Banned on YouTube #86
ENGLISH ROSE …. You Make Me Smile Antifa HaHaHaHa
(England , UK …… RAC)
I've heard what you're gonna do to me,
Bash the fash and smash the Nazi.
I've heard the threats not felt the actions,
From you low life left wing factions.
You make me laugh, you make me smile -
Your just a joke, you are so vile!
You make me laugh, yes Antifa -
You're just a joke, ha ha ha ha!
Get a wash and get a life scum,
Shout and scream but still I'm not done.
Your threats and screams they fuel my fire,
Resist and fight is my desire.
You make me laugh, you make me smile -
you're just a joke, you are so vile!
You make me laugh, yes Antifa -
You're just a joke, ha ha ha ha!
Antifa - ha ha ha ha!
Antifa - ha ha ha ha!
I'm still out here on the streets,
This Nazi scum it won't retreat.
"Good night left side" is my cry,
White and proud 'til the day I die.
You make me laugh, you make me smile -
You're just a joke, you are so vile!
You make me laugh, yes Antifa - you're just A joke, ha ha ha ha!
You make me laugh,
You make me smile -
You're just a joke, you are so vile!
You make me laugh, yes Antifa -
You're just a joke, ha ha ha ha!