Tuesday 23 January 2018

Survival, Expansion and Advancement Part 2...By Ben Klassen

Part II Expansion (continued)
In the foregoing scrutiny of history we have reviewed a number of historical events that would strongly lead us to the following conclusions:

(a) The separation of the White Race from that of the mud races, and especially the niggers, is a monumental issue that has plagued the American Republic from its very beginning, in fact ever since these black animals were first imported from Africa to infect and infest the White American gene pool.

(b) The racial problem has been pointed to with alarm by some of the most eminent of White leaders in American history, such as President Thomas Jefferson, President Lincoln, Senator Theodore Bilbo and a host of others.

(c) The conclusion unanimously arrived at is that the races must either be geographically separated, or miscegenation and mongrelization will in the end totally destroy the White Race (as well as the integrity of the black race).

(d) This has also been the conclusion of any number of black leaders, such as Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Louis T. Farrakhan and others.

(e) The black leaders and the black race itself has shown a willingness to found a nation or nations of their own in Africa, if such efforts were not continually stymied and repeatedly torpedoed by the power establishment that rules America, namely, the Jewish network, the Jewish press, the Jewish money power, and the Jew dominated government of the United States Itself.

So we now come to the crux of the problem that vitally affects not only the expansion of the White Race, but also its future genetic advancement, and most of all, its very survival in this, the latter part of the Twentieth Century. Therefore, before we can solve the nigger problem and get them out of our territory and prevent them from further contaminating our gene pool, we must first get the Jews out of our territory, out of our culture, and off our back. This is so obvious, so important, so vital, it is a matter of life and death for the White Race. To accomplish this clean-up, no price is too high, no effort too great, no sacrifice is too dear. Delenda est Judaica!

The question is – can we do it? The answer is: we can. We have, overwhelmingly, the resources to do so, in fact, we have sufficient resources for an overkill. (See "Self Imposed Handicap," p. 89, and "We are not Helpless," p. 148 of Expanding Creativity.) Self Imposed Handicap....By Ben Klassen

The biggest problem is not the power of the Jew, formidable though it now seems, but the pathetic and vacillating effort of the White Race itself in waging that battle. Up until now the White Race has never had a clear picture presented to It of the deadly situation it is in. It has never had a specific creed or program to follow In its fight for survival. It has never really focused on the Jewish problem. Now, with the advent of Creativity, it has It all together. We have drawn in clear and stark terms the deadly situation that Is facing the White Race. That ominous danger Is genocide by mongrelization and, in the end, total massacre of any White remnants and pockets that may escape mongrelization. We have also clearly stated the solution – getting rid of Jewish Christianity, Jewish democracy and the Jews themselves. We, the Church of the Creator, advocate that we now rally around a racial religion of our own, unite and build a worldwide power structure of our own and militantly claim this
Planet Earth as our one and only home, a home exclusively for ourselves and our future generations.

Can we do it? The answer is yes, we can do it, and we goddamn well are determined to do it, come hell or high water. We must do it – we have no other choice. For years, we have tried to reason with our enemies, to try to persuade them that separation is the best course. We have tried every reasonable argument, we have tried to compromise with them, we have tried to placate them. We have bent over backwards to be fair and generous with our enemies. It hasn’t worked. The Jews don’t have the slightest desire to negotiate, to compromise or to settle halfway. They are hellbent for leather to take all, to destroy the White Race at any cost, at any risk.
So be it. To hell with compromise! To hell with being fair and reasonable. When reason fails, force prevails. This is now an all out war for survival and we will treat it as such. As I remember the rules of war as fought in World War II, (and every other war) anything goes – murder, treachery, lying, deceit, mass killing, whatever it takes to win. We will now adopt the same rules. I repeat, this is all out war. This is a matter of life and death. This is a matter of survival.

I again ask the question – can we win? I repeat the answer – yes, we can, and we are damn well determined to win at any cost. If you are too timid and weak-kneed to believe me, then listen to what some of our enemies have to say. Perhaps they will be more effective In convincing you than I am. Let’s listen to what the Jews themselves have to say, and listen carefully.

One of the most militant and outspoken leaders of the Jewish race, both here in America and in Israel, has been Rabbi Meir Kahane. He is fiercely pro-Jewish in his every word, deed and thought, much more so than the average Jew. We can therefore reasonably assume that what Kahane has written and said represents a thoroughly Jewish assessment of the worldwide Jewish situation, its dilemma, its fears and its future evolvement.

