Tuesday 19 June 2018

Help! A Plea for Support...By Ben Klassen (1989)


The Establishment is Trying to Use "Legal’ Strong Arm Tactics to Destroy Our Church
The Church of the Creator is a well-founded, well-established, non-profit religious organization. Its North Carolina corporate charter clearly defines it as such, and when we built our headquarters here In North Carolina in 1983, the Macon County Tax Assessor recognized it as such, and in line with our First Amendment rights granted us tax exemption, the same as they had granted to all the one hundred or so other churches in the county. The Tax Assessor that then succeeded the former assessor also concurred and left our tax-exempt status undisturbed.

Along now comes the third tax assessor, one Richard Lightner, who either hates our defense of the White Race, or perhaps the White Race itself. Arbitrarily and capriciously, on his own volition he decided to revoke our tax exemption. Whether he has been paid by the ADL or is a Jew himself, we have not yet determined, but it could be either, or both. We mean to find out. Evidently the Jewish establishment is beginning to run scared, feeling that our increasing growth could soon mushroom into a major awakening of the White people and is a dire threat to their all-embracing tyranny. Earlier in the game they tried to scare us out of existence by using a number of sneaky physical assaults during the middle of the night, such as a shotgun blast at our eight foot logo on the face of the church (the holes are still there for anybody to see), throwing phosphorous fire bombs at our building and various other malicious attacks. When we refused to be frightened or intimidated, they evidently decided to change tactics and are now trying "legal" harassment and assault. We have the news for you goddamned Jewish stooges: It won’t work either. We are staying!

Last February we received our initial letter from Jewish-stooge Richard Lightner, said tax assessor. The reason (or pretext) they said was that they had been snooping around the fringes of our property (without so much as coming in and talking to us) and that they had determined we were "not active enough," whatever that means. We replied to the County Commission in writing that we had never been more active in our existence, and also restated such at a formal meeting with the Commissioners. We told them that we were performing marriages, had published eight major books, eleven policy booklets, published 54 issues of Racial Loyalty, had ordained dozens of Ministers in half a dozen countries of the world, started a Leadership School for Gifted Boys, and actually held a two week session at the school. In the face of all this evidence, they still turned us down, but they now changed their tactics. Their new pretext was that our by-laws were not complete, whatever in the hell that meant. We pointed out that the by-laws were written by the same attorney, Richard Jones, who was now, and had been for years, the legal counsel for their own County Commission, and just what was it that was deficient? Furthermore, completeness or incompleteness of by-laws, or no by-laws at all, had absolutely nothing to do with our credentials as a church or our tax-exemption as a religious organization.

My wife, our loyal and hard working Rev. A.W. Reynolds and myself were served subpoenas to appear in Raleigh, NC, the state capital, at 9:00 a.m. September 21, 1989. With it came a Duces Tecum, an order to bring with us all our records, lists of members, lists of ministers, our corporate books, our by-laws, minutes of our meetings, records of expenditures, everything but the kitchen sink, in fact, 13 separate Items. To make sure we would be ambushed and unable to comply with the Subpoena and Duces Tecum, we were served only on September 19th, two days prior to the 21st, although it was deceitfully dated September 8th.

Nothing convinced us more that this was a Jewish setup for harassment than the fact that in the face of all this evidence and common sense the local officials still decided to rule against us and force us to go to the North Carolina Tax Commission hundreds of miles away and go through a formal hearing in order to retain our rights that had already been acknowledged earlier, several times and several years. This now also meant we had to hire a lawyer licensed by the state, since a corporation must have a licensed lawyer to represent it before a state board.

This is where the squeeze comes in. Practically every lawyer in the state is pro-Jewish, pro-nigger, anti-White and gung-ho for race-mixing, everything we are against. Furthermore, they are extremely reluctant to even take on our case, since they are scared spitless it will tarnish their pro-Jewish image before the powerful, all-dominant Jewish control of the courts and the Bar Association (and everything else, we might add).

