Monday 22 January 2018

Survival, Expansion and Advancement Part 1... By Ben Klassen





First Part of a Series

These three words are the key words we Creators have in mind in our program for the salvation, resurrection, and redemption of Nature’s Finest, our precious White Race. The more you think about it, these ideas become so obvious, you are led to wonder why no one has spelled it out before. Yet nowhere else but in the program of the Church of the Creator have I ever before seen this combination set down in print. Because it is so simple, yet it’s implications so comprehensive, it has also been largely misunderstood by some, and deliberately distorted and misrepresented by our enemies, or even those of our friends whose hubris might have been ruffled. In this article we want to answer some of those criticisms and try to explain our program so clearly that even the most misguided fool cannot have any alibi to misunderstand us or have any room to misrepresent us.
In all our comprehensive struggles we are of course talking about the survival of our precious White Race, the very pinnacle of Nature’s bountiful array of creatures and creations. We are not interested in the survival of all the various species of the so-called "human" race, a polyglot collection of mud races and miscreants that are breeding, polluting and proliferating this Planet Earth – expanding in an uncontrolled population explosion. Not only are we not interested in their survival, but we look upon the present scene with horror and revulsion as the mud races crowd us out of our limited living space, and look with fear and grim apprehension as to what the future might hold for our children and grandchildren.

Charles Darwin, in studying the species of Nature, has perceptively observed that the greatest rivalry for food, water and living space on this planet is not so much between different species, but between the more closely related sub-species of the same genus, wherever they try to share the same habitat.

Certainly this is true in the history of the "human race, and never was that rivalry for survival more explosive and fierce than it is today. Again, looking at it from the viewpoint of the White Race (the one and only point of view we Creators take on all matters) never was our precious race in more danger of mongrelization and extinction than it is today. And who or what is it that most threatens our survival? Is it some species of lions, or elephants, or whales, or gorillas? No, it is none of these. It is our more closely related sub-species of "humans," the niggers, the Mexicans, the Haitians, the Cubans, the Orientals, and in general, the polyglot multitude of mud races that are now exploding all over this planet, invading our own territory by the millions and crowding us out of our rapidly shrinking living space. And even more dangerous to our survival is the chameleon-like parasite that slithers ominously through the nations of the world – the international Jew. It is he who leads the mud races into hating us, and misleads and confuses the White Race into subsidizing and paying for the invading hordes that are bent on destroying us. Three major tools or "ideas" the Jew so skillfully utilizes in carrying out the genocide of the White Race are Christianity, communism and democracy.

It is passingly strange that the present "culture’ is so frantically concerned about all the multiplicity of species that are now on the endangered list – snail darters, bald eagles, whales, condors, etc. Even among the "human" species, according to the Jews media, our hearts bleed profusely for the starving niggers in Ethiopia, the Sudan and elsewhere in Africa and throughout the world. But never is the slightest iota of attention focused on the most flagrant and obvious tragedy in history that is unfolding before our eyes – the rapidly escalating genocide and extinction of 500 million of Nature’s Finest – the White Race.
We Creators are not only vitally concerned about the survival of the White Race, but we are deeply alarmed and damned mad, and we are going to move heaven and earth to make sure we do survive. We will again review our dynamic program at the end of this article.

In the meantime, our number one priority is to survive. This comes first before we can expand, advance our gene pool, or do anything else. Nature gives each creature the basic urge to procreate and to fight for the survival of its own species, no holds barred. Nature also has given us that supreme right. We need no written laws, no constitution, no declaration from Washington. Nature says that we have not only the moral right, but the moral duty to do so. This is a basic tenet in our religion – Nature’s Eternal Religion, and no man, no race, no government is going to change that or take it away from us.

The second basic urge Nature has imbued us with is expansion of our own kind – expansion of our numbers, expansion of our territory. This, too, is a basic natural right and a basic duty. Every animal, bird, fish, Insect, plant or weed seeks to expand its numbers and its territory and Nature urges every species to do just that to the limit of its abilities – again, no holds barred. (Read again, "Colonization – a Basic Urge in Every Creature of Nature’s Realm," C.C. No. 21, W.M.B.) There is no competition for living space on Planet Earth from the lions, elephants or whales as far as the White Race is concerned. There is fierce and deadly competition from the allied sub-species of the human race, namely the mud races, as we have mentioned before. There are now over five billion "humans" or humanoids on this planet, fiercely competing for food, water and living space. The mud races are rapidly expanding in both numbers and territory, all at the expense of the White Race. For this we can thank the Jewish-Christian creed and program of subsidization, the major burden of which is being carried on the back of the world’s foremost patsy, the working White American taxpayer. (See "Operation Rip-off," page 172 of Rahowa!Operation Rip Off...By Ben Klassen

This must not only be stopped, but it must be reversed as quickly as possible, before the White Race is shrunk to the point where it can be physically overwhelmed and massacred – the long cherished goal of the Jews and mud races. This, too, the Church of he Creator is determined to overcome and we will again spell out our unswerving program at the conclusion of this article.

