Sunday 12 August 2018

If Not Creativity, What Else is There? If Not Now, When?...By Ben Klassen


First of a Two Part Series

If not Creativity, what else is there? If not now, when?

Dramatic changes in Europe
With the dramatic and far-reaching changes that seem to be sweeping Europe, there seems to be a euphoria of hope that we Americans are winning the battle against communism and that a better and more peaceful world is in our future. Communism is a dead horse, our newsmedia exult, and democracy, American style, is the wave of the future.

One mudhead from the U.S. State Department’s "think-tank" went even so far as to suggest that the world has reached "the end of the history of ideas," because, according to him, from now on "liberal democracy will be the universal, dominant, unchallengeable and irreplaceable ideology all over the world for all eternity..." (Obviously, the think-tank mudhead has not heard yet about Creativity – the new racial ideology-philosophy-religion of the White Race – which completely and categorically rejects all Jewish ideas, including the Jew-concocted "liberal democracy," and thereby challenges "the end of the history of ideas.")

Democracy! Democracy! Every country in the world must have democracy, the Jew-controlled U.S. government shouts, whether it be Europe, or Nicaragua, or Panama, or South Africa, or be it the mud countries of the African continent such as Ethiopia or Swaziland. One man, one vote, that is the solution to the world’s problems – it’s the only way to go – a free society and equality for everyone...

Breakdown of the "Evil Empire"
Recent events would seem to indicate that the breakdown in the former "Evil Empire" of Communism is indeed moving towards democracy, American style. The Communist empire with its headquarters in Moscow is visibly disintegrating before our eyes. East Germany has "voted out" the Communist dictatorship and is rapidly moving towards a reunion with the West German Federal Republic. Hungary has shucked off the Communist monopoly, as has Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia and a host of others. Romania did it the hard way, after thousands were murdered and finally the Communist dictator Ceausescu and his wife were summarily executed by the rebels. The Ukrainians are chafing at the bit and seething for autonomy, as are the Moldavians, Azerbaijanians, Armenians, Tadjiks and a host of other ethnic groups. As a most dramatic development, on March 11, 1990 Lithuania has declared its complete independence from the Soviet Union and is currently engaged in a war of nerves with Moscow. There is no doubt about it, the Soviet Communist empire is falling apart at the seams, and neither Gorbachev nor anybody else is going to be able to hold it together or restore the former status quo.

The Death of Communism
Communism is a dead horse. It is, or was, a form of Jewish tyranny imposed upon Russia in 1917 by a well organized band of Jewish Bolsheviks and aimed to become a vehicle for establishing an ironclad Jewish dictatorship throughout the world. By now its deceit and defects are so obvious that it is dying of its own dead weight. So, good riddance! Democracy is the coming thing and the answer to the world’s ills, we are told. What is our response to this claim?

No doubt, the death of communism is a welcome phenomenon and some of the changes in Europe are for the better and irreversible. The reunification of West and East Germans, ending a diabolical heavy-handed partition imposed upon the Germans by the victorious Jews after World War II, is one of the constructive changes, looking at it from the White Man’s point of view. The breakdown and discrediting of Jewish communism, per se, is another favorable and historic turn of events. Shaking off the tyrannical iron grip from Moscow is also a step in the right direction for many of the ethnic groups of the polyglot Soviet empire.

However, we Creators are not at all convinced that we are moving toward a Whiter and Brighter World. Nor do we buy the garbage that democracy, American style, is the answer to the multiplicity of problems in this world overcrowded with mud people. On the contrary. As the French saying goes, the more things change the more they are the same.
Yes, the system of tyrannical Jewish Marxism, whereby all property is "collectively" owned by the state with the resultant waste, mismanagement and non productivity, has now been conclusively discredited for all time. Marx, son of a rabbi, is finally dead – physically, ideologically and philosophically. But, we must remember that Marx was a nonentity and that the cruel imposition of Marxism was accomplished only by the powerful direction and manipulation of Judaism, and Judaism and the Kehilla are still very much alive and in control of the world today. In fact, it is they that are now promoting democracy with a vengeance, and – I have no doubt – are willfully and deliberately throwing Communism overboard. Evidently, it has served its purpose, and it is now time to scuttle it and change tactics in their unswerving plan and program to enslave all the peoples of the world as set forth in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Analysis from the White Man’s point of view
Now in reaching the conclusions I will be coming to, I want to make It clear that I am using the criteria as set forth in Creative Credo No. 2 of the White Man’s Bible. We Creators look at everything from the White Man’s point of view. Not from "America’s" point of view, not from the Jews’ point of view, nor that of world "humanity," nor are we looking at it from the niggers’ point of view, nor "through the snake’s eyes." The bottom line is – what do all these dramatic changes occurring in today’s world bode for the future of the White Race?

