Wednesday 22 April 2020

Rev Matt Hale (Civil Case) .. Letter to Attorney Regulation Council

APRIL 07 2020

Colorado Supreme Court
Attorney Regulation Council
1300 Broadway, Suite 500
Denver, Co 80203

Att: Catherine S, Shea , Assistant Regulation Council

RE: Criminal and otherwise unethical behavior of James Wiencek , Attorney

Dear Ms. Shea,

Sorry, but your letter of April 1st is completely unacceptable. Your job is to investigate complaints against attorneys , not dismiss them without an investigation, and please do not insult my intelligence by claiming that there is nothing your office can do about ongoing criminal behaviour by the attorneys of this state. Your letter is nearly word for word the same trash  that you have written many others on this issue, and while they may be unaware of the way things are suppose to work, I most certainly am not.  The fact that you failed to even pick up the phone and ask for Wiencek's side of things, says it all : you are in cahoots with the very unethical Attorneys you are suppose to investigate.

In other words, you are committing fraud upon the residents of this state by falsely representing yourself as an Attorney representation body and I tell you quite frankly unless you mount an actual investigation of Wiencek, I will be contacting the Attorney general for the state of Colorado with a view for your own criminal prosecution. I am not playing around with you people. Attorneys who tell their clients to commit crimes can be disciplined. Attorney who violate their oath to uphold the constitution can be denied continued legal practice. Do not insult my intelligence by claiming otherwise. No court ruling that Weincek indeed committed a crime and has violated my rights is necessary . You know it and I know it. Fail to reverse your current course of conduct at your own legal risk.

Sincerely yours,
Matthew  Hale J,D
SIU School of Law
Class of 1998

Matthew Hale #15177-424
P.O BOX 8500
Florence Co, 81226-8500

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