Friday 27 April 2018

Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case)... Motion to Judge Krieger to Deny Defendant's Costs

To read the document in it's entirety...........  
FREE MATT HALE Site..( will post link when becomes available)

Quotes from Rev Hale contained in the document............

" Plaintiff is an indigent prisoner with no money to dispose of of  his own. Defendant is an agency of the Federal Government with countless billions at it's disposal. The Defendant does not need any money from the Plaintiff. " 

" I have no regular source of income of my own, nor am I allowed to work for money at ADX." 

" The Defendant should not be able to have it both ways, forcing me to pay the "costs" while stopping me from raising any money at the same time. To say that would be unfair would be an understatement. " 

" Allowing the Defendant it's costs would chill prisoners from brining civil rights actions in the future. " 

" While this court ruled that Creativity is not a religion at all, it is undeniable that Plaintiff thinks and thought otherwise and that religious freedom is indeed  within the rubric of "Civil rights"  " 

" Indeed, even the supreme court has not articulated what is, and what is not, a "religion" for the purposes of the Free Exercise Clause. " 

"  Hundreds if not thousands of Creators were watching closely what happened here since their own religious liberties were likewise at issue and that, in itself, meets the definition of "substantial public importance" 


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