The answer is – more dangers and accelerated race-mixing! We must remember that Democracy, like Christianity and Communism, is a Jewish invention, a tool used to divide and conquer, the main target being the White Race. The very fact that the Jewish press is huckstering "democracy" with a vengeance, should raise a red flag by itself. Also, the fact that Communism seems to be dismantling itself relatively peaceably, without a major cataclysm such as the Bolshevik revolution, or World War I or II, is in itself very strange, especially so when we consider the fact that the world’s No. 1 Communist leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, seems to be spearheading and masterminding these great events. He didn’t get into the No. 1 catbird position without the massive help and approval of the Jews themselves, that is certain. The fact that he has been so highly touted, has received such glowing approval from the American Jewish press in every move he takes and every utterance he makes, should further convince us that he is their fair-haired boy.

"Democracy" – another Jewish tool
So, what are the Jews up to, what do they have in mind? Well, I am neither a mind reader, nor do I have a crystal ball. All I can do is to look at the facts and put two and two together, using the principles of logic and common sense.

Let us first look at the Jewish concept of democracy, that great, great sacred word that is always at the forefront of every utterance made by Jimmy Carter, or Ronald Reagan, or George Bush, or any other political prostitute in the service of the Jewish Occupational Government. We have "democracy" in the world’s "greatest" and "most affluent" society today. How is the White Race faring here and who rules the United States, this, supposedly, the world’s greatest "democracy"?

The answer is – the White Race is not faring very well. The Jews own and control their own private Federal Reserve (the world’s largest counterfeiting ring); the Jews own and control most of America’s newsmedia; the Jews own and control most of the nation’s major businesses; the Jews control our cultural and educational facilities and are using them to brain-pollute, race-mix and degenerate our society, especially our youth. Furthermore, the Jews are in complete control of all branches of our government in Washington, and in every state, county and city as well.

So how is the White Race faring under democracy? Not very well! It is targeted for extinction by "our" Jewish government. Practically every major city now has a stupid nigger mayor who is, of course, manipulated by his Jewish masters who put him there in the first place. The White productive worker and his family are having a hard time making ends meet while they are being taxed to death in order that "our" Jewish government can subsidize an ever increasing horde of freeloading niggers and other mud races (Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Haitians, etc.). While the White taxpayers work and slave and hold back on raising a family of their own, the niggers and the mud races feed and breed, subsidized by the largesse of the exploited White taxpayers. At the same time "our" Jewish government not only leaves our borders wide open for all the free-loading scum of the world to enter into our domain, but actually encourages these hordes to come here and pollute our once pristine domain. That, my dear White Racial Comrade, is democracy in America, the model for all the world.

Meanwhile, productive White entrepreneurs, like Rev. Rudy Stanko, sit in jail, robbed of their business and reputation, on trumped up charges contrived by a vicious Jewish conspiracy. He is not alone. Thousands of other White loyalists are also behind bars for no other reason than that they are for the White Race and therefore a threat to the Jewish conspiracy. You are, of course, free to enjoy the fruits of the great American Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and you can say and think anything you like, except, of course, don’t mention the Jewish behemoth. That, too, is an integral part of "democracy" in America.
How is the White Race faring in once "Great" Britain, that mother of all parliaments, democracy, and all those other shibboleths? Well, the Skinheads, who originated in Britain, pretty much summed it up in a few lines of their brave song: "Once we had an Empire, now we’ve got a slum." Niggers of all stripes from Africa, Pakistanis, Hindus and a plethora of other scum and mud races now infest British cities, and the Jew-controlled British government, as in the U.S.A., coddles sweetly to these parasites, but takes an extremely hard stand against any White Man who dares to take a pro-White position and defend White racial purity of his once great country. That is "democracy" in England.

