Tuesday 22 March 2016

Twilight or Revival? .. By Rev Matt Hale

Is it the twilight of our Race?
And the victory of the base?
Or will our people rally now, today
And restore their rightful place?

Will a dawn break the mist
And the sun through the days persist?
Or will our people be swept away
No hands to clench a fist?

Is it the twilight of our Race
And the height of our disgrace?
Or will our people stand, courageously so
And together as one, embrace?

Will the waves meet a shore
That shall exist forevermore?
Or one whose past has come
Mere echo of forgotten love?

Will our descendants continue alive
From the coma will our people revive?
Only we can will, yea or nay
Whether our Race may still survive. 

Rev Matt Hale

Friday 18 March 2016

Rev Logsdon Hosts Black and Silver Solution Radio #4 ...March 2016

Rev Logsdon Hosts Black and Silver Solution Radio, March 17th 2016. This St. Patrick's Day show featured Rev Logsdon's report on the Donald Trump rally he attended in Bloomington IL on March 13th.  Also discussed, the disruption caused by Democrat supporters at the Trump rally in Chicago IL., ARA, George Soros, Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter and more!  

Rev Logsdon Hosts Black and Silver Solution Radio... March 17th 2016     

Black and Silver Solution Radio


Tuesday 15 March 2016

Rev Matt Hale... New Flyer


Reverend Matt Hale of the Creativity Church is a political prisoner that has fought for the preservation of all White people his entire adult life. Reverend Hale is pro-White and anti-Jewish. He has been given a 40 year prison sentence for a crime he did not commit.

He was set-up by our FBl, our government in an attempt to stop his fight to save our White people. The justice system sent him to be housed in the Florence Supermax! prison in Florence, Colorado where he has been in solitary confinement for over Twelve years.

This could happen to any of us. We must speak out and demand the freedom of Reverend Matt Hale while we still have the right to do so. To learn about a persecuted American Racial Loyalist, please visit:



Email ..... 

Or Write....
Reverend Matt Hale
U.S.P, Florence Admax
P.O. Box 8500
Florence, Colorado

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Rev Matt Hale... The Media is Silent

Reverend Matt Hale has been in solitary confinement at Florence(SuperMax) prison in Florence, Colorado for over twelve years. He was found guilty of having solicited the murder of Chicago Judge Joan Lefkow in 2004. There was never any evidence presented at trial that Reverend Hale committed any crime, He is a political prisoner.

You the media, have received many press releases and do not seem to be interested in allowing the public any information on this horrible travesty. Our government and our FBI can and will lock away any pro-White activist using any means and method, any criminal action necessary to get it done.

Now, the warden at the prison wants to put Reverend Hale in general population where he can be killed. The warden told Hale that he knows he(Hale) doesn't belong there, doesn't know what to do.  The solution is to send Hale to Pekin, IL prison where the judge at trial suggested he be sent. 

 I have asked the media many times to read the trial transcript which will prove Hales innocence. Is there just one reporter that does care that an innocent man has suffered all these years for a crime he did not commit. There has been one reporter in the past(Larry Yellen) from Fox news in Chicago that tried to do an interview with Rev. Hale at Florence. He was refused by the prison. Apparently, the prison does allow some prisoners to do interviews, just not pro-White Rev. Hale. There's that word again, (pro-White).

The complete trial transcript can be read on the website, freematthale.net.
FREE MATT HALE.. Trial Transcripts and Exhibits
Take the time to read it and see what our FBI and our government can do to you. Your innocence means nothing to them. They have the power!

                     Contact: Evelyn Hutcheson




Saturday 5 March 2016

An Analysis of Hitlers Advice- How it applies to the Creativity Movement..By Ben Klassen

In his great book, MEIN KAMPF, Adolf Hitler wrote a number of chapters that are invaluable to our movement, and in fact, to any White racial movement. In Issue No. 6 of RACIAL LOYALTY we printed Chapter V, Vol. 2 and entitled it PHILOSOPHY AND ORGANIZATION. This is an analysis of that particular chapter.)

Anyone who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not see himself slandered in it has not made profitable use of the previous day; for if he had, he would be persecuted, reviled, slandered, abused, and befouled. - ADOLF HITLER



In Adolf Hitler's brilliant dissertation on movements, leadership philosophy and religion there is so much valuable advice that applies to our own movement, CREATIVITY, that it almost seems he had us in mind when he wrote it.

