Tuesday 28 August 2018

Unification of the White Race... By Ben Klassen

Conclusion of Two Part Series on If not Creativity, what else is there? If not now, when?
If Not Creativity What Else is There? If not now, When?...By Ben Klassen 

Unification of the White Race
In the last month’s analysis of the present world scene we came to the inescapable conclusion that the break-up of worldwide communism and the huckstering of "democracy" would not solve any of the ills that now beset our sorry planet. The Jews will still control the world – its finances, Its propaganda, its multitude of bickering governments and nations, in fact the whole ball of wax, the same as they have been doing in the past, only more so. The Jewish mania to destroy the White Race will proceed unabated and with increased fury. The various divisive problems that have plagued the White Race for centuries will not only remain, but will in fact be exacerbated and fanned Into new virulence.
Unless the White Race can unite on a common ground, unless it can be aroused, organized and mobilized into one powerful battering ram, as the Jews have done for themselves, the White Race is doomed. As I have pointed out, the Jews have been great masters at the "Divide and Conquer" technique in manipulating the multiple factions of the White Race, in fanning their multitude of differences, in waging war against each other and thereby destroying themselves. The Jews have euchred the White nations into killing each other by the millions, and no other force on earth can kill White people more efficiently than the White people themselves.

The three most pernicious and persistent divisive forces amongst the White people of the world, as we pointed out in the previous article, were nationalism, religion and language. In this article we want to explore these three destructive and divisive factors in greater detail and show that whereas in the past each faction of the White Race has zealously and jealously guarded and nurtured each of these elements with pride and bigotry, nevertheless they are the key elements in our coming destruction. They must be dissolved into oblivion and only a total unification of the White Race, polarized around the bond of our common biological base, can now save us from the onslaught of the Jewish juggernaut. Only by total unification and total mobilization of its resources can the White Race save itself from drowning in an overwhelming sea of mud races that is now flooding the world. No longer can we indulge in the continuous bickering between ourselves over our multitude of self-imposed differences. Either we unite, or we are finished.

Let us examine In greater depth each of these major dividers that have plagued the White peoples of the world from time immemorial, especially in the continent of Europe, the seed bed of the modern White Race.

Language and Nationalism
The longest (relative) period of peace and prosperity that the civilized world has known in Its turbulent history was the two hundred year era known as PAX ROMANA (ROMAN PEACE). It was a period during which the genius of Roman civilization, organization and government held sway over most of the White people of Europe. The great Roman language, Latin, was the universal language that bound the Empire together and was avidly being learned by the conquered peoples of the great Roman civilization. Latin remained the universal and dominant language of Europe for more than fifteen hundred years and during the Renaissance it was the basic language of all scholars and intellectuals. Practically all major books, theses and scientific works were written in Latin. It was the finest and best organized language ever invented by the genius of the White Race and it remains so to this day.

The one thing the Romans did not have to hold their great Empire together for all time was a racial religion. They did not realize that their inherent greatness lay in their genes, in their gene pool, and since they were unaware of this vital factor, they foolishly left it unguarded and untended. Their basic loyalty was to the Roman Empire, when it should have been to their racial heritage and their unique and superior gene pool. Because they failed to realize this one vital factor, their ‘Empire" was soon inundated by hordes of polyglot peoples from Africa, Asia and Europe, diluting the White Roman racial stock and making the Roman Empire an easy prey for Jewish Christianity. As the tentacles of this new cancer spread across Europe, the empire fell apart into many feuding "nations," and the Dark Ages enveloped all of Europe for over a thousand years. Learning and civilization not only stopped, they retrogressed into a dismal quagmire. Europe disintegrated into a Babylon of multiple languages and a polyglot of political confusion. It remains as such today.

People identify themselves as "nations mostly by the language they speak, and the language they speak is basically that which they were taught by their parents. If they speak German, they think of themselves as Germans. If they speak French, they think of themselves as Frenchmen. If they speak Hungarian, they consider themselves Hungarians, and so on ad infinitum. Around their language such people also build an "ethnic culture," of which language is the base. This ethnic culture is then guarded with a great deal of fanaticism and zeal and becomes a divisive rallying point of "us against them," In short a highly divisive factor among the White peoples of the world. It has especially been the bane of the White peoples of Europe. Countless strife, wars and dissention have been caused by these "ethnic" differences, of which language has been the base. Little do these people realize that language is not an inherent ingredient of their genes, but merely an artificial attribute that has been acquired. A German could just as easily have learned Romanian or Italian or Russian as he could learn German, had he been taught such as an infant. And, I might add, any and all of these people could just as easily have learned the great Latin language, had it been properly promoted, and thereby saved themselves a great deal of hassle, confusion and controversy.