What Meir Kahane is shouting to the world is startling. It is also highly encouraging from the White Man’s point of view. What he is saying in essence is that the "holocaust" Is coming, not only in America, but throughout the world. What every Jew should now do is get out while he can and scurry to the haven of Israel before it Is too late, and that time Is running out. We couldn’t agree more with the rabbi and it is our objective to add fuel to the fire to scare the hell out of the rest of the Jews who may still be vacillating so that they may take Meir Kahane’s warnings seriously to speed up the "Exodus," or "Aliya," return to Israel, as they call it.

The Jews are basically and pathologically an insecure, cowardly, jittery and paranoid people. They have good reason to feel jittery. Over the centuries, they have been run out of just about every country they have infested, except the United States. In the worldwide situation today they are sitting on a powder keg that is soon going to explode, as we have pointed out any number of times before. Combining their inherently paranoid nature with the deadly serious threat to their physical survival makes for a situation that will convince every Jew that he or she had better run for cover, and soon. We, the White Race, must give them every reason to exacerbate that paranoidal fear and give them plenty of reason to swell the present movement to Israel into a veritable stampede. I wonder what a dozen or so incidents similar to the one that happened to the Neve Shalom synagogue in Istanbul, Turkey, would do to their paranoia if they occurred in the United States in rapid succession?

Meir Kahane founded the highly militant Jewish Defense League in 1969. The JDL openly advocates bashing heads, breaking bones and killing people, if they are deemed enemies of the Jewish people. They not only advocate outright violence, murder, dynamiting of buildings, cars and the property of their enemies, but have repeatedly implemented such violence to further Jewish ends.

If anybody is a threat to the Jewish cause such illegal tactics are openly condoned by the JDL. They are aggressively justified as necessary for the survival of their people, therefore anything goes. In this respect, we Creators have no quarrel with them for their philosophy. They are right they are justified in their fight for survival. So are we, the White Race, justified in adopting the same tactics, and we had better understand the ground rules: This is a deadly war for the survival of races – of Natures species, and Nature has said loud and clear – in the fight for survival on Planet Earth the end justifies the means – any means.

So let us get the ground rules straight. We are in a racial war for the survival of our precious White Race and we had better wage that war just as fiercely, fanatically and aggressively as does Meir Kahane and his Jewish band of parasites and cutthroats.
Rabbi Meir Kahane has written several books. Among them, Never Again; Time to Go Home; Our Challenge; and The Story of the Jewish Defense League, the latter published in 1975. In the story of the JDL the recurrent theme is:

(a) The whole world hates the Jews; they have no friends.

(b) The only people that can save the Jews are the Jews themselves.

(c) Events are rushing to a climax: there is going to be another "holocaust" in America, and worldwide, and Jews are going to be massacred on a wholesale scale.

(d) The other Jewish organizations in the United States such as the American Jewish Congress, the B’nai B’rith, the ADL, the American Zionist Federation, the World Zionist Congress, the Rabbis and the synagogues, all are a bunch of wimps and pansies, and are not facing reality.

(e) It is much later than the average Jew would like to believe and the only solution to save themselves and the Jewish race is "aliya" – going home – that is, returning to Israel.

(f) He has set up an organization called Habayta (Return) to promote an intensive drive to convince every Jew in every community "of the gravity and reality of the situation, and persuade them to take immediate, urgent steps to return to Israel."

(g) Not only does Habayta promote such immediate return, but it works with the Israeli government to plan cities, villages and settlements "in the liberated areas," meaning, obviously, the lands they have already captured and stolen from the Arabs, and the further stealing and expansion of such lands in the future.

(h) Kahane himself returned to Israel in the mid 70’s where he was elected as a member of the Israeli Knesset. For years he carried dual citizenship, slipping back and forth Into the United States and whipping up Israeli fervor. I understand that at present (1988) he is being forced to give up his U.S. citizenship.

(I) He is as militant and vehement in Israel as he was (and is) in the United States, and has made it plain that all the Arabs in "Israeli territory" (stolen, occupied, or whatever) must get the hell out, and now. At present they have a "choice," they can get out now and be "compensated" for their property, or be driven out later and get nothing.
Here are some quotes from his book. "If an American Nazi leader poses a clear and present danger to American Jews, then not to assassinate such a person would be the most immoral courses I could imagine."
"We created a special group of fighters – the ‘Chaya Squad.’ The word ‘chaya’ in Hebrew means ‘beast.’ We want to put out Jewish ‘beasts’ who would frighten the anti-Semite to the roots of his soul."

