Tuesday 7 January 2020

How We Will Build a Whiter and Brighter World....By Ben Klassen


Legally and Progressively

How We will Build a Whiter and Brighter World

During the last six months In particular, we at the World Center here have been besieged by an increasing number of reporters from the Jewsmedia. We have had any number of reporters from prominent out of state newspapers writing feature articles about us, some with our cooperation, many without. We have been featured in a number of TV episodes from Jacksonville to Denver to New York – "Inside Edition," "Geraldo," Maury Povitch" and a number of others.

There is one constant norm in all these articles, TV programs and interviews. They are hostile to our creed and program. The dominant obsession is to smear us and depict us as being violence-prone. Whereas it is we who have repeatedly been attacked, in true Jewish fashion they try to turn the facts upside down. Some of the basic questions I now ask any reporters before I will talk to them are usually in this order:

(a) Are you a Jew? If the answer is yes, I terminate the interview at the very inception. Next I ask them if they are black, with the same conclusion.

(b) Have you been sent here to do a smear job on the Church of the Creator?

The latter is actually not too relevant a question, since invariably they will lie to us and claim that they will give us an impartial and balanced view as they see it. Usually I will acquiesce and say, alright, we will answer your questions, but stick to your commitment. Give us an honest report and we will answer your questions frankly and honestly. We have nothing to hide.

Question (a) is usually answered honestly. By now they know that we will not tolerate talking to a Jewish or a black reporter, and therefore the media does not send such down to us. However, every once in a while they do slip in a Jew that denies he is one of the tribe.

Question (b) is really a charade, a farce. The reporter will lie every time. We know that they have been sent here to do an out and out hatchet job, and they know that we know. So we usually proceed anyway, and they never disappoint us. They invariably come out with a hostile smear job. Why do we cooperate? Well, at our stage, as Adolf said some seventy years ago, almost any publicity is good publicity, as long as they spell our name right. The more people hear about us, sooner or later the White people will sort out the true facts. It is our job to see to it that they get them, once they know we exist.


The questions usually run the same course, starting with: what is Creativity? One standard answer is, Creativity is a racial religion structured for the survival, expansion, and advancement of the White Race. How many members do you have? We don’t disclose numbers since we are usually accused of either overstating or understating such numbers, and in any case, we don’t want to get embroiled in the numbers game. We don’t have an accurate count of all our members, supporters and sympathizers, and in any event, it is not relevant that we do. We prefer to talk about our creed and program. We want to build a Whiter and Brighter World.

It is at this point that the reporter usually begins to become venal. After a discussion of what is our definition of the White Race and who are the "mud" races, they will ask the question: How are you going to "cleanse your territory" as you put it, of the mud races? Is it your intention to kill all the Jews and the blacks?

We must keep in mind that the reporter came here to talk to us for basically two reasons: (a) to write an article about Creativity in order to smear us, in short, to do a hatchet job, (b) to gather intelligence information to convey on to the files of the ADL, and the Jewish master computer in Tel Aviv. We must also remember that besides trying to portray us as haters, they will try very hard to make us look like a movement that promotes violence. In this latter attempt to make us look violence-prone they will use every remote linkage they possibly can contrive, and nothing is too remote for these lying prostitutes of the Jewish media. Keeping these ground rules in mind we must be very careful and very precise in our answers to these reporters, who will inevitably zero in on the key question: Just what are you going to do with the Jews and the niggers that are already here? Are you going to kill them?

And our answer is: no, we have no plans for killing anybody. We are a non-violent religious movement. We have a comprehensive plan as to how to achieve a Whiter and Brighter World. Every step along the way is legal, constitutional and non-violent as we will detail to you. Here is how we plan to proceed, step by step:

Step No. 1. We mean to build our racial religious movement legally and constitutionally by employing and enjoying the same rights as does every other religious group in America, by means of propaganda, by means of persuasion, by means of organization. Instead of adulating fictitious spooks in the sky, our religion is based on Racial Loyalty. There is nothing new about Racial Loyalty. If you look at the real world around you, you will see that the niggers practice it, the Jews practice it, the Indians practice it, the Muslims practice it, the Japanese practice Racial Loyalty. In fact, just about every race in the world practices Racial Loyalty and has for thousands of years. The only difference is that we are now talking about White Racial Loyalty. But there is nothing illegal about being White and there is nothing Illegal about White Racial Loyalty.

Step No. 2. We plan to build our movement to such dimensions that we will be able to take control of our government from out of the slimy hands of the Jews who now have it and thereby take control of our own destiny. Nothing illegal about that. After all, the White people built this great country, and at this point in time are still the majority. What is more fair and more legal than the White people having control of their own destiny, rather than a small minority of Talmudic Jews? How do we plan to accomplish this?

