Monday 9 April 2018

It's Time for a Closer Look at E.T.E.F ....By Ben Klassen

Everyday now as we read the papers and look at the news, the crime, anarchy and number of killings seem to escalate. Hardly a day passes but we read "Israelis kill two Arabs, wound 18," or rape and murder in Central Park, or revolution and bloodshed in just about any part of the world. Lets face it, the Jews have stirred up turmoil and warfare in just about any and every part of the world, and the White Race in the United States is their main target for destruction.
Last week (May 6) the Iranian Parliamentary speaker Hashemi Rafsanjani had had enough of this Jewish terrorism and openly called for a worldwide campaign of terror against Americans and Westerners (he meant Jews). Leaning on an AK-47 assault rifle, he announced that the only way to stop Israeli terrorism was to kill five of the enemy for every Palestinian killed. Mr. Rafsanjani, acting commander in chief of the Iranian armed forces, was interrupted by thousands of Shiite worshipers who chanted "Death to Israel!" The Shiite and other Moslems are pursuing a holy war against Israel and the Jews, a war they call the JIHAD. In fact, the Jews have committed so many atrocities over the centuries, the whole world now hates the Jews, and the time is rapidly approaching when the Jews will pay in blood – their blood.
Although the Iranians are no friend of ours, we Creators, in fact the whole White Race, has the same common enemy, namely the bandit state of Israel, and the whole conspiratorial Jewish tyranny on a worldwide basis. We, too, have our holy war against them, and we call it RAHOWA! RAcial HOly WAr to the bitter finish!

The United States is now plagued with the largest concentration of Jews in the world – officially six million, but probably many more. Israel ranks second with only four million. Russia, once the world’s No. 1, now ranks a poor third with only 2.6 million.

So there we have it. This is the Jews’ oyster and the center of their powerhouse. They have monopolized and harnessed the tremendous productivity of the White American worker to enslave the world and destroy the White Race. Knowing that America is the key to their sinister program, they are tightening the screws daily, imprisoning good productive, (but independent) Americans like Rudy Stanko, torturing them on a daily basis in order to break their spirit. His and our civil, religious and constitutional rights are being violated repeatedly and justice as such for the White Man in America is a daily sham. It has taken us months and repeated efforts to so much as get our White Man’s Bible into Rudy’s hands, and this only after a Federal Judge issued a court order.

We Creators are law abiding citizens. Nine years ago I wrote Creative Credo No. 64 – "Law and Order vs. Violence, Terrorism and Self-Preservation." In it I stated clearly that we will and are determined to abide by legal methods and obey the law of the land. However, there comes a time when the government itself becomes the foremost criminal, the cruelest of tyrants and the No. 1 enemy of our precious White Race. When that time comes, and it seems to be approaching rapidly, we will declare that we have now exhausted Articles 1 through 6, and we now have no other choice but to invoke Articles 7 and 8, Nature’s Law of Survival of the Species.

When such time comes we should be well prepared. We should now be thinking of what are the most effective ways of carrying out and implementing Articles 7 and 8. We do not want to blunder into such a war recklessly and suffer a 35 to one loss as did the Order when they (presumably) killed one lousy Jew. We want to make sure we proceed with the highest E.T.E.F., that is, Enemy Toll Effectiveness Factor. What is a satisfactory E.T.E.F.? Five of the enemy for one of ours? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? Whatever the factor, we want to make damn sure we inflict the highest losses possible on the enemy, and suffer the least on our side. To do so, we must think, plan ahead, and coordinate our resources. I suggest you start thinking about such scenario now, as to what you can do, and what you will do when we are forced to invoke Articles 7 and 8.

We would like to hear your suggestions and will publish and pass on some of the better ones to our readers and members. Your suggestions will be published anonymously or with your name attached, as you choose, Remember, survival of our species, the precious White Race, is the highest law of Nature and no price is too high, nor Is any sacrifice too great. Whether we like it or not, the enemy is forcing our hand and we are engaged in a Racial Holy War! RAHOWA!

Ben Klassen
Founder, Church of the Creator


JUNE 16AC (1989)

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