We now take a look at the German people, the most productive people in the very heart of Europe. Since democracy is supposed to exemplify rule by the majority of the people, undoubtedly, Germany under Hitler from 1933 to 1939 had the finest democracy of all time, since Hitler’s regime enjoyed the popular endorsement of over 90% of its people. But, of course, it wasn’t a Jewish democracy; in fact, it was hostile to these miserable scavengers. Therefore, to hell with the will of the people, it had to be smashed.

Despite draconian partitions and extortions imposed by the Jewish victors on a defeated Germany, the German people by sheer strength of their talent, hard work and perseverance managed to rebuild their smashed and devastated cities, factories, transportation systems and farms. In the Western part of partitioned Germany, they had the American-style democracy imposed on them, whether they liked it or not. They could vote for any scoundrel they chose, but they could not vote for freedom from the tyranny of hostile occupation forces, nor could they vote for the kind of government they had enjoyed (National Socialism), nor could they vote for re-union with "East" Germans, nor their kinsmen in Austria who were part of the German Reich in 1939. So they were free to do anything at all as long as it conformed with the wishes of their Jewish slave-masters. All of which, of course, didn’t leave them much choice or much room to maneuver, but that was what was now called democracy. In the meantime the Jews saw to it that the "democratically" occupied Germany be polluted with Turks and other mud races to make sure their gene pool would be on its way to major pollution.
Now that union of "West" Germany with "East" Germany seem inevitable, all Germans will have a unified "democracy" – to be ruled, exploited and tyrannized by the worldwide Jewish powerhouse. That is what democracy has in store for a unified Germany.
Inter-ethnic conflicts – the Jewish plan to divide and conquer

Meanwhile, in the other countries breaking away from the Soviet communist monolith we already find a passed of major inter-ethnic conflicts. Poland is hostile and apprehensive that a united, strong Germany may try to reclaim its former territory carved out of eastern Germany and forcefully joined Into a Poland that had its own eastern territory "given" to Russia (very democratic, was it not), with the blessings of the Jew-controlled "democratic" United States, Britain and France.
Inter-ethnic conflicts are the curse of Europe. I pick up the morning paper and I read that another incident of ethnic violence is stirred up in Yugoslavia where 417 ethnic Albanians were hospitalized due to poisoning, and about 4000 ethnic Albanians gathered in the streets of Podujevo and beat up some 15 Serbs and Montenegrins, accusing them of deliberately poisoning the Albanian students. Another article on the same page tells about thousands of anti-Hungarian demonstrators rallying for the fourth straight day in protesting the intended take-over of Transylvania by Hungarians. This clash between Romanians and Hungarians left seven dead and 300 wounded. Meanwhile there are deadly ethnic clashes between Turks and Greeks on Cyprus, as well as border disputes between Greeks and Albanians. The list of examples of ethnic strife in Europe and elsewhere is endless.

Is Europe going to enjoy peace and prosperity once communism is dismantled? No, not hardly, if the Jews can help it. Already all the hundred-year-old grudges, feuds, animosities, ethnic hatreds are being fanned and revived in the same old Jewish game of divide and conquer.
The fact is this ethnically splintered and fractured world is never going to enjoy either peace or prosperity as long as the Jews are in control, and at this juncture in history they are fully in control, as they have been to a lesser degree for the last two thousand years.
What is the solution?

Is there a solution to ever bringing peace and prosperity to this polyglot, fractured world? Can even a once White and civilized Europe achieve peace among its various nations? Can they settle all the age-old grudges, rivalries, border problems, former territorial acquisitions, the problems of ethnic groups within other ethnic groups? Can they solve the thousand and one other problems, such as languages, religions, etc., that have been and will be the cause of endless wars even after communism is eradicated?