It behooves us to analyze and to summarize those areas that apply to our movement and highlight them further. We want to take a realistic look at how we can best profit from good advice and reap the utmost benefits. This is very much in line with a motto that hangs in our library, "Will it help promote Creativity?" Properly utilized, I can assure you the great leader's advice can and will be of tremendous value to us in practical application.

There are certain aspects that I want to highlight as to how they materially concern our own movement, CREATIVITY:

A. The need for Destructive Criticism in order to destroy the rotten Jewish social order that exists before a new and better order can be built.

In our own movement, CREATIVITY, most of our basic concepts are highly constructive, such as for example: A Sound Mind in a Sound Body in a Sound Society in a Sound Environment; or, Salubrious Living; or Eugenics and safeguarding our Gene Pool; or Organic Gardening; or upgrading the level of our Art, Music and Literature; or giving special attention to the geniuses in our midst and giving them an opportunity to develop their full potential; and/or a dozen other constructive goals and programs, culminating finally into the overall objective of building a Whiter and Brighter World. In this respect, I want to re-emphasize that a better world cannot be built by proliferating more misfits, morons, and
freeloaders upon a shrinking segment of producers. On the contrary, a better world can only be built by producing a better grade of people, more competent and intelligent, and only amongst our own White Racial Comrades can we find the seed bed for such a revolutionary, new and brighter world.

Be that as it may, nevertheless the real world as it now exists, is constituted of an increasing horde of mud races, breeding, feeding and expanding largely at the expense of the more competent White Race, toward whom this avaricious horde is extremely hostile. Not only is the quality of life for the White Race rapidly going down hill, but the quality of "humanity" even more so, and even among it the White Race itself.

No matter what segment of our society we look into, it is rotten to the core. It is Jew infested and Jew controlled, and this miserable tribe of parasites is determined to utterly break down our society in every nook and cranny until it has destroyed the noble White Race itself.

Hitler points out that in order to build a new structure, or any new system, it is first of all necessary to clear the ground, to clear the debris and make room for the new structure. This means the old order must first be destroyed and to do so you must attack! attack! attack! and totally demolish it. Christianity did so with a vengeance when it was trying to establish itself. So did Mohammedanism. So did the Communist movement, and so have the Jews against all other peoples since the beginning of history.

This is only natural and Nature herself condones this approaching the struggle between the species. Our early pioneering White forefathers did the same thing in building America from sea to shining sea. They either drove the Indians before them, or resettled them, or killed them off. Had they not done so, the country would still be infested with depraved savages and the greatest country (past tense) in the world would never have been built.

We CREATORS point with pride that this is the AMERICAN WAY and we CREATORS mean to pursue it in repopulating the entire Planet Earth with Nature's Finest.

To recapitulate — in order to build a better world, we have to demolish the present rotten (Jewish) order. To accomplish this, we must properly identify our enemies. These are in short and in their respective order of menace:
1. The Jewish establishment per se.
2. The mud races, of which the niggers and the Mexicans are the most threatening in America.
3. The Christian establishment as such, which has wreaked utter havoc in the minds of our race, and always sided with the Jews, the mud races and the scum of the world.
In clearing the debris from the scene lest the bleeding hearts start screaming again, let me repeat what we CREATORS have said over and over: We do not intend to kill anybody! It is our program to shrink the Jews and other mud races by ceasing to subsidize and feed them, and let them wither on the vine of their own incompetence.
With the Christians it is a different matter. In the first place, most of our White Racial Comrades either are, or are loosely affiliated with the Christian religion. That this is so is one of the major tragedies in the history of the White Race, but nevertheless it is a fact of life with which we and the entire White Race is confronted, and we have to deal with it. Furthermore, to add to the disaster, some of our most stalwart citizens either are, or hypocritically profess to be Christians, because it is the accepted thing to do.
As I have pointed out on numerous occasions before, Christianity has been, and still is, the most effective brain scrambler the Jews have concocted in the art of mind manipulation over the last two thousand years. It is a weapon we must demolish and smash from out of their perfidious hands.

We must relentlessly expose this treacherous spookcraft and again straighten out the White Man's thinking. When we do, we will also get the Jew off our back. Until and unless we do so, the Jew will retain a direct pipeline to the White Man's soul, his thinking, and his direction, a sinister situation indeed.