But, no. Strangely and stupidly they take tremendous pride and tenaciously cling to their "mother tongue’ I pick up the morning paper and read a headline spread across the top of a page. It is entitled "Fighting words resurface as old English-French feud splits Canadians." Most of Canada speaks English, and it is the official language of nine of its ten provinces. But Quebec was settled by the French, starting back in the early 1600’s, or even earlier. In 1763, the Seven Year War between the French and the English was concluded with the Treaty of Paris. England won Canada by sheer conquest of arms. Ever since, although their huge neighbor to the south spoke English, and the settlers in the rest of Canada also spoke or assimilated English, the French of Quebec, however, have never forgotten that in 1759 British General James Wolfe defeated the French under general Marquis de Montcalm, and they have clung fanatically to their French language. (As a side note to history, both generals died a hero’s death in that battle, Wolfe dying just at the moment of victory.) So the animosity has festered on and on for more than 230 years. Not only has the language difference never abated in all those years but in recent years it has resurfaced with a new virulence.

I lived in Montreal for more than two years during W.W. II working as an engineer for Northern Electric. At that time English was universally spoken in most stores, businesses, and used in official government circles. However, in the countryside, Quebec City and other smaller cities, French prevailed, and even in the more sophisticated and "international" city of Montreal (Canada’s largest) there was an ongoing animosity between the French and the dominant English.

Since then, especially in recent decades, the French in Quebec have gone all out to become "nationalistic." The Quebec government has not only gone stridently French province wide, but now tyrannically persecutes any use of the English language in any shape, way or form. Quebec’s Bill 178 mandates French as not only being the official governmental language for everyone in Quebec, but all store signs must exclusively be in French, as well as all other signs, proclamations, or whatever. In the article I referred to earlier, the president of Ralph’s, a shopping mall clothing store, put a sign in his store "Sale: Ties" in English. He was notified by the French language police to cease and desist using English in said sign. He then advertised raincoats, also in English. He received a registered letter that he was violating Quebec’s Bill 178, and that he was subject to severe fines if he did not change his sign into French. And so the language war goes on, as it has for more than 230 years. Quebec is ready to secede from Canada and cut it alone, and is feverishly working towards that end. All this, despite the fact that the French and the English are both White and have a common genetic and biological bond, their major difference being the artificial barrier of language.
Quebec is only one instance in a microcosm of a conflict that is raging all over Europe and other parts of the world. For example, the Dutch Boers and the English have been at it in South Africa for more than a hundred years. Their language-based enmity has kept the White Race in South Africa divided when they should have united against the Jews and the niggers. As a result, they are most likely to soon lose all to the Jews and the niggers, and their laboriously built civilization is going to crumble back into the hands of the black cannibals. But it is Europe that has been most fractured, splintered and divided, and the Jews have had a real ball playing their game of "Divide and Conquer." Europe is plagued with an endless hassle of old wars, boundary disputes, ethnic islands within larger ethnic groups, ethnic groups speaking different languages in the same country, and nationalistic groups speaking different languages in different countries. So we have endless animosities and conflicts ensuing from this mess of a Babylon of polyglot languages. Every ‘nationality" is "against" and wants to break away from their neighboring White nationality. For example, the Ukrainians against the Russians. (In fact, Russia alone has a passel of 230 different ethnic groups with even more languages and dialects, although not all of those groups could be comfortably embraced by the White Race.) The Hungarians against the Romanians. The Serbs against the Albanians. The Germans, the most progressive people in the heart of Europe, are beset by endless border conflicts with the French on one side, the Poles on another side, not to mention the Czechs, the Slovaks, the Italians, and a number of other ethnic groups which contain "Islands" of German-speaking ethnic groups.

So we see that whereas language differences constitute the basis of a nationality, the latter in turn forms the basis of a politically independent country. Were there not a language difference, there would be much less likelihood of this divisive hubris of nationalities and ethnic groups, a term that has been expressed as the "Balkanization" of Europe. What is inherent in the term is a splintering of biologically similar White people into a plethora of hostile ethnic groups, of which the Balkans are the most hostile of all and most typical of the fractured and divided mess in Europe.