My answer is no, under the present system of values in the existing religious, economic and social system they will never be peacefully settled. Let us take, for instance, the problems of one single country, namely Germany, as a starter. The boundaries between Germany and Poland will be an eternal ulcer and can easily escalate into a military war again. Germany’s borders with France, especially Alsace-Lorralne, are an ongoing grudge, and will remain so. Its borders with Czechoslovakia will heat up again, as well as the question of unification with Austria.
Other examples: Belgium has problems of religion and language dividing it. Ireland has an ongoing civil war about religion that has been ulcerating for four hundred years. Britain and France fear that a reunited Germany will again become too powerful and will out-compete them in international trade. The laundry list goes on and on.

I repeat, is there no solution to the endless problems of the White Race, even amongst themselves? And again, I come to the same conclusion: not under the present system of values.

Without confronting the enormous problems of an exploding mud population that threatens to overwhelm the White Race, before the White peoples of the world can get their act together, there have to be some major fundamental changes in their thinking and in their attitude about themselves. There are thousands of minor divisive issues that have plagued the White Race over the centuries, but the major dividers have been these: nationality, religion and language. The Jews, who have developed the art of divide and conquer to a fine technique, have skillfully utilized and exacerbated these fundamental divisive factors and managed to keep the White nations of Europe (and the world!) in turmoil, at war, and in ever-increasing debt.

Creativity is the answer
Hasn’t anyone in the highly intelligent White world ever come to a solution to the problems of divided nationality, religion and language? Yes, Creativity has come to a sensible, non-violent and logical solution based on the revolutionary idea of White Racial Loyalty and Solidarity.
We want to educate White people of all nationalities, religions and languages that their first and basic loyalty belongs not to any particular nationality, religion or language, but to the White Race. Based upon the idea of White Racial Loyalty, we want to promote global White Racial Solidarity and Unity as the only way for the White Race to survive in the world which is becoming increasing flooded with the mud races.
One global White racial language
Creativity has the answer to the divisive problem of the different languages. We Creators advocate one common language for all the White people of the world, and we suggest Latin as "lingua franca" of the White Race. Latin – the classical language of the glorious White Roman Empire – is the most beautiful, melodic and logical of all Aryan languages, and in addition it is non-partisan. It has a great historical significance and tradition for the White Race: Latin was the official common language of all educated Europeans until the 16th century, when the Jew-instigated "Reformation" crushed Renaissance (the great European cultural and academic revival) and plunged Europe into fratricidal, religious and ethnic wars. Furthermore, classical Latin – even 2000 years after the Jew-instigated destruction of the White Roman Civilization – is still the best structured, organized and phonetic language in the history of our race. So let us polarize around our one and only great classical, traditional and historic language – Latin, the language of noble and magnificent White Romans. Let us White people of the world unite in the spirit of White Racial Loyalty and Solidarity and finally understand each other by speaking the same language!

One global White racial religion
We next examine that explosive issue of the different religions In which the White peoples of Europe and the world are enmeshed. Without a doubt, Jewish Christianity is the overwhelming prevalent religion with which the White Race has been plagued for nearly two thousand years. But besides it being a deceitful Jewish invention which brought down the once great White Roman Empire, it now has the added disintegrating factor that it is fractured into thousands of major and minor factions all of which are jealous of each other, and overtly and covertly at war with each other.
There are the Catholics and the Protestants, there are the Eastern Orthodox, there are the Mormons, and the Baptists, the Presbyterians, the Unitarians, the Calvinists, the Anglicans, the Mennonites, ad infinitum. Even the Korean-originated Moonies claim they are Christian. The list goes on and on, and even among the main groups there are endless divisions (for instance, even the small sect of Mennonites has 32 different divisions or denominations).

More blood has been spilled over this Judeo-Christian Idiotic spooks-in-the-sky swindle which the Jews have foisted on the White Race, than probably any other issues, of which the devastating Protestant vs. Catholic Thirty Years War (1618-1848) is only one example.