To this latter threat we say – very well, Rabbi Kahane, two can play that game. We, too, can raise an army of Storm Troopers as did Adolf Hitler and outnumber yours ten to one, or fifty to one. This is in fact, what we, the White Race, must do, are determined to do, and will do, and soon.
The Rabbi says further: "Three million Jews In the Soviet Union are being ripped from us now. And It Is our obligation to break any and every law now to save them." Presumably, to "return" them to Israel. We are all for that. Aliya! and Rahowa! Let’s support the rabbi In getting a Jewish stampede going of every Jew heading for a "return" to Israel. The White Russian people, too, would be real happy to get them off their backs and out of their midst. Let us make damn sure, however, that these parasites don’t change course In Vienna and head for the United States.

There are many things I admire about the rabbi. He is fanatically loyal to the Jewish race and militantly active in promoting the survival and Jewishness of his race. What if we had a thousand such militant White warriors fighting for the survival, expansion and advancement of our race? The Church of the Creator has the creed and program to develop such leaders and bring this about, and we must carry on the fight just as fanatically and militantly as does the JDL, only more so.
There are many other issues on which I agree with the rabbi, the foremost of which is to bring home to every Jew that they should head for Israel now and that time is running out for them. On Page 230 of his book Kahane says: "We see it all, and we hear it all, and we watch a growing economic crisis develop which could be the spark to ignite the powder keg and we choose to ignore it. Like little children, we dislike unpleasant truths. We prefer to cut off the unpleasant for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow – until... the next tomorrow is too late."

There is a cogent message in the above for the Jews. Rabbi Kahane is telling them loud and clear something that most Jews already realize but would prefer to ignore – they are sitting on a powder keg and the fuse is lit. There is also an ominous message there that applies equally to the White Race – and that is this: that powder keg can blow us up as well, if we continue to sit on our hands too long and fail to take not only adequate, but drastic, militant measures to Insure our own survival. Let me hasten to add that the White Race can and will survive only if It gets the Jew off its back, and pronto.

I admire not only the militancy of Rabbi Kahane in the interest of his people, but the frankness and outspoken honesty with which he proclaims it. We can learn much from the rabbi and emulate his militant stand in the best interests of our own race.

There are, however, several puzzles and a few pieces missing In the rabbi’s story. There are a few segments that are less than honest.

1. He repeatedly refers to the dreadful "holocaust" that presumably occurred during Hitler’s Nazi regime. The fact is it never occurred. "Six million" Jews were never incinerated. On the contrary, millions of White people today fault Hitler for not having killed those "six million" Jews when he had a chance, rather than for having done so. Kahane, of all people, being highly informed, knows that the whole "holocaust" story is a damnable lie. Along with the rest of the Jews, however, he is milking the hoax to the hilt to arouse sympathy for the Jews from the outside world, and to stir up fear and fervor among the Jews themselves.
2. Nowhere in his whole book have I seen him mention that dreadful criminal gang of international murderers and assassins know as MOSSAD, the Jewish secret police.
Whereas Kahane pretends that other than his JDL, the rest of the Jewish organizations, including the Israeli government itself, are a collection of wimps and oppose his group, this story just doesn’t wash. I am convinced that Kahane and the JDL work hand in glove with the master criminal band, the MOSSAD, which is headquartered in Israel, but whose agents and tentacles spread crime and terror throughout every country of the world. I am convinced, In fact, that the MOSSAD spawned the JDL in the first place as a semi-visible front for terror and intimidation to perform the minor criminal strong-arm tactics, while the MOSSAD supplies the hard core organization, the money and the direction to carry out worldwide revolutions, assassinations and civil wars, all incognito and behind the scenes.
3. Whereas Kahane and millions of other Jews realize that they are sitting on a powder keg that can any minute blow up in their face, I am not sure that either Kahane or the Jewish world establishment really wants all the Jews to hightail it to Israel. The flaw in the Jewish "aliya" is obvious even to a non-Jew – if the Jews all congregated in Israel It would permanently and totally break their power and influence in the rest of the world, especially the United States. Without the support and subsidization of these Gentile countries they now manipulate, especially the United States, Israel would quickly die in its own stench. Without the yearly billions it now receives from the United States, it would be incapable of feeding itself or financially supporting itself. Even with the $10,000 subsidy each Israeli family receives, at the expense of the American taxpayers each year, (how stupid can we get?) Israel still runs up huge deficits and has one of the highest inflation rates in the world. Without America’s slave-like support, not only would Israel quickly wither on the vine, but its death knell would be rapidly accelerated as the masses of hostile Arabs would converge and massacre these parasites down to the last man, woman and child. Such is its well-earned hatred from its neighbors. Delenda Est Judaica! and to which we add: good riddance!