It is at this juncture that the opposition brings charges of genocide, race war, and mass slaughter against us, and we intend to make our position clear.

1. Yes, we want to reverse the trend of a dying White Race and an exploding horde of mud races as quickly and conclusively as possible. As soon as we have driven the Jews from off our backs and regained control of our own destiny we will devote our total and considerable energies to doing just that. This is our unswerving goal and we have every moral right to do so. This we are told by the highest authority in the Universe – Mother Nature herself. We make no apologies and we will not retreat from this position.

2. Yes, we then are determined to expand our habitat until the White Race inhabits all the benign and benevolent lands of this Planet Earth. Again, we make no apologies and our position is irreversible.

3. Having said this, we categorically deny that this would necessitate an all out racial war of extermination. On the contrary, our policy of uniting the White Race for its own survival and regaining control of its own destiny is undoubtedly the most rational and sagacious course of action we can possibly take to prevent impending anarchy and a wild, uncontrolled war of mass slaughter between the races.
Let me again remind our misguided critics that we, the Church of the Creator did not invent the racial issue, nor did we instigate the racial war to exterminate the White Race.
The Jews instigated it, planned it, and have promoted it viciously and vehemently for centuries. The White Race is now in imminent danger of total mongrelization and extermination. Unless it soon gets its act together, becomes justifiably aroused and highly organized it will soon, and I mean in the next few generations, be an extinct species. It has every legal, moral and biological right to prevent such a major catastrophe from happening.

This is an undeniable fact, and the question Is not whether or not we should allow ourselves to be exterminated, but rather how can we best defend ourselves and survive. A secondary question perhaps is how can we do so with the least amount of bloodshed to ourselves and the existing mud races that threaten to overwhelm us and, in the end, destroy us in an orgy of mass slaughter.

It is this issue which we will now address.

That the White Race must regain control of its own destiny before it can solve this massive problem (as well as any other problems) of that, too, there is little doubt. Before it can do so, it must become aroused, aware, organized and powerful. Of this, too, there is little doubt. In Creativity we have the creed and the program to do so, as we have detailed many times before and we will again expound upon this further in the conclusion.

Let us now assume that Creativity is triumphant, that the White Race has broken the power of the Jewish tyranny, that It now has control of its own government and its own destiny. How would we go about cleansing our own house, the United States, of the mud races, and eventually the world? There are two more questions. Can this be accomplished at all? And secondly, can it be done without a wild, uncontrolled slaughter?

Our answer to the last two questions Is positive on both counts. Yes, it not only can be done, it must be done, and secondly, only if the White Race is first of all in control of its own destiny and government can it be done with the least amount of bloodshed and violence.

After the Jews have been driven from power, there are several large blocks of mud races that we must expunge from our land and our racial body as we would expunge poisonous toxins from our human bodies if we are to remain alive and healthy. Among these the foremost are the African blacks, secondly, the Mexicans and other Hispanics, and thirdly, the Orientals (mainly the Japanese and Chinese). The other 57 varieties of mud races would pose little problems once we have taken care of these three major groups.

Let us address the black African problem first.

As far back as two hundred years ago Thomas Jefferson already realized that White America had a festering racial problem when he said categorically, ‘Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free: nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." In 1777 Jefferson was chairman of a committee of the General Assembly of Virginia which reported favorably for the emancipation and colonization of the black slaves into a land of their own, preferably a colony on the coast of Africa. He pursued this goal to the end of his life.

In 1817 the American Colonization Society was formed to pursue a program of repatriation of American blacks. This organization, which had a long life span, also had a distinguished membership over the years. It included some of the most prominent luminaries in American history. Besides its first president, Bushrod Washington, these included such notables as Francis Scott Key, John Randolf, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Charles Fenton Mercer, John Marshall, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln and a long line of other prominent men and women. Four of these were presidents of the United States, some of our finest, so you can discern that the idea of repatriating Africans back to Africa is one of long standing and not some hare-brained idea dreamed up by the Church of the Creator in recent years.
Although we do not have space here to catalogue the work and accomplishments of this notable society over the decades, one of their most notable accomplishments was the establishment of the African colony of Liberia in 1821 as a home for repatriated American slaves and actively transferring thousands back to Africa. By the time of the Civil War, the Society had removed 12,000 such emigrants to Liberia.

