Sunday 9 October 2016

Comparative Religions-Part 1-Mohammedanism...By Ben Klassen

Objectives of Our Comparative Series

1. To illustrate by means of detailed comparison that in CREATIVITY we have finally achieved a genuine, bonafide, comprehensive racial religion for the White Race that is the equal of, or superior to, any religion in history.

2. That our religion makes more sense, is more logical, is more complete and better planned and organized; it is, in fact, more effectively constructed than any of the established old "great" religions of the world.

3. That in order to survive at all, the White Race must now polarize around its own racial religion.

4. To convince all the polyglot and diverse White racial groups and leaders that in CREATIVITY ties the salvation of the White Race and the

sooner we unite under the banner of Creativity, the sooner we will be on our way in waging an effective battle for the survival of the White Race.

Think about it. If not Creativity, what else is there?


When the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran in 1978 in triumph to wildly cheering multitudes, he again proved the power of a religious fervor and of the overriding importance of an ideology.

Let us consider the odds he faced. For 13 years he had been sitting in Paris, an exile. He had no army, no government, no police force, no legal status. Pitted against him was one of the most powerful potentates in the Moslem Middle East, The Shah of Iran. The Shah was in the true sense a ruthless dictator, with a cruel and efficient secret police at his command, a powerful army, equipped with the most modern of American weapons, all financed by an abundance of gushing oil wells. The Shah and his family were themselves, in fact, one of the most wealthy, affluent families in the world.

Yet before the year 1978 was over, the Shah himself was a hunted exile, in fear of his life and hard put to find a country that would even receive him as a refugee. The Ayatollah, in the mean- time, was now in supreme control of Iran, idolized and worshipped by the masses and the multitudes. His every word and wish was the law of the land.

To accomplish such an overwhelming victory against such tremendous odds, what was it the Ayatollah had over the Shah? What weapon, what advantage did he have? Was he a better administrator and ruler? No, he was not. Subsequent events have shown, that he is a humbler, is inefficient, is a fumbling idiot in the science of government. Did he have a superior economic program to offer the people in order to raise their standards of living? No, he did not. He hardly even talked about economics, and in this area too, he is an ignoramus. Was he more loving, democratic, compassionate and lenient with his people? Again, negative. He proved to be more cruel, ruthless and tyrannical than the Shah had ever been, as the thousands of executions and arbitrary pronouncements over the last seven years have also proved.

Then what did he have to offer to be able to not only overthrow the once powerfully entrenched Shah, but also maintain his grip on the people, and in fact, become a leader and a focal point of all the Moslems of the Middle East, the Far East, and in fact, of the world?

The major advantage the Ayatollah had over the Shah, and still has, is the powerful weapon of a RELIGIOUS CREED. It is a weapon as old as history, and the Mohammedans have now had it for over thirteen centuries, tailor-made for their scrawny, emotional and backward masses.

The Jews have one tailor- made for their parasitical nature and have found it has worked wonders for them over the last 3000 years. But that is another story.

The point I want to drive home to my White Racial Comrades is this: RELIGIONS are like fire: a powerful force in the human equation that can be useful to either energize the people that utilize it, or it can be need to destroy their whole social structure, as fire can bum down a home.

The White Man's religion has been used to burn down his house — it has been used by his enemies to confuse, destroy and disintegrate the White Race itself.

But let us get back to the Moslem religion, and examine its historic origins, its expansion and its widespread influence today.

As I have pointed out before, the relatively small desert area lying in Asia at the eastern end of the Mediterranean has been the hotbed, the spawning ground of mankind's three major religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedanism. Although many thousands of

religions have infested the landscape and infected the minds of men, these three religions have directed the course of history more significantly than all the other religions combined.

Mohammed, the founder of the Moslem religion, was born circa 571 C.E„ in what is today Saudi Arabia. His father died before he was born and his mother shortly thereafter. He was raised and brought up by his uncle and his grandfather and experienced hard- ship in his early life.

When he was 25, he married Khadijah, an older Jewish widow of considerable wealth, and his financial troubles were now over. He could now afford the leisure time to meditate and reflection the nature and destiny of man.

By his fortieth year this contemplation crystallized into an articulated religion, in which he proclaimed there was only one God, Allah, and that he, Mohammed, was his messenger and his prophet. His wife Khadijah was his first convert.

Fired up into a burst of energy and action he soon stirred up a storm of angry protest in his native city of Mecca, which worshipped a multitude of gods, idols and fetishes.

Despised and persecuted in his native city, Mohammed fled north to Medina. This flight, in the year 622 C.E. is known as the Hegira.

Here his proselytizing efforts prospered and soon he had a veritable army of followers. With his now powerful army he returned and conquered his native city of Mecca, and the Moslem religion soon spread like wildfire.

When he died at the age of 61 in the year 632 C.E„ he bequeathed upon his followers a religio-political heritage that has prospered and expanded to this very day, a heritage that provided the powerful fuel with which the Ayatollah Khomeini blasted the Shah of Iran from the Peacock throne of Persia.

