Monday 28 May 2018

Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case)...Appeal from the United States District Court ...Brief Of Rev Hale

To read the document in it's entirety.........
FREE MATT HALE Web Site...... Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case)..Appeal from United States District Court...Brief of Rev Hale..

Some quotes by Rev Hale contained in the document.........

" The District Court erred when it granted Summary Judgment to the B.O.P on claim one on the basis that Creativity is not a religion for purposes of the free exercise clause, not realizing that claim one also contains freedom of speech and freedom of association components "

" Claim eight alleged a violation of the first amendment " The refusal by defendant's Berkebile and B.O.P to provide Reverend Hale with meals that comply with his Creativity religious dietary requirements. "  

" Reverend Hale is an ordained minister in the Church of the Creator ( hereafter "church") and has been since 1995. The Church embraces and espouses the religion of Creativity. Adherents of the Creativity religion are called "Creators" Whereas the Christian religion is concerned with the immortality of the "soul", Creativity is concerned with the immortality of the White race here on earth"

" Regardless of the argument of the section above, the record of this case shows, overwhelmingly, that Creativity is in fact a religion for the purposes of the free exercise clause. " 

" In sum, instead of actually accepting the facts of Creativity as they are, viewing those facts in the light most favorable to their religiosity as the law requires, the district court viewed the facts in the light least favorable to their religiosity and thus erred accordingly. " 

" In other words, Creativity is not concerned merely with the well being of those White people living today, but rather with making sure White people live forever which is a non-temporal idea on its face. "




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