Sunday 1 October 2017

Rev Matt Hale (Civil Case)...Declaration and Response to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment

To read the document in it's entirety........

Declaration and Response to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment ( FREE MATT HALE SITE)

Quotes by Rev Hale from The Declaration and Response to the Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment..........

" It is untrue that I am a leader of a group known as the Creativity Movement and the Defendant knows it. I have not been the leader of the Church of the Creator - The actual name of the Church embodying the Creativity religion -  since 2006 when my term of office as Pontifex Maximus expired, and even then I had not actually "led" the church since the occasion of my arrest on January 8th 2003 made that impossible"

" The facts of this case show that Creativity overwhelmingly meets the test for a religion as set forth in the United States v. Meyers 95 f. 3d 1475 ( 10th Cir. 1996) "

" I am not a "White Supremacist" and in fact oppose White supremacy. The fact that the defendant has labelled Creativity and me as "White Supremacist" throughout its' motion and declaration, shows in my judgment as a Creator for the past 27 years, how little the Defendant understands the Creativity religion. "

" The Jews think that "God" chose them as his favorites. We Creators think that Nature chose us as her favorites. If one is a religious concept, so must the other be. "

" It is an outright lie that " Delenda Est Judaica" means "Jews must be destroyed"
" Delenda Est Judaica actually means "Judaism must be destroyed"

" Day by day and hour by hour my Creativity religion guides my life. It informs me as to what I should eat, what I should think, what I should value, how I should treat others, what is good, what is bad, it gives purpose and meaning to my life, it reveals to me the purpose and meaning of life in general" 

" Most Creator's do not in fact celebrate " Benjamin Smith Memorial Day" and I myself had never even heard of it until I brought this lawsuit. Nor had I ever heard of "Matt Hale Day" "

" My religion and Church are not "violent" and never have been. If adherents of my faith have committed crimes over the years, that is no different than what occurs with Christian's , Muslim's, Jew's and others on a daily basis. I dispute that the Defendant has the legal right to hold my religion and church to a different draconian standard from what it holds these other religions. "

"  As I have already declared, I am not the "leader" of my church or religion and haven't been for a long time "

" I have demonstrated above that Creativity overwhelmingly satisfies four out of five factors for determining whether a particular belief system is a religion. 1. It encompasses ultimate ideas, 2. It is comprehensive, 3. It constitutes a moral or ethical system, and 4 It's beliefs are accompanied by the accoutrement's of religion. " .             

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