Today 850 million Muslims, a fifth of the world's population, turn daily towards Mecca five times a day in prayer. It is the world's second largest religion, crowding Christianity and soon threatening to surpass it. It is growing faster numerically than any other religion on two counts: (a) new converts, and (b) the high birth rate of the mud peoples that embrace it. It is the dominant belief in some 40 nations, and even the U.S.S.R. has 40 million Moslems, 15.5 per cent of its population.

Let us now analyze and compare its merits and characteristics with our own religion, CREATIVITY.

Mohammedanism vs. Creativity — a Comparison

Basis of its belief: Mohammedanism is founded on the same old swindle as thousands of other religions — namely, the spooks- in-the-sky hocus-pocus, a blind conjecture for which neither the Jews, the Christians, the Mohammedans nor any other gullible yokel has ever produced one scintilla of evidence.

Creativity, on the other hand, is based on the Eternal Laws of Nature, on the lessons of history, on logic and common sense.

In short, our religion is based on the reality of the world as it is, with a view of how we can best achieve a better world by the use of our intelligence, our diligence, and our creativity.

Sacred Book or Book: The Holy Book of the Mohammedan religion is the Koran.

Allegedly, it contains the reported utterances of Mohammed himself, as some unknown scribe or scribes supposedly remembered them. These suppositions are on a level with those of the New Testament followers, who assume Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, whoever they were, somehow, somewhere "remembered" the utterances of Jesus Christ, and wrote them down. There is not a shred of evidence to support any of these nebulous claims.

The historical facts about the Koran as can be pieced together are something like this: The first Koranic utterances were reportedly first memorized (by whom?) and written on palm leaves or stone. They were then tossed into a barrel and later written down in a book in a random sequence. The Third Caliph, Uthman, 644-656, several decades after Mohammed's death "compiled" them into the codex of Medina, at the same time destroying rival versions in order to avoid confusion. It was not until the 10th century (three centuries after Mohammed's death) that an "authorized" version was put together.

So how authentic is the Koran in conjunction with Mohammed's preaching's? Who knows? But considering the various manipulations, and considering the lapse in time, any resemblance would have to be sheer coincidence. Nevertheless, whatever emerged as the Koran has had tremendous influence in shaping the Arabic language as such, and in welding together the religious and political thinking of a loose and amorphous group of Arabs, Semites, Hindus, Orientals, niggers and other mud races.

CREATIVITY, in contrast, has Three Basic Books that were written by the Founder of the religion, reviewed, published, Copyrighted and authorized as such while the Founder was still alive. Also, supplementary books such as Expanding Creativity were written and published by the Founder while still alive, thereby eliminating any question of authenticity or subversion of content. These Three Basic Books are Nature's Eternal Religion, The White Man's Bible and Salubrious Living.

The goals of Creativity are well defined, its program is clear and pragmatic. It is comprehensive and covers all the basic goals, problems and moral values significant for the survival, expansion and advancement for the White Race. Unlike the Christian Bible, or the Mohammedan Koran, these basic books were not the compilation of some elusive and unknown "reporters" who supposedly patched together unconfirmed rumors, myths or hearsay several centuries later.

Goals and Objectives. Some of the goals Mohammed evidently had in mind were:

(a) To unify various loose and scattered desert tribes into a powerful and polarized political and religious body.

(b) By ordaining several daily ablutions as part of their religious ritual to those primitive tribes (whose private habits at best were unsanitary, and at worst, downright dirty) he sought to improve their physical and personal habits of cleanliness.

(c) Give these primitive desert tribes inspiration, direction and some sense of moral responsibility.

(d) Build a powerful political empire with himself at the head. In all these goals Mohammed succeeded rather well.

Creativity's Goals have been spelled out in great detail in our basic books. They are clear, comprehensive, constructive and consistent. They encompass the entire Planet Earth as a unit, not merely a limited area of real estate.

Without reviewing our entire creed, the highlights of our goals and objectives can briefly be stated as follows:

1. The survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, and the White Race exclusively.

2. To inform, arouse and unify the White Race into a solid battering ram so that it can break the Jewish stranglehold and take charge of its own destiny.

3. To get the Jews, the niggers, the mud races, and the freeloaders and other parasites off of the backs of the White Race.

4. To give the White Race a sense of awareness, of morality and direction.

5. To provide a meaningful plan and blueprint for the future of the White Race.

6. To create a strong sense of Racial Loyalty towards the White Race among all the White nations and peoples of the world.

7. A Sound Mind in a Sound Body in a Sound Society in a Sound Environment, as spelled out in our program of SALUBRIOUS LIVING.

8. A universal language, namely Latin, for all the White peoples of the world.

9. Eugenics. To work in harmony with the Laws of Nature and to upgrade our White gene pool.

10. To build a Whiter and Brighter World, with the White Race ultimately and exclusively inhabiting all the worthwhile real estate of this Planet Earth.

More about Mohammedanism

The Koran, as we have pointed out is not only regarded as the sacred book of the Moslems, but is considered as holy in itself, written by God, and not to be questioned. I have tried to read many parts of it on several occasions and find it extremely boring, confusing and meaningless.

It places women in an extremely inferior status as a mere servant of the male gender, to bear children and to satisfy his sexual desires. It also condones polygamy, a practice that has been shunned by most White civilizations.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of The Creator

Article taken from Racial Loyalty # 24
May 12AC (1985)


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