Sunday 4 March 2018

The Rothschilds, The Civil War and The Lincoln Assassination...By Ben Klassen

Sequel to the Kennedy Assassination ......
Who Killed John Kennedy... By Ben Klassen

1. “If you like, we shall divide the United States into two parts, one for you, James, and one for you, Lionel...” Benjamin Disraeli, (Son of Isaac D’Israeli and, secondly, British Prime Minister) toasting and bragging to Nathan Rothschild’s boys at the wedding of their sister, Lenora, to their cousin Alfonso in 1857.

2. “We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their pride and stupidity. They shall massacre each other and clear the ground for us.” From the funeral oration of Rabbi Reichhorn (Page 59 of the Rothschild Money Trust).

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Let us take up the specific subjects in the title In the reverse of their chronological order and start with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States.

Who Killed “Honest” Abe

In a series of events that strangely parallel the assassination of President John Kennedy some 98 years later, Abraham Lincoln was murdered on April 14, 1865 while he was attending a play at the Ford Theater, It was a time when he was at the height of his career, flushed with victory as the Civil War was winding up to a successful conclusion for the Union forces and a catastrophic end for the Confederate South. At this propitious moment at 10:15 PM, that fateful night, he was hit behind his left ear by a half inch lead slug fired from a derringer in the hand of John Wilkes Booth, of the Jewish family of Botha.

In a split second, as in the Kennedy assassination, this act dramatically changed the course of history. As also in the Kennedy assassination, that course of history boded ill for the White Race and greatly accrued to the benefit of the Jewish money powers. Let us briefly summarize how the White Race lost and how the Jews gained tremendous advantages in that spilt second when the lead ball penetrated Lincoln’s skull.

As historians are well aware, Abraham Lincoln dared to thwart and challenge the Jewish banking establishment by printing 450 million dollars in U.S. government “greenbacks,” as they were called, and thereby bypassed the Jewish bankers. This was, and continues to be, an unforgivable crime in the eyes of the Jews. The fact that Lincoln had a clear constitutional right to do so, made not the slightest iota of difference to the hard-nosed Jews. They have usurped this powerful weapon – the issuance of money – into their own grubby hands, and will fiercely defend it by all the devious and sinister means at their disposal. Not only did Lincoln have the constitutional right to do so, but as every president before and after him, he had a sworn constitutional duty to do so. (See C.C. No. 40 of The White Man’s Bible “The Federal Reserve.”) Lincoln took this major step during the middle of the war to somewhat belatedly help pay the mounting debts and the terrible price the war between the states was exacting from the nation. Whether Lincoln fully realized the extent and the power of the forces he was bucking is a matter of some conjecture. That he paid the full price with his life, as later did John Kennedy, of that history leaves no doubt.

The second reason the Jews wanted Lincoln dead as soon as the war was over was purely racial. Now that he had done them the stupendous favor of successfully waging a disastrous, so-called “civil war” between twogroups of burgeoning White peoples, he was no longer needed. In fact, he was now an obstacle and a liability to their future plans. As I have pointed out repeatedly In many of my previous writings, it has been the ultimate dream of the Jewish cabal to decimate the White Race, to mongrelize the White Race and to finally destroy it utterly and have this Planet Earth populated by only two classes of people – the Jews as masters, and a polyglot brown mixture of dumb mongrels as their slaves. Their motto is and has been for centuries every Jew a king, every goy a slave.

In the preceding article on the Kennedy Assassination we mentioned that the bloody gang of Jewish killers known as the MOSSAD as being of recent vintage, approximately the 1930’s. Whereas the name is recent, and like the Russian KVD and KGB, changes names from time to time, the Jews have always had a well organized, tightly knit intelligence network. The MOSSAD is replete with super spies and professional killers ready to execute those they deem inimical to their cause. This they have had long before the emergence of the modern MOSSAD, going as far back as the days of Moses and Joshua. Evidently, this gang of spies and killers was also well established in America before and during the Civil War.

During the progress of the long, cruel war, Lincoln’s prestige and position were both extremely precarious, depending solely on the turn of events. Every battle was a crucial barometer of whether he had been right or wrong. A defeat castigated him as a villain. Every victory glorified him as a hero. When the tide of events in April of 1865 successfully wound up that gruesome war with the Union forces victorious and the Confederate forces shattered, Lincoln emerged as a national hero of historical proportions (in the eyes of the victorious North). As president in the aftermath, his power and prestige would largely have dictated the course of events as Lincoln wished them to be.
Just what did Lincoln have in mind for the Union he now had “saved?” They were largely constructive and beneficial for the White people of the now “United” States.