A typical example is Czechoslovakia, which during the last winter has ousted the Communist party that has dominated and tyrannized the country for the last 45 years. Having done so, the parliament has argued for the last several months as to what name they should now adopt for their "liberated" country, which consists mostly of Czechs and Slovaks. The parliament agreed that they should drop the word "Socialist" from their nomenclature. But should they now call it Czechoslovakia or should they hyphenate it as Czecho-Slovakia? The Slovaks argued fiercely that the hyphenated form would emphasize to the world that the Slovaks, who make up a third of the country’s population, were not the same as the Czechs, and they were determined not to lose their identity. The issue was not resolved to the satisfaction of the Slovaks, and chances are, this and other disputes will never be resolved as long as they speak two different languages in that country.

Another example of the regrettable European fragmentation is demonstrated by the three Baltic republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Although the peoples of these three countries are biologically very similar, yet they have three distinct languages, three distinct political entities and governments, and they are determined to keep it that way. Their "ethnic" hubris would have it no other way. Yet all three countries put together constitute a land area slightly smaller than the state of Missouri, and a population less than the state of Michigan. Does this make sense? Not really, unless you prefer to aid and abet the Jews’ game of divide and conquer. It is obvious to any thinking person that small and divided no country will be able to cut it alone and shuck off the tyrannical stranglehold the Jews have on every country of the world.
The moral is: United we can prevail, divided we will be (already have been!) enslaved. Only Creativity has the total answer: One universal language, namely Latin, for all the White people of the world, one racial religion for one people.

We go back to the title of this article: If not Creativity, what else is there? Let us now examine in more detail what the present White Man’s religion, Christianity, and all its thousands of splintered factions have done to the White peoples of the world, and compare it to what the religion of Creativity, when universally adopted and replacing Christianity, can do for us.

Christianity proclaims that it, too, is interested in solving the racial problem, and that such a problem exists. Just how does it intend to solve this problem? To get some answers I look at the religious page of the Atlanta Constitution. There in big black headlines is an article entitled INTERRACIAL MARRIAGES URGED and a subtitle beneath proclaims "Key to peace, says church leader." The article refers to Rev. James A. Boughman, president of the Unification Church of America. He is on a tour lecturing to students at Clark Atlanta University, Georgia State University, the University of Georgia, Kennesaw College and Emory University. He is telling these young people that interracial and international marriages are the way to world peace. A former Roman Catholic, he himself was married to a Korean woman in a mass marriage of 2074 couples a few years ago. The mass marriage ceremony was officiated by the head of the pro-mud church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and the couples were paired at random, although making sure that most of them were racially mixed, mostly Whites with Asiatics or some other mud. The Unification Church plans another such mass marriage event, even larger, in 1991, to take place in Korea. Peace! Peace! they scream, all the while mongrelizing and destroying the White Race with a vengeance.

Now, the "Moonies" are not yet considered as quite being in the religious mainstream of America, However, they are getting there, and they are Christian. But let us see what the "mainstream" is doing. On the same page as the Moonie article and adjoining it, is another big black headline proclaiming METHODIST CHURCHES TO GET PASTORS OF DIFFERENT RACE. In the article it explains how the United Methodist Churches of South Carolina are planning to place ministers of a different race in their churches as an ongoing goal, in other words, put White ministers in black congregations and nigger ministers at the head of White congregations. How do you like that for a potpourri of interracial chop suey? The South Carolina United Methodist Annual Conference has about 250,000 members, of which 50,000 are black.

Are the Moonies and the Methodists exceptions in the Christian drive for race-mixing? By no means. They are right in the "mainstream" of Christianity, not only in America, but now all over the world. Practically every Christian denomination and every cult is now screaming for race mixing from the pulpit and through the T.V. boob tube. Not only are the Christian churches pushing race mixing with a vengeance, but at the same time they are telling you to love your Jew neighbor, that the Jews are God’s chosen and to send more money to Israel. The Mormons are doing it, the Catholics are pushing it, the Presbyterians, the Baptists and every other big or little tin-horn Christian group is pushing race mixing and love thy Jew. At the top of the heap, the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches is leading the way for the rest of the Jew-dominated churches to follow – race-mixing with a vengeance. The average church member doesn’t like it, but from the top the Christian hierarchy is promoting the hell out of these two ideas (race mix and love thy Jew), and the average brainwashed churchgoer is following them like a puppet manipulated on strings – which he is. Meanwhile, the Jews in the background are pulling the strings.

