Thursday 11 April 2019

Rev Matt Hale...Letter to The Court ..(March 2019)

Re case no 18-1141
Hale V, Federal Bureau of Prisons , et al

To the Court :

I am compelled, as a matter of honor and respect for who I am and all which I hold dear, to protest for the record, the severe mistreatment which I have suffered at the hands of the judges in this case. The fact of the matter is that I won this case overwhelmingly and yet you wouldn't let me win. The fix was in as soon as this case landed on your lap and I am quite frankly ashamed to be an American where such things are possible. Do you not understand that it is your job to uphold the law not violate it? That the constitution of the United States binds your actions and not the other way around? That "equal justice under law" is suppose to be a practise and not just a cute slogan? Where is the "equal justice" granted to me, my religion, and my church, I may ask?  Instead of upholding our rights, you yourselves have violated them. Where though is the remedy for your illegal acts?

I say all of this on the premise that any of you actually read my petition for rehearing, which I doubt, for the simple fact of the matter is that any and every court interested in justice would have reheard this case for the numerous reasons I stated therein. The panel's decision was and is devoid of any lawful basis and is thus null and void as far as Creators are concerned . Creators do not negotiate the exercise of their religious rights and their religion  - The one true faith - will outlast the persecutions of it's foes.

Rev Matt Hale
Plaintiff / Appellant
Church Of The Creator
March 24th 2019


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