Monday 4 June 2018

Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case)..Reply in Support of Plaintiff's Motion to Deny Defendant's Costs

To read the document in it's entirety see  
FREE MATT HALE Site................ Reply in Support of Plaintiff's motion to Deny Defendant's Costs 

Some quotes from Rev Hale contained in the document.........

" First, it is untrue that Hale had "planned from the beginning of this case to take as many as fifteen depositions" Defense council does not know, and cannot know, what Hale "planned" to do " 

"  In other words, the Defendant's employees do not themselves  believe that Hale meant any harm with what he said in the press release  and they have perjured themselves, flagrantly, in their efforts to convince this court otherwise. " 

" Such people do not deserve a penny, let alone five thousand odd dollars." 

" In any event, people donate to his trust fund account for his upkeep, not to support the B.O.P, any confiscation of funds from that account would likely dry up the donations made to it accordingly. Nor would Hale in good faith be able to ask people to donate to his account were the B.O.P to be engaged in the seizure of the money, he has to respect their desire that the money go to him, not the B.O.P. "


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