So either way, the Jews are in a dilemma. They are sitting on a powder keg and they know it. We know it, too, and we must move heaven and earth to hasten the day when it blows up and blows them to smithereens.

That the fear and the paranoia of the Jews is very real is further illustrated by an incident that happened some twelve years ago, an item that was not publicized in the Jewsmedia.

Back in 1976, a close administrative aide to the late New York Senator Jacob Javits gave an interview that revealed much about the aims, the arrogance and the paranoia of the Jews. It is my belief that Sen. Javits was an insider and a big wheel in the Jewish Kehilla, and would be privy to most of the secret information and manipulations of the Jewish conspiracy. Undoubtedly, his close aide would also become aware of many of those secrets. In the interview given by that aide, perhaps he revealed more than the Jewish establishment would have liked, for he was one of four who were killed in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey, but unlike the others, he was not killed by a stray bullet. Evidently the aide, whose name was Harold Wallace Rosenthal, age 29, talked too freely. Although we do not have the space here to give the full details of that interview, here is the gist of what Mr. Rosenthal freely volunteered.

No one in the last three decades has achieved political power without Jewish approval. Roosevelt was their man. "We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse." "The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of world victory," Mr. Rosenthal said coldly. "Most Jews throughout the world – I’d say 90 percent, know what is really happening to our people. We have communication unequalled anywhere." In Russia, there are two distinct governments – one visible and the other Invisible – the invisible is composed of all Jews... "the powerful secret police takes Its orders from the invisible government." "The United Nations Is nothing but a trapdoor to the Red World’s immense concentration camp. We pretty much control the U.N." "It (Israel) will eventually be the base for World Government headquarters."

Mr. Rosenthal arrogantly goes on for hours, and at great length, denouncing the stupidity and the gullibility of the goy, and how the superiority of the super-intelligent Jews has the world of goys
locked up in its grasp. However, and for whatever reasons, Mr. R. confesses that the Jews are less than invulnerable, and that their whole program is based on lies. There’s great fear among the Jews that the people, especially in America, are now waking up. "Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it." Great Balls of fire! Let’s get those 10 million White Man’s Bibles out! Let’s turn up the heat and get the ball rolling!

Mr. Rosenthal continues his confession. "We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it. All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it." We agree. Turn up the lights! Let us get those 10 million copies out!
"History confirms the fact that the passions of an aroused minority, no matter how small a group, has exerted enough power to topple the greatest empire." Mr. Rosenthal must have had visions of the coming of the Church of the Creator. He says, further, "History has been written In blood, not with ink." We Creators agree. Let us now translate our passions into action. A few more Istanbul’s, (see p. 11 and 12 of Racial Loyalty No. 41) and the Jews, I predict, will panic into a stampede for Israel.

Here is our program for survival:

1. It Is Imperative that we, the White Race, take charge of our own destiny and take charge of the world. Any other course would spell the death of Nature’s Finest and culminate In a world of anarchy and chaos. It would soon degenerate into a sleazy world of poverty, filth, starvation and misery as now exemplified in dozens of "third world" mud countries such as Haiti, India, Ethiopia, Sudan, Burma, Pakistan and scores of others.

2. In order to survive, we, the White Race, must take a hard, militant and ruthIess stand in defense of our own best interests. We must throw overboard the hypocrisy and mealy-mouthed professions of a Jewish Christianity which has led us to the brink of suicide. We must again face the realities of the world and adopt the unbending Laws of Nature in the fight for our survival.
3. In the creed and program of the Church of the Creator we have a clear-cut battle plan. First we build a powerful worldwide movement in the order and procession as spelled out in the eight articles of Creative Credo No. 64 of the White Man’s Bible, which will and must culminate in the White Man wresting control of his own destiny and taking charge of the governments of the United States and other White countries.