Abraham Lincoln, also a member of the Society, had a comprehensive and meaningful plan to lend impetus and culmination to the plan. Even while the Civil War was raging, Lincoln was busily engaged drawing up plans for removing the emancipated black slaves from out of the midst of White American to distant colonies or countries of their own. On August 14, 1862, Lincoln assembled a group of free niggers in the White House and delivered a long lecture to them, the contents of which have been recorded for posterity. In it he detailed his plans to resettle the freed blacks after the end of the war to countries In both Africa and Central America, and strongly impressed on his black gathering that it was incumbent upon those blacks with learning and leadership qualities to cast off their own personal interests and help provide the leadership and motivation for this gigantic undertaking. Had Lincoln lived, there is every reason to believe that this major exodus could have been accomplished and the racial problem in America solved once and for all. Unfortunately, as soon as the war was over, the same foul Jewish conspiracy which instigated the Civil War in the first place, had him struck down by an assassin’s bullet, and instead resumed with increasing fervor its long standing design to rape, loot and mongrelize first the prostrate South, then the rest of White America. With the death of Lincoln the repatriation plan temporarily died with him and the vicious carpetbaggers from the North took over the brutalization and destruction of the ravaged South.

There have been several other notable attempts to remove the niggers from out of America and transport them back to Africa. One of the most remarkable of these was the "Back to Africa" movement headed by Marcus Garvey, a black of good education born on August 17, 1887, in Jamaica. After migrating to the United States in 1916 he organized a Universal Negro Improvement Association, which stressed the importance of economic progress, blood integrity, and race nationality. This organization became international and during the course of its activities, Garvey developed into the most powerful and effective advocate of race nationality ever seen in the United States. He organized a vast army of dedicated workers devoted to his program of repatriation. Rallying his followers to the slogan of "Africa for Africans," he built an empire of their own in their ancestral home of Africa. He even attempted the establishment of the Black Star Line of steamships to carry the black emigrants back to Africa. As his remarkable movement gained momentum, the Jewish establishment, who controlled the United States government (and just about everything else) became alarmed. In 1925 they had him convicted on trumped up charges of fraud. In this matter, that homosexual Jewish stooge, J. Edgar Hoover, played an important part. After spending more than two years in the Federal Penitentiary in Atlanta, Garvey was deported back to his native Jamaica, where he continued in political activity.

Despite his removal from the American scene, his movement did not die. He proved conclusively that the American blacks have a racial yearning to return to Africa and live in a country of their own. Had the government and the media supported Garvey and his movement instead of fiercely opposing it and then maliciously smashing it, the mass exodus of American niggers would have been successfully and totally accomplished more than sixty years ago, and that without bloodshed or the ravages of a racial war. Garvey died in London in 1940.
Before the beginning of World War 11 a prominent American patriot and staunch fighter for White racial purity, took up the battle for moving the increasing black hordes from out of the heartland of America. He was Theodore G. Bilbo of Mississippi. This remarkable man, who in his outstanding career was at one time a businessman, State Senator, Lt. Governor, twice Governor and served three terms as United States Senator from the State of Mississippi, also wrote a powerful book (1946). It is entitled

Take your choice – Separation or Mongrelization. In it he analyzed the subject of race relations over the last 30,000 years and then reviewed the long standing battle to repatriate the niggers of America back to their native Africa. In the preface he stated, inter alia: "Personally the writer of this book would rather see his race and civilization blotted out with an atomic bomb than see it slowly but surely destroyed in a maelstrom of miscegenation, interbreeding, intermarriage and mongrelization. The destruction in either case would be inevitable – one in a flash and the other in a slow but certain process of sin, degradation and mongrelization."

On April 24, 1939, Senator Theodore G. Bilbo introduced a bill in the United States Senate called the Greater Liberia Bill. Three-fourths of the Senate Gallery was occupied by black delegates whose several organizations had produced a giant Negro Petition asking Federal aid for niggers who desired to migrate to Liberia and settle upon lands held in trust by that country for American Negro colonists.

The names in support of the petition were listed 50 to a single sheet of paper and the giant petition totalled approximately two and one half million names. Senator Bilbo, with this massive petition of 50,000 pages in front of him, in a memorable speech of more than two hours duration ably set forth the efforts of Jefferson, Lincoln and other eminent Americans to achieve the colonization of the blacks in America back to their native Africa. This he did to the cheers and effusive support of the massive black gallery who hung on his every word. However, again the Jew power In the United States Senate opposed him and the vast black army that supported the movement. With war clouds gathering in Europe, the measure was suppressed, as the Jews directed. But again, it conclusively proved that with government and media encouragement, that for such a movement it would not be at all difficult to win the wholehearted support of the majority of the niggers themselves.