He had a far-reaching program in mind for moving the niggers out of the territory of the United States and resettling them (a) in the tropical territories of Central America, at that time largely vacant, or (b) In Africa, in which the colony of Liberia, founded in 1821 for that purpose, was the embryo, but by no means the only destination.

That such was Lincoln’s plan and intention was no secret at that time in history, although the Jewish propaganda machine has subsequently and largely obliterated that fact from our present history books. For those interested in further pursuing Lincoln’s plans and program, the details are capably set out by Earnest Sevier Cox (1880-1966) in his booklet Lincoln’s Negro Policy, available from Liberty Bell Publications, Box 21, Reedy, WV 25270.

Had Lincoln lived, his influence and prestige would undoubtedly have set in motion a most urgent and far-reaching solution to the cancerous racial problem, a problem that is now rapidly coming to a climax and threatens to destroy the last bastion of the White Race, the United States of America.

When John Wilkes Booth fired that derringer on that fateful night of April 14, 1865, the whole plan of racial “emancipation” died with Lincoln. Although the urgency of that program has increased with each passing generation, no president, no political party since has had the guts to carry it forward and implement it. This overwhelming issue now ominously staring us in the face, more than anything else, is the reason for the existence of the Church of the Creator. It is now or never, and we cannot afford to fail. We must not fail! Your support to achieve what Lincoln had in mind a century and a quarter ago is now a matter of life and death for our precious Race.

Lincoln had a constructive and forgiving policy towards the now defeated and shattered states of the Confederacy. In contrast, the Northern stooges and radicals, goaded and led by the Jewish forces, thirsted for revenge. They not only wanted to destroy the property of the White Southerners but they wanted to destroy their traditions, their life-style, and everything the South stood for. Most of all, they wanted to destroy and mongrelize the White Southern gene pool – they were determined to pump the black blood of the former African slaves into the veins of White Americans. This was the most heinous of all their crimes, and, led by their Jewish overlords manipulating the whole operation and pulling the strings, these White traitors went about it with a vengeance. As always, whereas the Jews remained in the background, in the forefront appeared such radical reprobates as Thurlow Weed, New York newspaper publisher and political boss; Benjamin F. Wade, Senator from Ohio and Chairman of the Committee on the conduct of the War; Brothers Jay Cook and Henry Cook, the former being a Philadelphia financier and Lincoln’s Civil War fund raiser, and the latter a Washington, D.C. banker; Thaddeus Stevens, Congressman from Pennsylvania and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee; Zacharias Chandler, Senator from Michigan and Chairman of the Committee on Commerce; Brig. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, some-time congressman from Massachusetts, and the brutal military governor of New Orleans during part of 1862, a stint that earned him the name of “Beast Butler.”

This by no means completes the list of radicals which were determined to smash and destroy the South and all the White people who dwelt therein. What they had in mind was to make the White Southerners the slaves of their former black slaves.

Further, Lincoln was in favor of reimbursing the former Southern slave owners for the slaves that they would now no longer hold; of giving the niggers only a limited vote, i.e., those who were at least somewhat educated and literate. He was in favor of taking the Confederate States back into the Union as full partners, with only partial and limited restrictions.

All of this was anathema to the Northern radicals, who not only wanted vindictive revenge but also wanted to physically and financially break the South. This would enable the carpetbaggers from the North (especially Jews like the Seligmans and Lehmans) to march in and buy up the formerly valuable properties and estates for two cents on the dollar. This they now did with a vengeance, as the Jews were to do again later In war-torn Germany after World Wars I and II.

All this was accomplished in the flash of a derringer when Lincoln was assassinated on that fateful night of April 14, 1865. The radicals got their revenge. The properties of the Confederate States were burned and looted. What remained was stolen and confiscated into the hands of the Northern carpetbaggers. The Southern States were occupied and treated to a Carthaginian truce as vicious as had ever been imposed on any foreign enemy. The niggers were allowed to run rampant and rape the Southern women at will, and these filthy, ignorant savages now became the token “governors” of their former White masters, with the Jews pulling all the strings in the background. All this massive change was accomplished by that one fatal shot from a derringer.

As in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, we now come to the main question in this whole gruesome episode: Was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln merely an accidental quirk of history, the act of a lone nut, John Wilkes Booth, or was it the culmination of a massive, carefully planned conspiracy by powerful forces behind the scenes?