What kind of a world will a mongrelized planet be like? Well, there is no need to speculate. We have large enclaves of mongrelized mud areas in most parts of the world now. Take a good look at Haiti for example. Peace? I have another recent (March 24, 1990) article in my files that says "ANOTHER NIGHT OF TERROR IN HAITI LEAVES 17 DEAD." Peace through mongrelization? Read again C.C. No. 30 in the White Man’s Bible entitled "The Grisly Lesson of San Domingo – a Forerunner for White America." Also read the article on Burma in Racial Loyalty No. 41 and the article on Burundi in Racial Loyalty No. 43. If you want more examples, look at what is happening in Ethiopia, in Sudan, in Pakistan, in India, and in fact, in every nigger or mud country in the world. Every one of them has the stench of death, famine, disease, filth and crime. But we need not go abroad. We have any number of nigger and/or mud enclaves right here in the United States. Nigger Inundated Washington, D.C. and Atlanta are vying for the title of crime capital of the U.S.A. But close on their heels are Detroit, Los Angeles and all other major cities now infested and overrun with black savages.
The Christian churches’ cry "Christ is the answer!" is no answer at all. It is, in fact, the original problem that is destroying the White Race. There is only one way we can now save the White Race, and that is for all the White nations and peoples of the world to unite under he banner of Creativity: one religion, one language, one people! Total White racial unification is the answer. If we don’t do that and do it soon, we will be hopelessly swamped in a sea of mud races which are now expanding like a horde of rats, thirsting for a White bloodbath.


The main battleground for winning the war against the Jews and the mud races of the world will have to be fought right here in America. In fact, the war is on, and getting hotter every day. Only the White people are asleep at the switch and won’t face it. If we don’t get our act together here, all is lost. Just as a multi-racial, polyglot nation is impossible to govern, so too is a polyglot mess of "racialist" parties, groups, movements, a useless and ineffective mob against a highly organized enemy. The Jews are united, they are organized to the hilt, and they have a definite detailed war plan for the destruction of the White Race. It is all embodied in the Judaic religion, and has remained resolute and steadfast for thousands of years. What does the White Race have in comparison? Well, it has Christianity, but as we have already observed, it is no answer at all, it is, in fact, a deadly tool designed by the Jews for our destruction. Only a powerful racial religion can now persuade our people to unite around the White racial banner. If a bad religion such as Jewish Christianity can mislead the White Race into the suicidal nonsense it now pursues, surely a good religion can also lead them to common sense, racial unity and racial survival. The only organized, comprehensive, fully-structured counterpart the White Race has to Judaism is Creativity. What we must do is to unify under its banner. We must, or the White Race will die.

Just as Germany during the ‘20’s had a polyglot mess of 2000 "nationalistic" parties, they were completely impotent until those members of the polyglots joined and united under the Nazi party. It was then that the Germans finally had the power and the clout to take their government away from the Jews and into their own hands. Unification was the answer! So, too, must we now unify all the White peoples of the world under the one and only Racial Religion the White Race has ever had. The time is past when we can indulge in the luxury of playing the polyglot game. To just bitch and gripe, deplore and lament will no longer do. We must have our own creed and program, our own battle plan, and Creativity has it all. We must unite under Creativity, and we will do it because we must. Other than Creativity, there is nothing else on the horizon. The future of "humanity" rides with the rise or fall of the White Race, and the survival of the White Race now rides with Creativity.

White Man, what is your answer to the vital questions:

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator

                                   ARTICLE TAKEN FROM RACIAL LOYALTY # 59
                                                                  MAY 17AC(1990)  


  1. Although I agree with this diagnosis, and I agree we need to unify around a common language, religion and government, I do not think these should be latin and "creativity". And I disagree with the dismissal of Christianity as a "Jewish" religion.
    First of all, no one speaks latin anymore and it would be a hassle for everyone to learn it. Clearly English would be the easiest language to rally around as the Anglosphere (Canada, USA, NZ, Australia, UK, Ireland) already speak it and many young white people in Poland and Germany (among others) have already learned it.
    Second of all, you can't expect white people to give up Christianity and adopt a new religion for the simple reason that Christianity is true and is the only true religion.
    Third of all, Christianity was not invented by Jews to wreck the white race. When Jesus Christ existed on earth and spread his word, the Israelites who accepted his message became known as "Christians" and those who rejected his message became known as "Jews". It has been so ever since (even though some Africans and other nonwhites also profess to be Christians).

  2. I think you have a fair point on the language angle, but not the Christianity one. There are so many holes in the Christian bible. We are suppose to believe that some mystic being impregnated a virgin, that a snake talks to people, the earth is flat, some guy managed to collect 2 of every living creature on earth and pack them on a boat, not to mention the suicidal "turn the other cheek" "Love thy neighbor" garbage. If it brings you comfort to believe in a spook in the sky, good on you, but don't expect rational thinking people to join in with that disorder.