We Creators reject all existing religions which are based on myths and detrimental to the best interests of the White Race. We Creators are determined to convert all White people of the world to the one and only true White Racial Religion – Creativity, which is based on the Eternal Laws of Nature, History, Logic, Common Sense, and is dedicated to the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race.
One global White racial nation
Ethnic/regional/state nationalism is another strong divisive tool in the Jewish arsenal of weapons for manipulating and destroying the White Race. Who is it but a National government that has the power to declare war, to mobilize armies and to order attacks on another group of White people under the dominion of another national government. Nations go to war and, more often than not, White nations kill the people of other White nations. And in this category no other nations are as devastatingly efficient in raining death and destruction on their fellow kinsmen as the White nations themselves.

We Creators want to unite all White nations of the world into one global White racial nation, and we will move heaven and earth to see to it that never again will White men go to war to kill other White men, women and children. If we are going to go to war and kill, lets make damn sure we kill our racial enemies, who are our real enemies, Jews, niggers and the mud races.
Creativity – the New Renaissance of the White Race
We have addressed the main categories (language, religion, nationality) of divisiveness that over the centuries have prevented the White peoples of the world from ever getting their act together for their own best interests, for their own survival, expansion and advancement.
The main problem has been that, foolishly, they have never really thought of themselves as members of the White Race per se. They have considered themselves in terms of cultural, or religious, or regional bonds, such as French, or British, or German, or American, or Catholic, or Protestant, or Anglo-Saxon, but never considered that most significant of all the bonds we share – the biological bond which by its very crucial nature overrides any and all other bonds. Nor have they realized the overwhelming importance and privilege of being a member of Natures Finest – the White Race.

With the White Racial Religion – Creativity, all that changes.

We Creators consider our biological racial heritage and our White gene pool as the most significant and precious value on the face of the earth. It is this vital biological bond on which we focus our dedication, loyalty and inspiration. It is our centerpiece around which our religion is structured and polarized. We Creators consistently affirm on a daily basis: Our Race is Our Religion!

By converting the White peoples of the world to the one and only White Racial Religion – Creativity, we have the total solution for overcoming, peacefully dissolving and eliminating the most vexing and pernicious problems – namely, differences in language, religion and nationality, – problems which have divided and plagued the White Race since time immemorial.

If we all joined in one global White racial religion and embraced one global White racial loyalty, polarized around our biological bond and stressed our White racial heritage, then all national boundaries would become meaningless, and we could better use our talents and energies providing for a richer, healthier and fuller life – better housing, culture, happy families, healthy children, clean environment, etc., rather than continuing to devastate each other in endless wars of self-destruction.

Also, we would benefit in a multitude of other ways as well. We could easily communicate In any other country of the White world through our universal Latin language. We would reap the benefits of a longer, healthier and happier life through Salubrious Living. Since the White Race by then would have come to its senses and have purged the Jewish-Christian brain-scrambler from out of its system, religious prejudices and hang-ups would no longer exist.

And above all we would get the goddamn Jew off our back, once and for all, never to reappear again. Never again would this parasite invade, infest and destroy our pristine society. In other words, by implementing the Creed and Program of the White Racial Religion – Creativity, the White Race would achieve a New Renaissance of unparalleled prosperity and magnificence.
No alternatives to Creativity
Now whereas we are the only comprehensive, fully structured White Racial Religion in 6000 years of civilized history, we have no rivals, no worthwhile competition in that arena. However, there are a number of other White racist organizations of different stripes and moulds in America and to a lesser extent in other countries who claim to have plans to save the White Race. Let us view and review what the landscape looks like in America.
One of the older ones is the still existing Klan. It had an opportunity to build meaningful political clout and free this country of Jews within the 1920’s and early 1930s. At that time it had as many as four million members that included Supreme Court Justices, many governors, mayors, congressmen and other figures of prominence. What happened to it since then? Well, obviously it botched its job, and is now a small, fractured and fragmented group of confused yokels who don’t know where they are going, nor how to get there. They are now one of the most maligned and ridiculed group of people in the United States, even by the majority of the White people themselves.

