424
P.O. Box 8500
Florence, Colorado 81226



Friday 12 September 2014

Elect Paul Fromm Mayor of Mississauga 2014

Paul Fromm registered yesterday (Sep 11) to run in the election for Mayor of Mississauga Ontario. The election takes place on October 25th. Mr. Fromm is the 14th candidate to declare in the bid to replace incumbent Mayor Hazel McCallion who is stepping down after her 11th term as Mayor!

Paul Fromm is by far the best choice to become the Mayor of Mississauga, he is not constrained by political correctness and is the only candidate who will represent and preserve the values of White Canadians.

Fromm's platform is based on the negative aspects of further immigration to Canada.

Quotes from Paul in his press release.......................

 " Immigration is the issue, It’s the two-ton elephant in the room that the municipal politicians don’t want to discuss. They just want to babble about the supposed benefits of diversity." 

"Immigration impacts almost every major problem in Mississauga — overcrowded roads, dwindling farm land, the environment, welfare costs. If I’m elected, I’ll camp out on the Minister of Immigration’s front lawn and demand action"
“Will the roads be any less congested? Will welfare costs be lower? Will the environment be safer with nearly another 300,000 in Peel? Not likely......                    
“Mississauga is full"
It is not too often that someone runs for a political position with the best interests of our people in mind, I urge every proud White Man and Women in Mississauga to vote for Mr. Fromm, help Paul in his quest for a better future for our children, help spread his message, make your voices heard!
Brother Smith
TCM Toronto


Tuesday 9 September 2014

Controlled media finally exposed.

The best thing to come out of  Obama's run as President in my opinion is that the controlled media has finally been exposed for its partisan reporting. The obvious partisan reporting in the political arena by the "main stream" media has also opened the eyes of the general public to the ridiculously obvious over reporting of White on Black crimes and the almost non existent reporting of the reverse. The media ideally should be a watch dog for the people and I would like to believe that in the past this was true and that there were journalists with integrity. Integrity cannot exist anymore in Journalism, at least not in the "main stream" (controlled) media. A monopoly of the mediums has been established, it doesn't matter whom has the monopoly, the conflict of interest generated by total control of the mass mediums cannot allow any reasonable thinking person to believe that the interests of the controlling party will not be represented favorably by the "Journalists" who receive paychecks from them.

Having a Black man as the puppet has allowed the controllers to get away with much more than when they had a White man as the puppet. It worked for the first term of the Black puppet, any dissention was silenced with shouts of racism. Thanks to the alternative media and its availability on the internet many of the current Governments scandals have been exposed and read by a lot of people. This reporting of the scandals by the alternative media has not only exposed the Government but has exposed the "main stream" media as nothing more than a propaganda tool somewhat reminiscent of that of some not so distanced Communist regimes.

The media tries and generally succeeds in shaping race relations, they focus on the very rare White on Black crimes and ignore the very common Black on White crimes. Once again thanks to alternative media sources the propaganda from the controlled media has been exposed over and over again. Unfortunately the power that comes with control of the popular media is all too real, with a blitz of  coverage, a Black shot by a White Cop, riots ensue, orchestrated to perfection. A White baby was shot in the head this year by Black thugs, no mass coverage, no White riots, an unarmed White youth was shot dead by a Black Cop, no mass coverage, no White riots, Knock out game featuring Whites as the victims, coverage leads the viewer to believe that it is just unruly youth not Black youths committing these cowardly acts.

As more and more White people become victims of hate crimes by Blacks the media's biased reporting keeps exposing what little credibility they have left. The questions that should be asked are... Why does the media focus on White on Black crime and try to hide the reverse? Who are these people that have the monopoly of the main stream media? Do they control anything else? Hopefully people will start to investigate for themselves and see the media for exactly what it is CONTROLLED!

Brother Smith
Sep 41AC (2014)