After several attorneys turned us down and some backed out and left us in the lurch at the last moment, we finally found a paralegal from Oklahoma, who with a legal attorney from Wyoming were willing to go to battle for our case, both of whom were well versed in the First Amendment rights of churches and Constitutional law. However, we still had to also hire a licensed North Carolina lawyer as well, a man from Raleigh, NC, who had been selected by our paralegal. The total bill for all this came to $6000 (so far), a sum we can ill afford. On top of that we had travel expenses, motel bills, etc., to cover.

We finally had a meeting and confrontation with the North Carolina Tax Commission in Raleigh, NC on September 21st. It lasted all day. No decision was arrived at, and we still have to submit briefs and await their deliberations. At the hearing we have successfully asserted the privacy of our subscriber/membership/minister lists and other sensitive documents, but our religious beliefs were bandied about without any First Amendment considerations, whereas when the tax assessor on cross-examination was so much as asked what was his religious faith, immediately had his attorney shout Objection!’ which was quickly "sustained!" by the chairman. That is what is called double standards.

In conclusion, I want to make three cogent points:

The First Point is that our credentials as a church and as a religion are impeccable.

They are as good as, if not in fact much better than, any religion on the face of the earth, past or present. Our religious beliefs are not based on silly and untenable myths or fairy tales that have no basis in fact, nor are such myths even logical. Our beliefs are well founded and well grounded in the Eternal Laws of Nature. Does anybody care to argue about the truth and validity of the Laws of Nature?

Only a fool would. Furthermore, our beliefs are based on the experience of history. What history? All history – Egyptian history, Greek history, Roman history, and especially more recent history, such as World Wars I and II, and what has happened here in crime and nigger infested America and what is happening in Palestine, to quote a few examples. We have set our views and beliefs down in writing in eight comprehensive books that anyone is free to read and study. Our creed and program takes in history, religion, politics, bodily health (Salubrious Living), eugenics and the uplifting of our race, as well as the preservation of a viable environment; in other words, we aim to achieve a SOUND MIND in a SOUND BODY in a SOUND SOCIETY in a SOUND ENVIRONMENT. Our creed and program also considers many other facets of our life, such as anthropology, archeology, astronomy and every other scientific study. Compare this with the concepts of the Old and New Testaments written by primitive, ignorant and superstitious Middle Eastern desert tribesmen.

The Second Point I want to make is that our goals are real and compelling: the survival of the White Race – Nature’s Finest.

I ask any responsible White Man or Woman, what is more important? Saving the gorillas? or niggers? or some species of endangered clams? Can you and your family survive in a drug and crime infested America with wall-to-wall niggers?

The Third Point is: we need financial help - much help!

Saving the White Race is taking an increasing amount of our dwindling resources, the largest portion of which to date I have been supplying personally. But these resources are now coming to an end and will have to be borne by the living members of the White Race, too few of whom seem to realize the tremendous issues that are at stake. So confused is the average White Man now by Jewish propaganda that only a small percentage can see through the blather of Jewish garbage slopped on them daily to understand that their very life, their property, their culture and their civilization are at stake. Moreover, and what is more important, the future of their children and grandchildren is non-existent if we don’t win this fight NOW – IN THE NEXT DECADE.

Despite all the challenges, difficulties and enemy attacks, our commitment to the sacred cause of Creativity and our belief in its final victory is undiminished. But we need better grassroots organization through the COTC Primary Groups and increased support from the field activists to the Church Headquarters in the form of renewed subscriptions, membership fees, donations and volunteer services at the Church Headquarters. We would especially appreciate volunteer services of Creators with secretarial, typing and editing skills. Also, please send us office supplies, books, and don’t forget to remember us in your will.

Let each one of us Creators examine our skills and resources and contribute regularly and generously to the Sacred Cause of the One and Only White Racial Religion – Creativity. Remember, If Creativity does not win, the White Race will be exterminated by the rising tide of the mud races, and then all your resources and all your skills will be worth nothing. Please use them for the best interests of the White Race while it is still not too late. Let us make hay while the sun shines.

So ante up! It is now or never! We need all the help we can get. You need all the help we can give you. Act now! Send us all you can spare and a little extra. The time has come for the showdown! Act now!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator

OCTOBER 16AC (1989)


We Won! ..By Ben Klassen


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