Why have they failed? I can think of several basic reasons. In the first place, the "new Klan was organized by a group of Masons in about 1915. Since the Masons themselves are a Jew-spawned organization, designed to do the bidding of the international Kehilla, it makes sense that they were organized in order to attract those Whites with racial instincts, then lead them down a blind alley into oblivion. Secondly, they embrace Jewish Christianity, a creed designed for slaves, and again spawned by the Jews. Thirdly, they have a build-in contradiction that splits the White Race down the middle: whereas they are for Christianity, they are as hostile to Catholics as they are to Jews. Fourthly, parading in their pointed hoods and white robes, burning crosses at their ceremonies, makes them look pretty ridiculous to friend and foe alike.
So what else is there on the landscape? Well, there is the Aryan Nations out of Idaho, led by septuagenarian Richard Butler, who has had triple by-pass heart surgery. It is obvious he won’t last too much longer, and with his insane "true Israel" Identity creed, which says that we, the White Race, are the real Israelites, he will leave absolutely nothing of value behind. He has come up with no basic new ideas, written no meaningful books. His only "accomplishment" is that he has confused a number of already too-confused Christians in wanting to be "real" Jews.
Then there is Tom Metzger’s W.A.R. group. Tom himself has generated a considerable amount of publicity to his credit. He and his son John have appeared on a number of major Jewish talk shows. However, the message that he espouses vacillates from one contradiction to another, and his main theme seems to be to gather as many divergent and fragmented ideas as possible, throw them all into a melting pot and hope to come up with some kind of palatable chop-suey that will sell. He has been a Klansman, a Christian, and anti-Christian, has supported the "true Israel" Identity lunatics, then repudiated them. He was for the White Race retreating to a small segment of the United States and leaving the rest of the country to the niggers. But then recently has repudiated that position and agreed with the C.O.T.C. that "we want it all." Well, RAHOWA! He has even supported Creativity, but then also attacked it when his ego and hubris got the best of him. He has also tried to get together with that voluble nigger, Louis Farrakhan, and even Muamar Khaddafi. What Tom really thinks and believes remains shrouded in mystery, and he, too, has written no books or even spelled out his creed or program, content Instead to ride on the coattails of a multitude of diverse and contradictory assertions spelled out by others.
There are also the Nazis, but they are history. Hitler was a great man, the greatest of all them, but after he lost the war against the Jews, his exclusively pro-German, nationalistic "Deutschland uber Alles!" approach is no longer applicable in a changed world where Whites can no longer afford fratricidal nationalistic rivalries. What the White Race in America and the world needs now is not divisive pro-German Nazi imitators, but inclusive pro-White racial loyalists.

Of course, there are hundreds of other minor groups whose only merchandise is to deplore and lament, bitch and gripe, but they haven’t the slightest idea of what to do about the sorry mess, nor how to come up with a solution.
If not Creativity, what else is there?

So, outside of Creativity, what else is there? The answer is – nothing! If we fall to coalesce, polarize and unite around Creativity, there isn’t a ghost of a chance for the White Race to survive more than another generation. Creativity has all the answers in solving the multitude of idiotic and pervasive problems of nationalism, religion and language, as well as a host of others, including our polluted environment and the polluted mud scourge that now infests Planet Earth. A polyglot, confused and contradictory program of half-truths and mixed goals will no longer suffice. Creativity has the whole bail of wax. It has the Total Program, the Final Solution, the Ultimate Creed for the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race.

If not now, when?
We now come to the question of how much time do we have left to save the White Race? The answer is damn little. If we don’t get busy now and make hay while the sun shines, it will soon be too late. I would say we have to make or break it before the end of this century, or it will be the end of Nature’s Finest. So, White Racial Comrade, get with it today! Remember we are at war, and in this life and death struggle time is of the essence! If not now, when? White Man, make up your mind and join the White Racial Religion – Creativity now!

Ben Klassen
Founder.. Church of the Creator

                                    ARTICLE TAKEN FROM RACIAL LOYALTY # 58
                                                                 APRIL 17AC (1990)



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