Again, as in the Kennedy murder, the stakes were tremendously high in that it would it would change the future course of the nation’s history. Also, if we raise the question – who benefited, and who lost the most, we come up with the same conclusion in both of the two historical events, although they might be 98 years apart in time: the Jews were the overwhelming benefactors and gained their desired objectives; the White Race lost a tremendous amount of ground in both cases. An accidental quirk of history? Hardly.

There are many more strange parallels in these two historic assassinations. Since in the previous article aboutthe Kennedy murder I have already made a cursory review of the many absurdities, lies and impossible conclusions put forth by the Warren Commission and the several concomitant whitewash efforts succeeding it, there is no need to repeat them again. What is strange is that in the Lincoln assassination and its aftermath we find a very similar question, suppressed evidence and a massive cover-up.

Here are some unanswered questions:

1. Why did several invited guests, including Gen. U.S. Grant, refuse to accept Lincoln’s invitation to accompany him and Mrs. Lincoln to Ford’s Theater on the night of April 14?

2. Why did the President only have one single bodyguard that night, and how did it happen that even he was absent from his post at the time of the murder? How did it also happen that he was never punished for his dereliction, nor even questioned?

3. Why, despite countless threats and known plots did the War Department fail to provide Lincoln with adequate protection?

4. Did Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln’s power-obsessed Secretary of War, play a role in the assassination?

5. Why were all the escape routes out of Washington closed that fateful night, except the one that Booth used?

6. Who, for hours after the murder, blacked out all the commercial telegraph lines from out of Washington?

7. Why was the existence of Booth’s diary hidden until long after the famous 1865 conspiracy trial, and when revealed 18 pages had been cut out?

8. Who removed those 18 pages, when and why?

9. Were the convicted and hanged Booth coconspirators scapegoats for higher figures in a massive cover-up? (cf. Oswald set up as the patsy in the Kennedy murder.)

10. Was the man shot at Garrett’s farm and identified as Booth, the real Booth, or a substitute?

11. Did the real Booth escape to freedom and die an old man 40 years later, as has been alleged? (Probably so. We must remember that he performed an inestimable favor for the Jews, and that Booth was himself of Jewish ancestry.)

It is my inescapable conclusion that once the war was over and the South lay in ruins, it was of tremendous importance to the Jewish cause that Lincoln be put out of the way. They foresaw this long before the war was over, and they meticulously planned both his assassination and the massive cover-up that followed.

It is my further conclusion that having successfully accomplished the Lincoln assassination and cover-up, they utilized this experience to follow a similar modus operandi in the murder and cover-up of John F. Kennedy. Also, the reasons for doing so were strikingly similar (the issuance of “greenbacks”; proceeding with their avowed program of mongrelizing the White Race.) in both cases, the sole benefactor was the worldwide Jewish network.

About the Civil WarThere are some further observations I want to make about the so-called Civil War, which was not a civil war at all, but more correctly a war between one group of American states (the North, or the Union) and another group of American states (the South, or Confederate States) In a war of secession (the latter from the former). In so doing, I may not have any new information to offer, except for one important point that historians have chosen to ignore, and that is this: viewing that war from the point of view that the real power behind it was the Jewish money power – the whole worldwide Jewish network. To ignore such (because of “fear of the Jews”) throws an altogether different light on world events and is, in fact, an aberration and a gigantic distortion of history.

As I have stated on numerous occasions previously, the only wars that America has fought that were of any benefit to the White Race were of two categories. The first was the war against Mexico between 1846 and 1848. The second category consists of the numerous battles, wars and skirmishes against the savage Indians which flared up, off and on, for approximately three centuries. In the first case, the Mexican War, which was ably planned and successfully carried through by our outstanding eleventh President, James Knox Polk, we gained a major third of our land area for the benefit of the White Race. True, it was a racial war, in which the White Anglo-Saxon Race was pitted against the more numerous mongrelized Mexicans. The White Man won that war hands down, much to the glory and benefit of our brave and competent forefathers. Although spread out over a much wider period of time and circumstances, the results of the numerous Indian skirmishes was the same. We conquered a continent and a massive new territory and held it by force. We settled it, developed that territory and built a great nation. Of this we can be tremendously proud.

We cannot say the same about any of the other wars into which the United States has been treacherously inveigled. We derived no benefit from the Vietnam War, not from World I or II, nor even from the American Revolution, which, had it not been for the Bank of England and Jewish money power, need never have been fought at all. But of all the bloody and costly wars Into which the White people of the United States have been snookered, none was as stupid, as bloody, as destructive and as unnecessary as was the massacre between the States In the era of 1861-1865.