Step No. 3. We plan to accomplish it by promoting Racial Loyalty to the White Race, by informing, arousing, uniting and organizing the mighty potential of our White Racial Comrades. We mean to polarize the White Race under one language, Latin, one religion, Creativity and build one mighty powerhouse so that we, not the Jews, will be in charge of our own affairs. Nothing illegal about that.

Step No. 4. Having done the above, we will then further practice Racial Loyalty and take our next step. In accordance with Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9 of our Sixteen Commandments, we will boycott the Jews. We will boycott them in business and break them financially. We will boycott them in politics and drive them from out of government. We will boycott them in education, in the news media, and every other place in our cultural life. There is nothing illegal about using the boycott either. The Jews have been doing it for thousands of years. The Arabs have been boycotting Israel for the last forty years. Our government (JOG) has been using sanctions (an extreme form of boycott) against South Africa, against Iraq, against Iran, against Germany in the 1930’s and against any and every other country they didn’t like. Numerous Jew controlled organizations (such as NOW) even today use the boycott against such states as Arizona because they did not acquiesce to declaring a legal holiday in honor of Martin Lucifer Koon. So, we can conclude there is nothing illegal about using the boycott. However, if used by a united, polarized White Race, believe me, it can be and will be extremely effective.

Step No. 5.
Having achieved control of our own destiny, we will then simultaneously stop subsidizing the niggers In this country, stop subsidizing the parasitic state of Israel, and in fact, stop subsidizing all the other 120 some countries that JOG has piled on the backs of the working White American taxpayers. We will simply let all these Jews, niggers, parasites and freeloaders shift for themselves and wither on the vine.

Having done the above, we will let Nature take its inevitable course In phasing out the problem. For hundreds of millions of years Nature has followed its wise but ruthless course of Survival of the Fittest, which also means the demise of those unfit to cope for themselves. In the endless struggle of each species to survive In competition to other like species, Nature has persistently used the culling process, of weeding out of the weak, the deformed, the sickly and the mentally Incompetent. It is only in the last half of the 20th century that the White race, misguided by the evil hand of the Jew, has subverted this purgative action of cleansing the genetic defects of a species gene pool. By subsidizing the lazy, the shiftless, the incompetent and rendering massive aid to all the parasites, the scum and the free-loaders of the world, we have greatly multiplied the defectives at the expense of he competent, until now we are reaching the breaking point. In our program we mean to reverse this sick and idiotic process. All this, too, is strictly legal.

Step No. 6. We are now well on the way towards the salvation and redemption of the great White Race. Our next step is to then aggressively cleanse our territory of the still lingering mud races. The first step is to forcibly expel the some 10 million illegal Mexicans. This too, is strictly legal, and it is a dereliction of duty that our JOG government has not done so a long time ago. Along with these illegal Mestizos, we will also expel all other alien muds – Haitians, Pakistanis, Jews and whatever.
Next, we will institute a program of repatriating all blacks back to Africa whether they are tenth generation "Americans’ or not. This too is not a new idea by any means, and repatriation of unassimilable mixed peoples has been practiced by any number of nations throughout history, both recent and ancient.

1. The Egyptians drove the Jews from out of their land 3500 years ago when the latter became unbearably obnoxious (as with the Holohoax, the Jews have twisted history around and claim they left Egypt voluntarily after the Egyptians tried to keep them. What an inverted lie!)

2. All of the French in the colony of Acadia (In present day Nova Scotia) were deported by the victorious British in 1755. Most of these were deported to Louisiana, but many scattered elsewhere. (Read Longfellow’s Evangeline.)

3. In our own American history, we moved any number of Indian tribes to other less desirable, less inhabited areas. Some were moved and confined to reservations, some, like the Cherokees were moved en masse from North Carolina to Oklahoma. This was a matter of the conquering White Man cleansing the territory and making room for his own people, a process that was repeated time and again.

4. When the White Man conquered Texas, they organized the Texas Rangers and launched a powerful (and successful) drive to expel every Mexican and Indian from what was now conquered White Man’s territory. This was How the West was Won.

5. The Turks even resorted to extensive massacres of the Armenian population in 1894-96, again in 1909, and again in 1915, the latter running into millions.

6. After World War II, the victorious democratic’ Allies, led by America, Russia and Britain, routed, moved and/or killed 13 million Germans from their eastern homelands and crowded them into the western areas of a remnant Germany, all at the bequest of the Communist Jews.

