Monday 27 November 2017

Political Prisoner Matt Hale Backs Moore

 Political Prisoner Matt Hale is backing Roy Moore. There is no evidence that Roy Moore committed any sexual harrassment against any of the woman that have made these accusations or that Roy Moore is a sexual predator.

Roy Moore served in the United States Army. He served as Deputy District Attorney, Etowah County, 1977-1982. He was Circuit Judge, Sixteenth Judical Circuit, 1992-2000. Roy Moore served as Chief Justice, Alabama State Supreme Court, 2000-2003, 2012-2016. Roy Moore has served our government well beginning in 1977 and has continued to do so.

From his cell in solitary confinement at Florence Max prison, here is what political prisoner Matt Hale  had to say:

Anybody can accuse anyone of anythng but that doesn't make it true. I know that from my own experience. I was framed by our FBI, our government and sentenced to 40 years using the sentencing guidelines used to sentence a terrorist. I am not a terrorist and I committed no crime. There was no evidence presented at my trial which took place in Hammond, Indiana beginning April 7, 2004, case # 03 CR 11,  that I committed any crime. I have asked repeatedly to be allowed to take a lie detector test to prove that I am innocent. I have been refused.
 Hale offers to take lie detector test

 The FBI had an informant tape conversations with me for over a two year period. These tapes were played at my trial. Never once did I ask the informant to kill anyone. That being said, the informant was asked on the stand if I had asked him to kill Judge Joan Lefkow and he said that he had asked me in my office and I had nodded " yes". Since they didn't have it on tape, the informant said I nodded "yes".

I went to law school, passed the Bar and was refused my license to practice law in Illinois. I am an educated lawyer but also a classical violinist. I have suffered in solitary confinement for over 13 years due to my opinions. This can all be validated by researching my trial transcript.
Trial Transcripts and Exhibits ( FREE MATT HALE ) 

There was never a crime nor a victim and never any action taken to commit any crime.

Matt Hale 15177-424
U.S. Penitentiary Max
P.O. Box 8500
Florence, CO 81226

Anybody Can Accuse Anyone Of Anything But It Doesn't Make it True!


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