Monday 3 February 2020

Lessons We can Learn from the David Duke Campaign ...By Ben Klassen

1. The most important fact emerging from the Duke campaign in Louisiana is that the racial issue is now on the front burner in politics and every other field, and overshadows all other issues on the present day political, cultural, economic and every other arena of endeavor. It is not confined to Louisiana, or the South, nor even the United States. It is now the dominant issue on a worldwide scale.

Nor is it anything new, nor something innovated by David Duke. It has been there, simmering ominously for a long, long time, even long before the Civil War, or even Columbus discovery of America. What is new is that it is being openly debated and entering the field of politics with gusto. Words and phrases that the Jewish news media defined as not "P.C.’ (politically correct) are now being bandied back and forth by Jewish commentators, nigger news writers and politicians, and even by most of the more timid White politicians, commentators and reporters.

2. David Duke did not set this phenomena in motion. As I said before, it has been brewing for a long, long time. Ronald Reagan during his mediocre term began to bring it more into public consciousness with his opposition to quota bills. President Bush went a step further when he turned his 1988 lackluster campaign around, coming from behind by using the Willie Horton case as a major issue, which his opponents charged was a racist tactic. The fact is, it was, and certainly helped him in coming up from behind to win the presidential race.

3. Duke was far from being the ideal candidate in representing the White racial position. I have never once heard him mention the Jewish tyranny as an issue of debate. Furthermore, he also had too many skeletons in his own closet, besides his past connection with the K.K.K. and Nazi groups. His moral and private life leave much to be desired and had he won, his enemies would certainly have eagerly aired them out in public. Nevertheless, although his past was well known, the overwhelming fact is that he still won 55% of the White vote, a very, very significant fact. Actually, this is what the Jewish press admits, but the real figures may even be considerably higher. This is what the White people voted, despite denunciations from the churches, from the (Jewish) business community, arid even from the President of the United States himself. His own party, the Republican Party, also disclaimed him.

The fact that even though he only mildly represented the White racist position, it was still the key issue in the campaign, and his financial help came from not only the voters in Louisiana, but from all over the United States. This indicates more strongly than ever that the country (and the world) is ready for a racial showdown: The war is now on, the White Race vs. the mud races, an issue we, the Church of the Creator, have been preaching and promoting vehemently for nearly 20 years.

4. On the other hand, the niggers, unlike the White voters, strictly practiced racial loyalty. They voted 96% for Edwin Edwards, and it is the niggers that voted him in. So we had a strictly racial polarization, with the majority of the White people voting for a White candidate, and the overwhelming majority of the niggers voting for the Jew-nigger contingent. In future campaigns, it should be thoroughly emphasized – one candidate is the nigger’s candidate, the other one is the White Man’s candidate. We must polarize each contest to the hilt.

5. We, the COTC do not claim to have invented this issue. Nature has ordained it since the beginning of time – the segregation of the species, and woe betide any species that would dare violate her laws. What we have done, however, is marshaled the obvious facts and structured them into a consistent, orderly and comprehensive code and religion, the first such Racial Religion in 6000 years of civilized history. We have raised the virtue of White Racial Loyalty to its highest peak in all history, while at the same time exposing the idiotic obsession by our people of worshipping non-existent Jewish spooks in the sky, especially that of a mythical Jewish bastard. We want to revolutionize an insane frame of mind that has deranged and scrambled the brains of the White Race for the last 1900 years.

6. In order that we get the Jewish tyrant and monster off our back, it Is absolutely imperative that we, the White Race, get control of our own destiny. This we can do only if we gain control of our government here in the United States, and in every other White country. The road to such attainment must be to build a strong, well organized, well financed and all-pervasive White power structure, one which is inherently religious in its zeal, political in its drive, and racial at its core. When we do this (and we are well on our way) there is nothing in the world that can stop us, not the Jews, not the niggers, not JOG nor any other power on the face of this planet.

Some Other Observations

(a) Although running a political candidate under the umbrella of the COTC is slightly premature, we should whenever a highly desirable candidate emerges and is ready, willing and able, start testing the waters and get into the swim. Although I do not believe David Duke is by any means our best standard bearer, nevertheless, I was begging and hoping he would win. It would have encouraged (and still will, even though he lost) other White candidates to do likewise and run on the racial issue. I cannot understand why Tom Metzger came out at the last minute and denounced him. What possible motive could this serve In the Interests of the White Race? However, this is by no means the end of this issue, only the beginning.

(b) Racial strife and tensions are building up and running high all over the world. Skinheads in Germany are burning down the houses of the muds, even killing them, and the muds are fleeing for their lives. France is shipping out the muddy Algerians. Pamyat is active in Russia, and the Jews are fleeing that country in large numbers, a once great country they have assiduously worked to destroy and leave in shambles. Canada, Sweden, Australia, England, the Netherlands and in fact about every White country in the world is becoming race conscious and aware of our great White heritage. RAHOWA! and more power to them.
(c) in the campaigns of the future, unlike David Duke, we must be more explicit, more strident, more militant; and Instead of merely talking about quotas, affirmative action, welfare parasites, we must move into the next phase with gusto and talk more incisively about the Jewish tyrants and their program to mongrelize and destroy the White Race. We must expose the Federal Reserve Board and the corrupt Jewish counterfeiting ring that it is. We must talk about expanding our own numbers and territory and driving out the mud races from our lands as did the early Texans in the Nineteen Century (see R.L. No. 75).
 Red Niggers in Texas...By Ben Klassen

(d) Finally, we must face the fact that for the White Race to pursue Its program for survival, the time might soon come when we will be forced to implement Articles 7 and 8 of Creative Credo No. 64 (see page 401 of the White Man’s Bible). Let us make sure we are prepared should such an emergency be forced upon us as a last resort. Let us never be caught in the disastrous position the Arabs in Palestine find themselves, where the Jews have all of the Uzi machine guns and the Arabs have nothing but rocks to throw back. Never, never, never give up your guns.

(e) In this last resort scenario, we welcome letters, literature, suggestions and advice from any and all our supporters as to how we can best prepare ourselves for self-defense and in Implementing Articles 7 and 8 as a last resort, should It become necessary.

(f) In the meantime, recruit, distribute our literature, and organize to the hilt. Let us make hay while the sun shines, for time is running out.


Ben Klassen
Founder Church Of The Creator

JANUARY 19AC (1992)


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