7. Also, after W.W. II the Jews (with the help of American JOG) drove the native Palestinian Arabs from a homeland they had lived in for two thousand years. This in order to make room for the parasitic state of Israel. With their Uzi machine guns in hand, the Jews are still at it today driving the Arabs out of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. All this with the subsidization of Israel by the American taxpayers to the tune of four billion a year, now being anted-up to more than ten billion. I ask you, Whitey, how long are you going to stand for this kind of rapacious atrocity?

8. The niggers in Africa, with the help of (our own!) JOG and in accordance with the Jewish plan of exterminating the White Race are driving the White people out of Africa. Is it fair? If so, it is just as fair to drive the Jews and niggers out of the White Mans territory, is it not? But let us now look at the specific controversy of resettling the niggers here in America and moving them out of our land. This problem is certainly not new and the solution to it was not invented by the Church of the Creator. It is an insidious problem of long standing that should have been solved a long time ago, and several of our most astute White statesmen and leaders have strongly advocated the expulsion of these black animals from out of our midst.

1. Thomas Jefferson, certainly one of the most fervent advocates of liberty, clearly realized the race problem as early as 1811, and formulated plans to have the niggers deported onto foreign soil, preferably Africa. This was at the urging of the Virginia legislature and its then Governor. James Monroe.

2. As a result of this initial Impetus for the deportation of Africans, the American Colonization Society was formed in 1817. Among its high officers were such distinguished leaders as Charles Carroiton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, Henry Clay, John Marshall, Wm. H. Crawford, John Randolph, Daniel Webster and Andrew Jackson. In 1822 a large tract of land was secured on the west coast of Africa and it was called Liberia. Between 1820 and 1831 some 2,228 niggers were transported to this territory.

Having shown the feasibility of their plan, the Society in 1827 asked Congress to give its support and financial aid for the continuation of this highly important project. However, the hidden hand of the Jew was already in evidence even then and Congress did nothing. The Jews have been vigorously sabotaging every plan for the deportation of the blacks in our midst ever since. They want the niggers to stay and mongrelize the White Race. The Colonization Society nevertheless continued its efforts and did, in fact, move 20,000 niggers from America to Africa. But with the Jews blocking their every move and Congress not giving its official support, it gradually declined in effectiveness.

3. The racial problem festered on and finally exploded into the devastation of the War between the States, 1861-65, a terrible tragedy for all White Americans, especially for the South. Abraham Lincoln, also realizing the seriousness of the problem of having two completely divergent and

incompatible races living in the same land, strongly advocated moving the blacks out, and instituted a Bureau of Emigration to begin their deportation. He advocated one colony in Haiti, and another in Colombia. However, again because of Jewish opposition and since Lincoln was assassinated at the end of the war, both of these projects were stymied. Had he not been assassinated (by the Jews) the chances are that a meaningful deportation program would have been pursued by the U.S. government under the leadership of Lincoln.

4. Briefly, let me summarize other prominent American supporters, advocates and promoters:

(a) President Millard Fillmore presented a plan to Congress for the emigration of all blacks as early as 1852. Congress ignored it.

(b) President Ulysses S. Grant advocated a similar program.

(c) Marcus Garvey, a black mulatto, in the 1930’s organized the Universal Negro Improvement Association advocating the resettlement of blacks to Africa. He enlisted the support of 6,000,000 black members, but the Federal government under the control of Roosevelt and the Jews hounded him, framed him, imprisoned him and stymied any such constructive action at every turn.

(d) U.S. Senator Theodore Bilbo spent most of political life advocating the resettlement of blacks to Africa. He introduced a bill in the Senate (April 24, 1939) to make this possible, and secured the support and signatures of 2-1/2 million blacks. Again, Roosevelt and the Jews killed the bill.

(e) Senator Langer introduced a bill in 1957 providing aid for blacks desirous of migrating to Liberia.

(f) Malcolm X, a black mulatto leader, strongly advocated the back to Africa movement. He, too, was assassinated.

(g) Louis Farrakhan is strongly advocating separation of the races, to the fervent vocal support of millions of niggers. However, he is now demanding that the separated niggers be given a major piece of America itself.