There is one more episode in recent American history that I believe demonstrates that the American nigger is ready, willing and receptive to being repatriated back to Africa, if only our government and the Jewish establishment would not repeatedly torpedo such efforts. That episode is the phenomenal rise and charismatic appeal of Malcolm Little in the black population a little more than two decades ago. This mulatto is better known in history as Malcolm X.

He was born May 29, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska, the fourth child of Earl and Louisa Little. Earl Little was an itinerant black preacher, but whether or not he fathered Malcolm is a moot question, since Malcolm had freckles and fuzzy red hair. Be that as it may, while Malcolm was still a small child, the Reverend was killed when a streetcar ran over him and Louisa and her brood were left to shift for themselves. By the time Malcolm was twelve his mother was sent to a mental hospital in Kalamazoo, and Malcolm, who had always been a rebellious juvenile delinquent, was placed in a detention home. He was an energetic hustler and brighter than the average nigger. He managed to finish the eighth grade. He gambled, drank, smoked and sold reefers, and in general, moved on into criminal circles in Harlem. He soon became a thief and professional criminal. By the time he was 20 he was convicted and sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary.

He served seven years, during which he spent much of the time educating himself. He also joined the Black Muslims, or Nation of Islam. When he was released in 1952 he made this his full time career and obsession. He soon distinguished himself as a fiery orator and outstanding leader. After six years of intensive hustling and promoting the Nation of Islam he became its most outstanding spokesman. By this time he was looked upon as the most likely successor to the aging Elijah Muhammed.

After extensive travels to Mecca, the Middle East and Africa, Malcolm began to formulate ideas of his own, and a split began to develop between him and the Black Muslims. He left the Nation of Islam and formed the Organization of Afro-American Unity, which was dedicated to uniting the niggers of America (and the world) and moving them to form a nation or nations of their own in Africa – the same idea Marcus Garvey had promoted some forty years earlier. So appealing was this idea and so successful was he in attracting millions of his black cohorts that both the Jews and the Muslims became highly alarmed. 

He was consequently assassinated by a trio while delivering a speech in New York on February 21, 1965. Two of the assassins were Black Muslims. The third was possibly a member of the Jewish Mossad, since the Jews usually do not like to leave such important assassinations to chance of failure.

Although dead at 39, the idea of Malcolm X lived on, nevertheless, and he is still regarded as a folk-hero among his people. Had he lived, he would probably have united and organized the black population of America to indeed migrate to Africa, and fulfill the dream of Marcus Garvey.

Today Louis T. Farrakhan is carrying on the same idea with great success, but with this one major difference: he wants to build a black independent nation right here in the heart of America, an event we must make damn sure never happens. Farrakhan has one redeeming feature, however. He hates the Jews even more vehemently than he hates the White devils.

I have briefly cited more than two hundred years of history regarding the problem of black aborigines and mulattos in the midst of a formerly White American society, starting with the efforts of Thomas Jefferson in 1777. What can we learn from this review? There are two clear and cogent conclusions we can and should draw from this study, and they are these:

(a) Intelligent and responsible White statesmen such as Jefferson, Lincoln, Bilbo and many others have realized from the beginning of the Republic that the black African in our midst was a festering cancer that was bound to destroy the White Race unless we took decisive and conclusive measures to expunge them from our social body; and

(b) That there is an instinctive and inherent urge and yearning In the majority of the niggers living in a White society to separate themselves and form an independent nation or nations of their own; that with support and encouragement from the government and the media, the majority would cooperate willingly in a Back to Africa’ movement.

The road block, the opposition to accomplishing this paramount historic achievement, does not come from the niggers per se, but from the insidious Jewish power establishment. It is the Jews who want the nigger to stay, to breed and multiply, to interbreed and mongrelize the White Race into oblivion. It is not that the Jew cares a whit for the welfare of the niggers, or their much professed love for "democracy," or their civil rights. They couldn’t care less. On the contrary, the Jews’ age-old program is to mongrelize the White Race, to degrade it, to destroy it forever. Their motivation is purely fueled by hate for the White Race, and by hate alone. Once they have destroyed the White Race and have a world of dumb brown zombies to contend with, they feel assured that their own future survival is secured and they will have no problem enslaving, ruling, and exploiting their brown mongrels forever and a day.