One of the bright spots in this picture, however, is that Christianity is so utterly ridiculous when examined that it is easily exposed and demolished to any thinking person. All we need to do is expound and expand CREATIVITY and Christianity will fall of its own lies and rottenness.

So we must attack, attack, and attack again, and our best weapons are ridicule and exposing its Jewish origins. We will have no peace until Christianity is exposed, the Jew is off our back and the White Man wrests control of his own destiny back into his own capable direction.

In this respect, it is important to point out that gung-ho, born again Christians are not our primary recruiting target at this time. In fact, along with Jews and niggers, they are at the bottom of our list of prospects. And for good reasons. Such people have had their minds so warped as if a knife had cut through their brains, and logic and reason and common sense does not reach them at all. So let us leave them alone and let them learn the hard way. I repeat, they are the least likely prospects and let us not waste our energies on them at this time. We will get to them later.

Fortunately, among our White Racial Comrades there are many who have seen through the Jewish-Christianity hoax on their own and are looking for a more sane and realistic philosophy of life. Many others were never too interested or infected with Christianity in the first place and are also looking for a spiritual home that makes sense and they can believe in. These too, are good prospects. Then there are millions of White Racial Comrades out there who instinctively have racial concerns, who are aware of the world disaster that is impending and are looking for a solution. They too are excellent prospects. It is these millions that are prospective members and it is our beholden duty to find them and bring
them into our organization.

B. No Compromise: The Inflexibility of Creed.

On this subject. Hitler says the following: "Political parties are inclined to compromise; philosophies - never. Political parties even reckon opponents; philosophies proclaim their infallibility."

In the twelve years since I first started expounding on a racial religion for the White Race and laid out the basis of such a religion in NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION, it has been my experience that most people would rather indulge in quibbling about some nit-picking triviality in the philosophy of Creativity than go out there and buck the wrath of the world in promoting it.

This is unfortunate and a situation that must be corrected. In Creative Credo No. 73. the last Chapter of the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE, I set forth the numerous ways of "copping out," and this matter of arm-chair "discussion" about oft meaningless details of changing our creed, is one of the most frequent and useless.

So let me explain it again.. We are in a position similar to say, a car manufacturer. Let us say Chevrolet has come out with its latest model and is now ready to market it. Before it could reach this stage it had to go through much time, labor and expense. First of all, it spent years in creating the design and drawing up blueprints for that design. There soon came a time when they had to say: "This is it. The time has come to now freeze the design and start cutting the dies for production."

Next, the dies are cut, at an expense of hundreds of millions of dollars. Production lines are set up, marketing schedules are prepared.

Finally, the car is in production and the sales program is launched. At this point, the head executives are no longer interested in bickering about nit-picking details about the curve of a fender or other minor details.

At this stage, the dies are cut, production is in full swing and the important thing is to merchandise the product or else the company will go broke.

We, of the CHURCH OF THE CREATOR, are in the same position. We are no longer in the design stage. The dies have been cut and the production lines are in full swing. We are now in the promotion stage and it now behooves us to promote the hell out of our movement and get it off the ground. There is nothing more pointless or useless at this stage than those who would philosophize, be cozy arm-chair generals and indulge in re-vamping the design. Let me repeat, we now need promoters, distributors, organizers and doers. (See Our Greatest Need October 1983 issue of R.L.)

C. The Search for the Great Promoter:

In Chapter 5, page 457 of Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler says about the "intelligentsia": "They never understood that the strength of a political party lies by no means in the greatest possible intellect of the individual member, but rather in the disciplined obedience with which its members follow the intellectual leadership." What applies to a political movement also, of course, applies to our own religious movement, and in general, to any movement. The essence of It is this: (a) a powerful creed, (b) dedicated and disciplined followers, and (c) the quality of its leadership.

We, of the CHURCH OF THE CREATOR, are now at the founding stage of a great world movement, in fact, for the White Race the greatest, the most beneficent movement in its history. We have come a long way, but still have the most strenuous battles ahead of us. As I pointed out in "Our Greatest Need" (R.L., October 1983), we have a full blown creed and program that is comprehensive, meaningful and complete; we

have our "Bibles," something Christianity took 300 years to achieve; we have a World Center, our geographic home; we have a periodical, "RACIAL LOYALTY." We have an auspicious beginning and we are off and running.

