Sunday 2 September 2018

We are Not White Supremacists, We are White Racial Loyalists-Creators...By Ben Klassen

We are not "White Supremacists," we are White Racial Loyalists-Creators

(This letter has been published in the Franklin Press)

In the Wednesday, Feb. 1, 1990, edition of The Franklin Press, there appeared the headline "White Supremacist Continues Tax Fight." Granting that the reporter, Elizabeth Gill could not possibly cover all the issues involved in this controversy in one article, on the whole, I would say that she did a commendable job in trying to be impartial on two subjects that are highly controversial, namely race and religion. However, there were a few major errors and omissions that need to be addressed.

In the first place, calling the Church of the Creator a White Supremacist organization is erroneous and misleading. The phrase "White Supremacist" has been used loosely and indiscriminately by the liberal and Jewish press as a buzz word to put down any and every White person who exhibits any pride or loyalty to his own race. Without ever defining the phrase, it immediately implies a bad image. It is a "slur" word, similar to the word "nigger" when applied to blacks.

What is a White Supremacist? We of the C.O.T.C. define it as a term used to describe White people who seek to rule over the non-white people, to dominate them, to exploit them and to abuse them. To their discredit, this the White Race has done in many phases of its checkered history. There are any number of cases we can cite, such as the British ruling and exploiting India over a period of two hundred years; the White plantation owners of the South exploiting black African slaves; the French plantation owners of San Domingo (present-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic) two hundred years ago exploiting imported black Africans in huge numbers and utilizing them as slaves; the Spaniards exploiting the Indians in Mexico and South America; the list is endless. In each case the exploiters thought they were getting a real bargain in cheap labor, but eventually the slaves out-bred and interbred with their White masters, and in the end the slaves mongrelized and destroyed the future progeny of their exploiters who had dragged them into their midst in the first place.

We of the Church of the Creator want none of this. We don’t want to rule over anyone, we don’t want to enslave or exploit anyone – black, yellow or purple. Nor do we want to intermarry with them, or intermix with them, or socialize with them. Nor do we want any part of the insane course our government has been pursuing for the past 45 years of subsidizing all the "mud races" of the "Third World," or the "emerging countries," or subsidizing the parasitic little state of Israel to the tune of three billion (or more) dollars a year, or subsidizing any other foreign country. Where in our Constitution does it say that we, the productive White people of America, owe all parasites of the world a living? We Creators say: let us stop this insanity that is causing a disastrous population explosion the likes of which the world has never seen, and is crowding the White Race from the face of Planet Earth. How stupid can we get – feeding and subsidizing all the scum of the world – who return our largesse with hatred and hostility.

It is not the goal of the Church of the Creator to "eliminate the mud races, including Jews, Indians and blacks," as the article in the "Press" contends. Our position is that like every other creature in Nature, let us take care of our own and let those that are alien to us fend for themselves. It is not our obligation, nor Is It in our Interest to feed a billion Hindus in India, or the millions of inhabitants of Sudan, or the Arab-killing Zionists of Israel, or billions of other mud races, most of which hate us White people with a passion in return for generosity. We say – they are NOT our kind, they are NOT our brothers, and they are NOT our concern

. Let them fend for themselves or wither on the vine. I repeat, they are not our obligation, nor are they our concern. In any case, the more we feed them, the more they breed until the world is becoming (has become!) an over-polluted cesspool of clawing, hostile and starving people, and we have created it by our idiotic program of subsidizing 126 countries that are alien to us.

We Creators want none of this. We want only to take care of our own and strive for the survival of our own precious race – the White Race, which we regard with pride as Nature’s Finest.
This is the basis of our religion. If you are Interested in learning more about Creativity, read our three basic books: Nature’s Eternal Religion, The White Man’s Bible, and Salubrious Living.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator

APRIL 17AC(1990)

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