So our first and major objective is crystal clear: we must get the Jews off our backs, drive them from power, and take control of our own destiny and our government. Can this be done? And if so, how do we go about accomplishing this major historic break-through?

* * * * *
Our Rebuttal to NDF Reply
(Background: Gary Gallo at that time was the head of a small P.O. Box organization called the National Democratic Front, located in Maryland on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. He has since moved to Tennessee.
The idea he advocated was to split the United States up into seven countries and move each ethnic group into their allotted territory, an idea that we deem as utterly insane.)

July 15, 1988

Dear Gary:

1. When we protest against slicing the White Man’s precious living space Into bits and pieces and "giving" It gratis and voluntarily to a polyglot collection of mud races, we are hardly engaged in a "straw man" issue.

2. The Burma mess is not at all different from what you propose to inflict on the United States, except that it is already in a more advanced stage. Each of those thirty or so minorities, too, want to be "completely independent" nations cut loose from the Burma government, and have been struggling to do so for 40 years. Actually, their case should be much easier, since, unlike the United States, their minorities are already territorially separated.

3. Your unrealistic plan would call for the forceful uprooting and movement of probably as many as 150 million Americans in the style of moving the Cherokees and other Indian tribes during the nineteenth and previous centuries, in their "trail of tears." This, however, would now also involve forcefully moving probably as many as 100 million White people. Do you believe in your wildest dreams that this vast operation would be voluntary and bloodless? If, for Instance in your magnanimous generosity you gave Arizona to the Mexicans, would the White homeowners in the city of Phoenix (which is still predominantly White) voluntarily give up their businesses and beautiful homes to the Mexicans and be shunted elsewhere? I think not.

4. Since we have shown that a polyglot United States has hundreds, if not thousands, of ethnic, racial, religious, linguistic and ideological mixtures scattered all over its wide domain, I challenge you to specifically name the "seven" categories into which you would arbitrarily and capriciously lump these hundreds, or thousands of mixtures. Secondly, draw a territorial map revealing your intentions as to just where each of the arbitrary seven would be herded. I can’t wait.

5. Your argument that your plan would be "voluntary" and "bloodless" and our plan of expanding the White Race is one of genocide, I believe has the situation completely backwards. To uproot and move tens of millions of White Americans would cause a more bloody conflict between White and White than the suicidal Civil War ever evoked. It would certainly not unify the White Race, nor win any popular White support from the outset, a prerequisite before you would wrest governmental control from the Jewish establishment. On the contrary, the whole idea is so ghastly, so crazy, it is still-born at its very inception.

6. We Creators do not propose a "war of extermination" against the mud races of the world. We have said time and again we must first straighten out the confused and convoluted thinking of the White Race, unite It to pursue its own best interests, and stop subsidizing and feeding the mud races. They will then "wither on the vine" of their own incompetence to sustain themselves, as they did before "our" Jewish government undertook to rob the White Man of his productivity and substance in order to feed and expand the non-achieving mud hordes of the world.

7. The NDF does not address the crucial issue of Jewish Christianity – the most pervasive and suicidal mind scrambler of all time.

8. Since you advocate pursuing the "truth,’ as you say in your masthead every month, why don’t you stop being a hypocrite and publicly state whether or not you believe Christianity to be a lying hoax, as you do in private?
9. The word "democracy" may have been coined by the Greeks, but nevertheless it is the Jews who have treacherously manipulated it into their "divide and conquer" technique (along with Christianity and Communism) as a tool with which to mongrelize the White Race.

10. The vast majority of the White population would undoubtedly prefer to live in a White nation, and we plan to make this possible, but they would definitely and overwhelmingly refuse to give up their homes and businesses where they now live and turn them over to the mud races, which they would have to do under the NDF program.

11. Creativity is not at all separate from political action as you falsely seem to imply. We are strongly political and are determined to take over our government and control our own destiny. Only by properly orienting and uniting the White Race can this ever be done. The fact is, we cover the whole comprehensive spectrum – race, religion, politics, culture, education, language, environment, eugenics, individual health (Salubrious Living), economics, geopolitics, and much more: read our Basic Books.

12. Instead of wasting our dwindling resources joining a "front," usually used as a concealment for its real motives, or substitute for a meaningless muddle, I would suggest that it would be much more constructive and productive if all men of your native talents were to forget their own little hubris and instead join in the comprehensive, creative, profound and meaningful program of the Church of the Creator.

Creatively yours,

B. Klassen, P.M.

* * * * *
Although we may be much maligned for it, in our uncompromising intolerance of lies, stupidity and hypocrisy also resides one of our greatest sources of strength.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator

OCT 15AC (1988) 


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