What we do not have yet, is the great leader — the "Great Promoter" — that I am looking for. I am looking for a leader and promoter of a caliber no less than Adolf Hitler himself. In fact, I am looking for some one that is even more qualified than Adolf Hitler himself. I am looking for a young man in his early thirties, blond and athletic, handsome and charismatic, and filled with zeal and energy, one who is dedicated to the cause and fears no obstacles.
We want the impassioned orator and great leader, and we will find him. Personally, at 65, I am not that man and probably never was. One of the strongest characteristics that I can claim is that calmly and in a detached manner, I can assess my own limitations as well as my abilities, and do so fairly accurately.

On the negative side, I am not, and never was, a showman, a "ham", an actor, or a crowd pleaser. Whereas I have engaged in politics, at one time was head of the Florida Independent Party and was even elected to the Florida State Legislature, I was never comfortable in the milieu. Although I have spoken at many rallies, I was never the great orator, only fair. I have never enjoyed leading a crowd. On the positive side, I am what I am, and that is a writer and a rationalist philosopher. I have an extremely fertile imagination that can creatively formulate those ideas that need impels to come forth. At the same time, I retain a firm grasp on reality and try to keep my feet on the ground.

But probably my strongest asset is the somewhat unusual experiences Destiny has thrown in my life's pathway, starting with my birth in the middle of the Russian Revolution. Having lived in four countries and been a citizen of three, I have developed a broad sense of the continuity of history, of the plight of the White Race as a whole, without the narrow disadvantage of being tied to any one particular nationality. It is perhaps this broad experience cutting across "national" boundaries that has given me the "racial" feel and has impelled me to create a comprehensive racial religion for the White Race. Whatever it is. Destiny has seen fit to tap me on the shoulder to create, once and for all, a meaningful,
comprehensive religion for the White Race and the White Race alone. We are now in possession of a racial religion whose ramifications can and will rebound to the tremendous benefit of the White Race for the next million years. That part is done. The Creation of a racial religion for the salvation and redemption of the White Race is now an accomplished fact. CREATIVITY is the answer and it is here to stay.

It is now our beholden task to find the Great Promoter. I feel certain that there are at least ten thousand young White men in their early thirties, or younger, living right here in the United States that (at least potentially) have the stuff of which great leaders are made. It is our task to contact them, to find them, to search them out. This we will do with your help. By 1990 (should I live that long) I want to step down and have that fully qualified leader take over the reins in full. But we want to locate him, thoroughly train and orient him long before that.

Here is how we'll do it.

1. We must first realize that although badly debauched, the White Race still has a tremendous reservoir of intelligence, talent and creativity in its membership. I venture to say that there are at least ten thousand young men, at the age of 30 or thereabouts in America today that have the I.Q., the memory, the energy, the intelligence, the oratorical potential that Adolf Hitler possessed. They are there. It is up to us to find at least one in the next few years, and find him we will. The problem is making contacts. They have not heard of us, and we have not heard of them. We must find them, and develop their slumbering potential.

2. In order to find each other we must expand our publicity and sphere of influence. There are several ways to do so and the most urgent at this time is to expand the circulation of our periodical, RACIAL LOYALTY. We must not only urge our members to recruit more subscribers, but each member must also make mass distribution of the paper. It is the most inexpensive way to contact new potential supporters and subscribers.

3. We will also use a number of other publicity and advertising promotions that are available to us. We have a number of such promotions planned and will put them into operation as soon as time and money allow.

4. We must make the "Search for the Great Promoter", an ongoing program that is at the forefront of every member, subscriber and supporter, until it becomes a virtual reality.

5. The critical period is the next 3 or 4 years. After that our "School for Creative Boys" will supply us with an unlimited reservoir of leadership, not only for the top post, but also in depth and for back up. The 1990 to 2000 decade is the critical one for which we must now work and prepare. After that, we will have a super abundance of talent in all categories, and the White Race will be on its way to greatness, the era of the Superman.

So let us get busy. Let us dedicate ourselves to the task at hand and embark on the GREAT SEARCH. He is out there. We must find him!

Spiritual, Mental and Physical Health are not to be found in Hospitals or in Temples of Superstition.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator



               Article taken from Racial Loyalty # 6
                            Nov 10AC (1983)