The upshot of all previous history is that the racial problem is becoming ever more heated, more violent, and will not go away. The only feasible solution to this lingering cancer is to ship all the niggers in America back to Africa. Once we, the White Race, have destroyed the Jewish stranglehold, and have gained control of our own destiny and of our own government, the problem can be solved. This we will do with, I believe, the overwhelming support of the niggers themselves. Let me state it again – it is not the niggers that are blocking the solution, it is not the White people, it is the Jews. Let us now again take up this question of "fairness," and is it fair or is it not fair for one people to drive another out of their territory and occupy it for themselves? As history has shown from time immemorial, this question is entirely moot. History has demonstrated repeatedly and irrevocably that territory Is occupied by those people with the will and the means to conquer the territory they desire, and then held by those capable of, and determined to hold it.

Is it fair? Perhaps not, but history is not fair. Nature is not interested in fairness. The bigger fish eat the smaller fish, the coyotes eat the weaker rabbits and rodents, and on down the food chain. Is it fair? Evidently Nature says it is, and there is only one Law of Nature that predominates in this regard, and that is the Law of Survival of our own species on this Planet Earth. Nature severely punishes with extinction those species that are too lazy, too laggard or too incompetent to take on the struggle for survival. The bottom line is: Eternal struggle is the price of survival. I didn’t make the rules but merely observe and learn from both the lessons of history and the laws of Nature. Having accepted the facts of life, I have no quarrel with reality.

Nor is the moral question of survival of its own kind any problem with any of the races of mankind other than the White Race. In fact, they exalt and glorify their triumph over their enemies, whoever they might be. When one Indian tribe destroyed another they celebrated the extermination of their rivals with great gusto. The Old Testament is full of repeated glorification of how the Jews, with the help of their Jahweh god slew the enemy with the edge of their sword until every man, woman and child had been slain. Even the White Romans, Greeks and Egyptians stated massive celebrations over their victories throughout their history. The Romans shed no tears, felt no pangs of guilt when they finally conquered Carthage after more than a century of hostility. On the contrary, they burned Carthage to the ground and sowed salt in its ruins, and were damned glad they had destroyed an overwhelming threat to their survival. It was only after the treacherous Jews inflicted the New Testament brain scrambler on the Gentiles that the White Race was plagued with the so-called morality of guilt and "fairness." We can specifically point to the Sermon on the Mount teachings of "love your enemy," "turn the other cheek," "sell all thou hast and give it to the niggers" for the suicidal origin of this self-destructive idea. (See "The Sermon on the Mount," page 154, A Revolution of Values.)

Having thrown all this perfidious and suicidal Jewish advice overboard and established a rational and realistic moral base for our own survival, we are now ready for its next step.

Step No. 7. Ever since Columbus discovered America in 1492, the White Race pursued a vigorous program of expansion and colonization, a healthy Instinct Nature has imbued in all its creatures, whether they be animals, birds, insects or plants. This expansion was first led by the Spaniards and the Portuguese, then rivaled and surpassed by the French, the Dutch and the Anglo-Saxons. There was one major difference between the former and the latter groups. Whereas the Spanish and Portuguese poisoned their gene pool in the New World by interbreeding with the indigenous natives, the Anglo-Saxon group, by and large, did not. The result is (or was) the great country of the United States we once knew, and to the detriment of the Latinos, the mongrelized mix-breeds and mestizos of Mexico and South America.

Be that as it may, this surge of energy by the White Race lasted for some 450 years, then came to an ignominious halt after the suicidal events of W.W. II. Not only did it come to halt, but through the Marshall Plan and the insane American policy of subsidizing all the scum, freeloaders and mud races of the world, we, the White Race are now in full retreat, running before our inferiors, apologizing for our previous success, and thanks to the devilish manipulations of the Jewish Kehilla, we, Nature’s Finest, are now on the road to extinction.

Be it therefore resolved, we, the White Race are now determined to take Step No. 7, the final stage of building a Whiter and Brighter World. We are determined to take up where our White ancestors left off 50 or 100 years ago and resume the colonization program of our illustrious forbearers and expand the domain and territory of our great Race. We now have the moral base on which to proceed, fully backed by our religion, supported by centuries and millenniums of history, and furthermore, by the Eternal Laws of Nature. We need nothing more.

We will make one major change in our future expansion. Instead of conquering new territory and intermingling and exploiting the cheap labor of the natives, we will have none of this nonsense. Instead, by planned and deliberate measures, we will make a clean sweep, one measured addition at a time. In such territories as we colonize we will clear it of the mud races and settle it with White families exclusively. No longer will there be any of the former muddled geographic race mixing. We will settle and digest one segment of territory, then go on to the next, until such time as this beautiful planet will be settled and inhabited by its most deserving heirs, Nature’s Finest.

Only through Creativity can we accomplish such a noble and far-reaching goal. Join with us today!

White People Awake! Save the White Race!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church Of The Creator

OCT 18AC (1991)


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