Monday 24 February 2020

Bush's New World Order....By Ben Klassen


Basically, its objective is for the Jewish Gulag Archipelago to encircle the globe with universal poverty and tyranny shared by all.
When George Bushwhacker Bush was scheduled to make his State of the Union speech last January 28, he had a tough nut to crack. The establishment media realized that he had to come up with the speech of his life to save his crumbling presidency what with election year coming up. The economy was in ruins. Companies, large and small, were going bankrupt. Companies were laying off workers by the tens of thousands. Despite extending "benefits’ (dole) for the second time within the last few months, people were destitute. The unemployment figures were skyrocketing. Our national debt was mounting by the hundreds of billions. The country was (and is) in a dilemma worse than the Great Depression, with this one major exception – we are never again to return to normal, and the Jews have planned it that way.
Undaunted, Old Bushwhacker George stepped up to the rostrum to the repeated cheers of his Republican and Democratic lackeys, acted as if everything was coming round the bend and lied his way through what some pundits even applauded as a great speech.

What did he say? He said nothing new. He was proceeding in lock step with the Jewish plan of the New World Order which he had already touted in a major speech last year. He even bragged that it had been the United States, our persistence in fighting the Cold War against Communism that had destroyed Communism. We had fought in Korea. We had fought in Vietnam. Last but not least, we had fought in the glorious Gulf War and smashed Iraq back to the rubble of the stone age. Weren’t we great? And the long suffering tax payer who had paid for all these glorious wars was finally to get kudos for having put up with it all for so long.


But the Bushwhacker was lying through his teeth throughout the deceptive tirade. The United States, under the control of the Jewish network has never fought Communism. On the contrary, ever since the November Revolution of 1917 when the Jewish Communists took control of the unfortunate and misguided Russian people, the American policy has aided and abetted that Jewish swindle every step of the way. If we really had wanted Communism destroyed, all we had to do was nothing and it would have rotted Into oblivion a long time ago. If we really had wanted this Jewish pestilence wiped out, Adolf Hitler and the Germans would have given it the final death knell in the early 1940’s.

But no. Roosevelt and his gang of Jewish criminals moved heaven and earth to get us into that war to save Communism and to save Jewish control of the world. Not only did we save the Commies’ neck, but we immediately shipped 13 billion dollars worth of goodies, refrigerators, tractors, technical machinery, and even the secrets of producing the atomic bomb to Russia even before (and after) World War II was over. Korea did nothing to impede communism. Neither did Vietnam nor the Gulf War, nor the numerous covert CIA activities in practically every part of the world. On the contrary, every action we took, every hundred billion we spent overtly or covertly helped to expand Jewish Communist control.

Despite all our efforts, Communism has dismally failed and broken down of its own insane rottenness, no thanks to America. It is now a dead horse abysmally exposed for the foul, rotten Jewish tyranny that it always was and is. But the Jewish program of world slavery under its control has not changed. Only the name has been changed to confuse the gullible and the cowards. The program itself remains constant – and that is to suck the whole world into this catastrophe. Only now we will call it the New World Order, and instead of it being run out of Moscow, it will now be directed out of Washington, New York and Israel. The American people who have had to finance most of this sorry mess are now to become poverty stricken slaves, just like the rest of the Third World countries, and beaten down to their miserable level.

There is nothing new about the New Order. It is as old as the Jewish conspiracy itself which has its roots in the Talmud, the Old Testament and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Think about it. What is the most vicious, the most heinous, the most dastardly crime our enemies, the Tribe of Judah, could possibly perpetrate on Nature’s Finest, the Illustrious White Race? Would it be extinction? Would it be enslavement? Would it be mongrelization?

The answer Is, yes. It would be all of these horrible catastrophes and more. Added to this horrendous list would also be the shame, the torture, the humiliation, the filth to which we would be subjected, and worst of all, the irreversible poisoning of our precious White gene pool. Our striving and the building of that illustrious gene pool by our noble ancestors over the millions of years would be thrown into the dung heap and admixed with that of the filthy niggers and sub-human animals. Our glorious history would be calumniated and defiled, ridiculed and dragged into the filthy mire of the lowliest Hottentot and African aborigines, a shameful process that would be even beyond the basest scum as witnessed in Haiti and other sub-human mires of degradation. Think about it again! Is this the kind of world you want to leave your children and grandchildren? Your future progeny ten generations down the line? Fifty, one hundred generations into the future?

We Creators say not by a goddamnsite, if we can help it!

Let us take a sober and realistic look at what we are faced with today, In the last decade of the Twentieth Century. After Bushwhacker George Bush lured Saddam Hussein into attacking a two-bit penny-ante country the size of a postage stamp into invading Kuwait, he and the Jewish press had the necessary pretext to declare war on Iraq and bomb it into rubble. Why should he want to do that? To defend the United States? Lets not be silly, a fifteenth rate country like Iraq, nine thousand miles distant from our shores, was not of the slightest of threats to our (American) security. So why did he commit 450,000 troops, an endless array of tanks, battleships, planes, missiles and all the other accoutrements of destruction to the desert sand of Saudi Arabia in order to smash Iraq? The answer to that question is simple as hell. He did it not to protect our homeland, not to protect our oil supply, but he did it to protect the sleazy, slimy, sump hole of the world that is the home of the world’s most pernicious parasite. He did it on the orders of his Jewish overlords, in order to smash an Immediate and nearby threat to Israel. And smash Iraq he and the Jewish overlords did, in the process killing some 300,000 Iraqi men, women and children.