4. Once we have done so, we will inaugurate an aggressive and ruthless program of cleaning up and cleaning out the mud races from our own territories. This we will do by: (a) First, we drive the Jews out of our land and stampede them in the "aliya" back to Israel as previously described. We are capable of doing this all right. We have the means, the power and the program to do so. Our problem in the past has been our abysmal lack of confidence, our lack of a clear cut program, and our vacillating and pusillanimous attitude towards our own power and potential. (b) Persuading by blandishments and inducements that the niggers emigrate back to their natural homeland of Africa. This, too, is neither unreasonable nor too difficult of an accomplishment, as we have already examined. Most of them can be persuaded to go willingly, but we will not hesitate to use force with those who do not. (c) Next we must clean up the Mexicans, the Cubans and the Orientals and send them back to their homelands by persuasion if possible, by force if necessary. In any case, we must and we will clean up and clean out the mud races from each and every White country of this Planet Earth, however long it may take and whatever the cost. Once this program gains momentum, and the mud races see the handwriting on the wall that we mean business, I predict that it will take a lot less time than it may now seem.
5. Once we have cleaned up our own territories and living space we will then proceed to the next progressive stage of colonization and expansion, a program that the White Race has been aggressively following during the last four centuries and has stupidly halted and reversed only
during the last four decades. However, under the creed and program of Creativity there will be this major difference: Instead of conquering the mud races, governing them and exploiting them (as the British did in India, the Spaniards in Mexico and South America, etc.,) we will conquer limited targeted territories one step at a time. As we do so, we will clean out the mud peoples and colonize such territories with White families only. This we will do slowly and systematically, planned and deliberately, thoroughly digesting each conquered territory before we take the next step. One of the first objectives could be the beautiful islands of the Bahamas and the Caribbean off our southeastern shores. The next objective could be the northern segment of Mexico. In each case we would draw a specific line, settle and colonize the targeted territory, then set the next objective and draw a new line and move on, step by step. While we are expanding our territories in the American hemisphere, the White countries of Europe could similarly be expanding in Africa, in Asia, and elsewhere. South Africa could regain and clean up Rhodesia, and keep on expanding northward into Angola, the Congo, and on upward and onward. Why not? We have successfully conquered and colonized the world for the last four hundred years, even though we lacked a coordinated plan and program. Only this time we will do it different. We will not race-mix, nor exploit the mud races, nor have them in our geographic midst. We will move them out – out – out!

6. One immediate major change we must make in our worldwide policy (as soon as we have driven the Jews from power in the U.S.) is to stop subsidizing the mud races, once and for all, either here or abroad. For the last four decades this has been a major insanity that has drained the working White people of their means and subsistence and artificially caused an unnatural explosion of the shiftless and incompetent mud races. It has been a catastrophic disaster for the White Race, treacherously imposed upon us by the perfidious Jewish tyranny. Once we stop feeding and subsidizing the damned mud races, 80 percent of them will automatically starve to death, relieving this overcrowded and over polluted planet of approximately 3-1/2 billion useless parasites. Where would Japan be today if we had not shipped massive quantities of food and raw materials to her? What if we had boycotted her and refused to buy her unneeded products? We would be a thousand times better off. Where would India be if we had not sent her massive quantities of food and aid? Where would Israel be? Egypt? Burma? Pakistan? The nigger republics of Africa? Closer to home, where would the goddamn Indians and niggers in the United States be if we stopped subsidizing and feeding these parasites? The answer is they would shrink and shrivel on the vine, and no longer pose the massive threat to our survival that they do today. I repeat, we do not owe the mud races a thing, and we have been stupid beyond belief to have subsidized Israel and 125 other countries for the last 40 years, much to our own detriment.

7. While we are colonizing the world and expanding our living space, we must also expand our own numbers. This is no major problem for a healthy and fecund White Race. This we must do by encouraging and making it possible for White couples to have earlier marriages and to have larger families. This, too, is no major difficulty, once the White Race is in charge of its own destiny. I can point with pride at the rapid numerical increase of my own ancestral Mennonites in Russia, a healthy and wholesome people who were family oriented, or we can look back on many of the White pioneering families of America, who, with plenty of living space and unfettered by a heavy-handed government and crushing taxes, often had families of eight or twelve children.

8. In any case, we must, and are determined that we inhabit this one and only Planet Earth, and make it all ours. It is the only course we can follow if we are to survive and we owe it to ourselves and our future progeny to do just that. Nature tells us to do so and gives us a clear and unbridled right to expand our numbers and territory to the full extent of our unlimited abilities, which are tremendous. We can do no less. We would be criminally derelict in our obligations to our illustrious ancestors, to ourselves, and especially to our future progeny not to fulfill our manifest destiny.

* * * * *
Let’s fire up RAHOWA! and put more steam into Aliya!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator

OCT 15AC (1988)



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