As most of the destructive wars into which the White Man has been ensnared and swindled, the so-called Civil War was a Jewish operation from beginning to end. For more than forty years the Jews used the slavery issue as an emotional and “moral” issue to stir up intensive hatred and dissention. By cleverly manipulating their propaganda machinery (in which Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a major tool) the stage was thoroughly set by the time Lincoln became president. The results, as all the world now knows, were devastating, especially for the South. In terms of slaughtering the prime manhood of the North, and again, especially of the South, in terms of men maimed and crippled, in terms of property wantonly burned and destroyed, no other war in our history can equal the punishment inflicted on the then young and emerging nation. Nor was that legacy of hate and destruction to the White Race ever absolved or redeemed. We are today reaping the whirlwind of that horrible blunder made by our forefathers when they allowed the Jews to inveigle them into that catastrophic and fratricidal war. As never before, because of it, we, the White Race, are now faced with total mongrelization, and, for all practical purposes, are facing a fate worse than genocide, worse than death. It was all planned that way, and the Jewish money power, the Rothschild dynasty in particular, not only planned it, but bragged about it years before the event.

There is one further Intriguing question that arises from this whole gruesome and tragic catastrophe. Since the Jews planned the whole operation, the war, its outcome, the Lincoln murder and its subsequent cover-up, the vicious raping and destruction of the South, the question is – what was Lincoln’s conscious role in this whole affair? Since he was the central figure in this fratricidal war, was he a willing collaborator in conspiracy with the Jews, or was he a dumb patsy used by the Jews, or was he partly both?Lincoln was not the great man that subsequent history has made him out to be, just as Kennedy was not the heroic idol he is now being portrayed. There is a saying that some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Lincoln definitely falls into the latter category. Lincoln was an enigma in his time, and remains as such even today. He was a shrewd politician, somewhat of a not-too-intelligent backwoods lawyer and country bumpkin, but sharp enough to be able to manipulate people and use his homespun homilies and anecdotes in order to make his points. This he did effectively, as a good politician should. Also, he had a big ego and a fierce determination to win. He did not create the furor about the slavery issue.

The Jews had been working on that for some forty years, and when his opportunity came, Lincoln was shrewd enough to capitalize on it as a crafty politician should. He probably did feel that it was an important moral issue that he would like to rectify, if he could. I do not believe that he knowingly collaborated with the Jews when he became president but rather the Jews saw in him a useful tool for furthering their cause and consequently used and promoted him. In American Jewry and the Civil War, the Jewish author Bertram W. Korn says, “One of the most enigmatic intimates of President Lincoln during the war was Isachar Zacharie, an obscure British-born physician and chiropodist, who, according to the New York World, enjoyed Mr. Lincoln’s confidence perhaps more than any other private individual – (and was) perhaps the most favored family visitor in the White House.”

Undoubtedly, the Jews used Zacharie as a conduit to manipulate Lincoln to do their bidding whenever necessary, but Lincoln was committed and obsessed to wage and win the war, and did not need too much prompting. Although I do not profess to be a mind reader, I believe that Lincoln entered the presidency more or less ignorant and unaware of the Jewish money power. However, once president, somewhere along the line he did become aware of it, and it frightened him. He is quoted as saying something to the effect that he saw dark and sinister forces gathering
on the horizon and he feared for his country. If the United States were ever destroyed it would be destroyed not by an outside enemy, but from within. Without a doubt, confronted with grim reality, he had become aware of the “hidden hand” of Jewish money power. Rothschild Money Power

We now come full circle as to who and what caused the Civil War and culminated in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In this whole treacherous and catastrophic series of events, let me assure you, that freeing of the slaves was never the real and underlying issue. The issue was two fold – money and race. Both of these issues are the primary domain of the Jewish cabal and have been for at least three thousand years.

The Jewish focus on money and power therefore did not start with the Rothschild family dynasty, but it did reach new heights with their dominance. Mayer Amschel, the founder of the dynasty, was born in 1743 in Frankfurt-am-Main. He was a dealer in junk, antiques and old coins. He was a shrewd operator and soon became the financial agent to the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel during the French Revolutionary wars. He had a large family of 20 children. Of these, ten survived to adulthood, five of which were sons.

The Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel was the same fellow that engaged in renting out his subjects (young soldiers) to America in the Revolutionary War and was making a fortune in supplying Hessian mercenaries to fight on the American side. All this money also went through Mayer Amshel’s slimy hands and he was quick to divert it to his own coffers and multiply it prodigiously. He went into banking. He had discovered that magic swindle now called fractional reserve, that process whereby you lend money out at Interest on script, against gold you do not have, on the premise that only a fraction of your customers will come to call on the gold. (See C.C. 40 in The White Man’s Bible “The Federal Reserve.”) Anyway, crafty Jew Amschel prospered by leaps and bounds. His basic working motto was “Give me the power to issue the Nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.” He soon set up his five sons as central bankers in the five main financial capitals of Europe, namely London, England; Paris, France; Vienna, Austria; Naples, Italy; and the aforementioned Frankfurt to cover Germany.

During the Napoleonic Wars the five boys were extremely busy lending money not only to both sides, but to all sides. They pulled off their biggest coup after the Battle of Waterloo, where they had couriers and/or carrier pigeons to speedily relay the results of that fateful battle back to England, and, through this crafty device were the first in England to know the outcome of that history making battle. However, being privy to this kind of “insider information,” they quickly started stock buying sprees which worked to their favor. The word spread like wildfire that Napoleon had won and panic hit the British stock exchange. The Rothschilds had made a fantastic killing, once again using the Jewish ruse of lies, deception, and insider information. Like trained seals, the British merchants took it lying down, and let these scurvy thieves get away with it.

There are many other fast deals that the Rothschilds manipulated on a national scale, such as the Suez Canal stock shares, and a host of others. Most of our readers are also aware of the double-dealing, latter day Rothschild cohorts, the Warburgs. During World War I while Paul Warburg was advising our president Wilson how to starve Germany into surrender, his brother Max was in Germany advising Kaiser Wilhelm on how to decimate the U.S., but let us focus back on the Civil War.

The Rothschilds and the Jews saw the new nation of the United States of America as a huge potential gold mine and they lost no time establishing themselves and getting their financial tentacles firmly entrenched in the new land of milk and honey. In the first place, the Jews were the foremost promoters and traders in black gold – trading in black slaves imported from Africa. They had a twofold purpose in the slave trade: first, to make huge fortunes from the slave trade itself. Secondly, polluting this new land with the dirty genes of these black African savages. They could utilize this tactic later to ruin the U.S. as they did Egypt 3000 years ago and have done to several other countries since then. They had gathered a wealth of experience in the trading of slaves and in the poisoning of the gene pools of White nations.

Having shipped vast numbers of black slaves into America at a huge profit, they simultaneously began to lay the guilt complex on the White Americans at large. This Achilles’ heel of the White Race they exploited and fomented with a vengeance. When they then found a Lincoln to act as their front piece and to lead the new nation in a divisive, fratricidal war, the Rothschild network was more than ready – ready to again finance both sides of a war they themselves had been instrumental in instigating.

On the Union side they had August Belmont (real name – Schoenberg), a racial cohort, as their agent to supply the North with money (at interest, of course). On the Confederate side they had Judah P. Benjamin to supply the South with printed Confederate notes, the value of which rapidly dwindled into the nothingness from whence it came when the South lost the war. But the Rothschild dynasty made out like the bandits they were and cleaned up beautifully on both sides. Furthermore, their tentacles did not relax after the war was over. In fact, so deep in debt were both sides after the war that these slimy Jewish parasites have been making a killing from that debacle (and several ensuing debacles) ever since.

To illustrate how deeply involved the Jewish House of Rothschild was in plotting and instigating the Civil War, and how arrogantly sure they were of their scam, I refer the reader back to page one and the opening, boastful toast of Rothschild crony, Benjamin Disraeli. Could the picture be more lucid as to who and what caused the Civil War?

The Jews found Abraham Lincoln a useful patsy in a war that they, the Jews, had carefully planned and fomented for decades in advance. When Lincoln had served his time and their purpose, they just as meticulously planned his murder and the ensuing cover-up. We, the White Race, are still paying an outrageously high price for this perfidy, and unless we soon get ourselves organized and expunge these deadlyparasites from our midst, our future progeny will be totally mongrelized, totally enslaved. Twenty years hence, your children will ask: Dad, Mother, where were you when the Jews and the niggers took over this country? How will you answer them?
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“I have the grey army in front of me, the international bankers at my back.” – Abe Lincoln, just a few weeks before he was murdered.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of The Creator

FEBRUARY 16AC (1989)

1 comment:

  1. Stop blaming the Jews! The Rothschilds came from Russia, had a Russian name and change it to Rothschild. THEY ARE NOT JEWS.