For this traitorous act of cowardly accommodation to the Jews, Bushwhacker Bush was acclaimed a great hero deserving re-election in 1991, and "Stormin’ Norman" Schwarzkopf the greatest military strategist since Hannibal. The fact is that the outcome was inevitable and one sided as a gang of a thousand bullies beating up on a small troop of boy scouts. It required no great genius, nor were there any heroics involved.

Nor was there any surprise involved, either in the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, nor by the massive smashing of Iraq’s military and Infrastructure by our 220,000 sorties of blasting bombers. As I have shown in considerable detail back in December of 1990 in R.L. No. 66, the operation was deliberately planned a full 18 months in advance in the secret enclaves of Fort McPherson, Georgia. It was headed by chief planner Lt. Gen. John Yeosock, who, in turn, was under the orders and supervision of the Jewish network, who master-minded the whole operation.
"Desert Sheild" and The Brutal Israeli Massacre of Arabs on Islam's Holy Grounds...By Ben Klassen

Being overwhelmed by all the Jewish adulation, the Bushwhacker began to believe all this heroic hogwash. He began to feel like a world leader and began to talk of the New World Order, with himself as the dictator of course. So let us take a closer look at what he and his Jewish cohorts are talking about. After all, he is at least nominally the president of the world’s most powerful and affluent nation and the commander in chief of the worlds largest and most sophisticated military establishment. In fact, the United States, now that the Soviet Union is rapidly falling apart, is the only super power left in this rapidly deteriorating world.

So what does Bush have in mind when he talks about the "New Order?" What he and his Jewish cohorts have in mind bodes ill for mankind, and especially for the White Race. The New Order is neither new nor will it be orderly. The plans and the outlines for the new order are as old as the hills, and for the perceptive historian its details can be fleshed out from reading Deuteronomy, Numbers, Joshua and all the rest of the Jewish tripe in the "slay ‘em and rob ‘em" stories of the Old Testament. It can be further amplified and detailed by studying the Talmud and further brought into more modern focus by reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It is a Jewish program of mass genocide, of slavery, of torture and horror. The gruesome goals of such torture and beastliness can best be perceived by reading the last book in the Jewish Christian Bible – namely the splenetic ghastliness of "The Revelation." (See Part X of Revolution of Values Page 188, "Revelation, a Jewish Nightmare in Technicolor.")

There is no great secret about what the Jews have in mind for us in their "New Order." In fact, the details are already abundantly visible for those who will look reality in the face. Let us take it step by step.

1. Here is the kind of humanity the Jews have in mind for us goyim. In fact, they have built a model statue of such In the United Nations building in New York, and is photographed on Page 70 of the book The United Nations’ Blueprint for Peace. He is called the UNESCO Brown Man and is supposed to be a composite of all the mud races of the world. He is faceless, nationless, homeless, characterless, a brown slob utterly detached of any history or heritage. Unlike the picture shown, the slob will also be ugly, short and dumpy, a deformed and grotesque caricature of what used to be "Natures’s Finest."

2. The White Race, per se, is the number one target of all that the Jews hate, fear and despise. Their greatest efforts are now, and have been since the days of the Egyptians, to mongrelize and utterly destroy the White Race. We saw it In the wanton slaughter of the White Russians when the Jews ran rampant during the Russian Revolution they themselves organized. (They utterly murdered between 20 and 30 million White Russians.) We saw it happen a century and a half earlier when they guillotined the French nobility and pursued their strategy of "always kill the best first." We saw it again In the mass bombing and slaughter of the Germans in the firebombing of Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin and hundreds of other German cities during World War II. We are seeing it in the emasculation of the White Male right here in America today.
We could go on with dozens of other examples. The destruction of Rome through the poisonous virus of Jewish Christianity. The mongrelization of the exemplary Greek civilization 2500 years ago. The driving out of our W.R.C. from the continent of Africa. There is more, much more.

3. The build-up of Israel and the subjugation of national powers and independence into the jurisdiction of the United Nations. Since the governmental powers of all nations are in the hands of the Jews (especially that of the United States) this is no problem for the Jews. They own the money, they own the newsmedia, they own the government. With all the key news centers of power in their hands, controlling the United Nations is a piece of cake. George Bush repeatedly referred to fulfilling the United Nations’ Resolutions when he wanted to clobber Iraq back into the stone age, and did so with great impunity. Of course, it was not he who was calling the shots and making the decisions, but his Jewish overlords, but it made it look so universal as if the whole world was behind him, when actually a few key Jews in the Kehilla were really making each and every one of the decisions.

Such is the nature of the coming New World Order. George Bush acts like he is really in control, or perhaps even believes that he is. He is of course, only a front, a Jewish stooge, and the Jewish Kehilla is calling the shots. If Georgie boy doesn’t follow strict orders, he will quickly be replaced by the real operators.
How can we, the White Race, fend off the coming disaster? The answer is to inform, arouse and organize the mightiest potential power on the face of the earth – the White Race – Nature’s Finest and the best vehicle to organize around is a powerful racial religion. Join with us in promoting Creativity, recruiting new members and building a powerful steam roller to smash the Jewish menace once and for all. Your life and the future of your progeny depends on it. Act NOW!

Ben Klassen

Founder Church Of The Creator

MARCH 19AC (1992)

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