Friday 13 November 2020

R.I.P Tom Metzger


On November 4th 2020, one of the greatest White Racial Loyalist leaders of all time passed away at the age of 82. Mr.Metzger is survived by his partner Mary Arnold his six children, nine grandchildren and one great grandchild. His activism spanned 4 decades, that included membership and usually leadership in many different organizations and running for public office.

One of the organizations he was involved with was The Church Of The Creator. Ben Klassen wanted Tom to lead his own COTC in Southern California, but never came to be. Klassen and Metzger were at odds at times but still respected each other. Klassen quote...

This letter was written and mailed to Tom Metzger almost five years ago, yet all of the invitations, offers and pleas for W.A.R. to join with the C.O.T.C. are still valid and are hereby renewed. We wholeheartedly agree with White Racial Comrade Rev. S. D. Kenly and other Skinheads/White Warriors that W.A.R. and the C.O.T.C. should join forces and become one huge battering ram capable of smashing the chains of Jewish tyranny and winning the worldwide White Racial Holy War. I bear no personal animosity or grudge against Tom. On the contrary, I consider him a courageous energetic fighter for White survival. In fact, his son John is already an ordained minister of the C.O.T.C., and has been for years. Personalities are secondary. We must get our priorities straight and remember there is nothing more important than winning the life and death battle against the Jews. In order to do so we should also remember Benjamin Franklin’s advice: Either we hang together, or we will hang separately. ALL WHITES, UNITE AND FIGHT" 

Mr. Metzger still supported the Church after Klassen passed away, bringing attention to Rev Matt Hales abduction/incarceration by the ZOG Government. He will not be forgotten.


Tom Metzger White Racial Loyalist 

 Born 1938 Warsaw Indiana, USA

U.S Army 1961 - 1964

Member of the John Birch Society

1970's joined David Dukes KKK became Grand Dragon of California

1982 Formed White American Political Association

1983 Turned WAPA into White Aryan Resistance (WAR)

Hosted very popular Race and Reason TV Show

Spoke in front of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam

Ordered to pay 12 million after the murder of Mulugeta Seraw by East Side White Pride Skinheads

1992 Spoke at Heritage Front meeting in Toronto Canada jailed 5 days for immigration violation

Advocated for LONE WOLF Activism

R.I.P Tom Metzger




1 comment:

  1. Whatever his flaws may have been, he was a man of courage and inner determination. He deserves a humble bow of respect. I, for one, offer up that bow, and pray his soul thrive among the gods.
