Wednesday 1 January 2020

Tomorrow Belongs to Creativity....By Ben Klassen


We are the wave of the future
Tomorrow Belongs to Creativity

Books won’t stay banned. They won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to jail. So spoke a one-time president of Yale University about 50 years ago. Although he undoubtedly had Yale’s liberal philosophies in mind, nevertheless what he uttered were some imperishable truths about books and ideas. His liberal and Jew-oriented ideas have held sway over the last several generations, not because they had much merit, but because they had a veritable army of aggressive promoters, organized, financed and orchestrated by the worldwide Jewish network.

However, time marches on, and the truth will not remain suppressed forever. The Jews undoubtedly have been the most avid and powerful promoters of ideas – religious, political and philosophical. They invented Judaism, they invented Christianity, they invented Communism. Practically all their postulations are based on lies, deceit and fraud. They are, as has been observed succinctly and often, the world’s most prolific Masters of Deceit. They concocted a fictitious history for themselves and called it Judaism. It was designed to unite and polarize their tribe of thieves and cutthroats so that they could continue to rob, fleece and destroy the goyim and take over the wealth of the world for themselves. They invented Christianity in order to confuse, distract and soften up the goyim and make them easy prey for their sinister program of worldwide piracy. They invented Communism as the culmination of Judaism and Christianity so that they could use force and brutality to clap the dissident behind the iron bars of their monstrous chain of gulags. They further invented the massive lie called the holocaust to augment their program of worldwide enslavement. It seems they have been amazingly successful in slopping the goyims’ brains with all of these deceitful lies and conspiracies.

But, as I said before, time marches on, and truth and reason will not forever remain suppressed and buried. The White Man has finally had enough of all this Jewish hocus-pocus. There is a new wave of ideas in the White Mans thinking today. Whereas the progression of the White Mans enslavement began in the order of Judaism, Christianity and Communism, its unraveling is proceeding in the opposite order.

The first to go is Communism. After more than seventy years of this Jewish plague, the Russian people and the people of Eastern Europe have had enough. Communism is now a dead horse in Russia. It is dying of its own stinking Jewish rot in adjoining countries. The next to go will be that foul Jewish mind-scrambler called Christianity, a sinister plague that has lain like a cancer on the brain of the White Race for lo, all these many centuries. It is beginning to crumble rapidly. Anyone who has read our latest analysis of Christianity, A Revolution of Values through Religion will curse the day he or she was ever introduced to this cancer on the brain. Once Christianity has been exposed and demolished, an angry world will make short shrift of Judaism and all its vestiges. As one nigger shrieked "Free at last! Free at last!" Yes, the world will be free at last of the most vicious and sinister parasite ever to infest this once beautiful and pristine Planet Earth.

In the first issue of Racial Loyalty (June, 1983) we stated that nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come, and that idea is Creativity, the White Man’s religion. It is, in fact the first and only racial religion the White Race has ever structured for its own survival, expansion and advancement in the last 6000 years of civilized history.

James P. Warburg, of the notorious Jewish Warburg family that structured the sinister Federal Reserve, and who embodied the epitome of Jewish rapaciousness, made a bold statement on the floor of the U.S. Senate on February 17, 1950. Arrogantly flaunting Jewish power, he bragged,
"We shall have world government whether we like it or not. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." A very revealing and interesting statement. When he said "we" will have it, he meant of course they, the Jews. When he said whether "we" like it or not, he, of course, meant us, the goyim. Confidently and arrogantly, he was plainly telling the Senate of the United States that we have you stupid goyim locked up in our tentacles and you had better come peacefully or else.

But not so fast, you sleazy, stinking kike. This is 1991, and the racial conflict is rapidly heating up all over the world, especially in the United States. It is now becoming more ominously obvious to the White people of the world what the Jewish game plan is. The White people of Russia are angrily aware of what a dastardly Jewish scam is Communism, and are increasingly aware that It was the Jews that imposed this horrendous fraud upon them. PAMYAT is organizing in Russia with increasing determination, and the Jews are fearfully fleeing their own befouled nest in that vast land. But don’t come to the United States! We White Americans, too, are becoming increasingly aware of your evil and parasitic presence. In growing numbers we are becoming painfully aware that it is the Jewish plan to drag in all the scum and mud races of the world into our fair land and mongrelize us into oblivion. We fully realize that it is you, you slimy kikes, who are the cause of the widespread crime, of the slums, of the degeneration of our cities and the downward spiral of our once great land. Don’t come here! Retribution and vengeance will be ours! Go to Israel and let the Arabs contend with you!

Speaking of the Arabs and the Palestinians – that issue, too, is reaching a breaking point. The world is getting a much clearer picture of what kind of a brutal tyranny you kikes will impose upon its enslaved peoples once you have taken their guns away from them and have them in complete submission.
The White people of South Africa, too, are getting a clearer picture of what your ideas are about "democracy" and "one-man, one vote." it is now becoming quite clear that your perception of "one-man, one vote" is also "one-time only." Once the White man is crushed, as in former Rhodesia, then the nigger is a full time tyrant under the auspices of Jewish tutelage. Your program of decimating the White Race and mongrelizing the balance is becoming clearer to the White Man by the day. We are determined to turn the tables on you!

Recently we had a fine group of young Creators from Canada visit us here at World Headquarters. We heard Innumerable stories of how the "Canadian" government is imposing iron-clad censorship on the White population. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are as dead as a dodo in Canada. Just the mere utterance of the word "Jew" in the wrong context is an offense punishable by Imprisonment. Canada is no exception. The same frightful and Draconian application of censorship and Jew-law is now prevalent in our once "Great" Britain, In Sweden, in Germany and most other Jew infested countries. It is a forerunner of what the Jews are assiduously planning and conniving to bring about in the United States also.

But one of the things one of the young Canadians said to me really brought home the stark horror of the impending situation. He said that many of their military bases were being closed and they were now being turned into vast concentration camps, or gulags, as in Russia for the last seventy years. That made me realize, yes, indeed, our military bases here in the United States, too, are closing up shop as such by the score. What is "our" Jewish government (JOG) going to do with them? Let me guess. Let them go to waste? Not by a damnsite! The building of prisons and penitentiaries are today the only booming growth industry in the United States! And the closed military bases are made to order for conversion into Jewish gulags.

And just whom do the Jews have in mind as permanent residents in these places of torture and oppression? Why, silly question! They have you in mind, Whitey, to fill those bunk beds behind the iron bars, that is, of course, if you let them take your guns away and snooker you into such a defenseless position and let the black niggers act as your "guards" and wardens.
Grim? Yes, indeed, But events are moving rapidly. One world Judaism is coming on with a vengeance. But another set of events is mushrooming even more rapidly and that is the angry awakening of the White Race here in the United States and across the world. Up until now the resistance has been only sporadic, unplanned, haphazard and ineffective. But things are rapidly changing. Now we have a comprehensive, well structured, meaningful plan and program. We now have a racial religion of our own – we have Creativity. No longer is the right hand unaware of what the left hand is doing. No longer are we merely on the defensive, stupidly worshiping the Jews as "God’s Chosen" on Sunday, and merely cursing them the rest of the week. No longer are we wasting our time wishing for pie in the sky" or bewailing the threat of ‘fry in the sky" the rest of the time. Now we have a militant, well-planned creed and program that is marching on the offensive to build a massive steam roller and crush our enemies.
Our program is Delenda est Judaica! This planet is all ours!
Don’t just stand there! Join with us!
White People Awake!
Save the White Race!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church Of The Creator

SEP 18AC (1991)




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