Wednesday 24 January 2018

Survival, Expansion and Advancement...Third and final Segment of a Series...By Ben Klassen

Survival, Expansion and Advancement
Third and Final Segment of a Series

Cacogenesis (Greek, caco(s) bad, and eugenics) Degeneration of race, esp. as caused by the breeding of members having inferior hereditary qualities.

Eugenics (Greek, eu-, well, and gen, bear, produce) The science of improving the qualities of the human species; the science of bringing about an improved type of offspring of the human species.

The above two definitions are from New Webster’s Dictionary, 1981, and these two key words are the essence of what this chapter is all about. But let us begin at the beginning.

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We will now explore the limitless and exciting possibilities open to us as we reach that much desired third plateau in our program of survival, expansion and advancement. We have not only survived, but we have now arrived at the stage where we have successfully expunged the Jew from the body of our White society on a worldwide basis and this scurvy parasite is no longer a threat or problem to us. We have achieved what the Church of the Creator set out to do in the first place – to wrest control of our own destiny into our own firm hands. We have driven the mud races from out of the United States and other basically White territories. Creativity is now firmly established not only as the White Man’s universal religion, but is also being avidly pursued as the creed and program of all the good creative White peoples of this Planet Earth. A New Era has dawned in the history of Natures Finest – the White Race is now free to develop its own great and dazzling potential – a potential that a bountiful Mother Nature herself has benevolently endowed and bestowed on her most favored species.

We now have a multitude of prodigious but exciting tasks to fulfill. The world is before our feet, but much, much remains to be done. The mud peoples, although no longer polluting the original White Man’s territories, still occupy more than half of the land surface of this planet. It is our task to keep crowding them as we did the Indians in the North American continent and make more and more territory available for our own people, a program similar to that pursued by the White Race during the last four centuries, but with a difference. We will conquer these territories piecemeal, in a planned and deliberate progression. As we do so we will settle such conquered territories exclusively with our own kind – there will be neither geographic mixing nor racial mixing of any kind. We have already discussed this program in the previous chapter on expansion, and will not expound on it further in this dissertation, other than to remind our readers that this will be an ongoing mission until Nature’s Finest inhabits exclusively all the benign and benevolent territory of this lovely Planet Earth. Like our illustrious pioneering forefathers who in their zealous drive for the Winning of the West were imbued in their Manifest Destiny of conquering this continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific, so, too, will our dedicated and capable progeny be imbued with the resolute spirit of conquest and expansion until they own it all. And nobody in Natures Realm is more deserving of this supreme reward than the creative, productive and intelligent White Race.

But the conquest of this planet is not the main subject of this chapter on advancement. What we want to explore in more detail is how we, now that we have conquered the world, can advance the quality
of our life, how we can upgrade the quality of our gene pool and produce a finer, healthier and more beautiful species with each passing generation. We want to chart as much as possible the goals and objectives, the programs and procedures necessary in order to obtain these lofty rewards that are now within our reach.

The multitude of problems that beset the present infused and insane world might seem insoluble and hopeless. Mankind seems bent on turning this planet into a hopelessly crowded and intolerably polluted pigsty, and in the process committing wholesale suicide on itself. It is, in fact, at this point in time doing just that. But once we have gotten rid of the destructive Jewish parasite and the White Man is in control of his own destiny, we have an altogether different situation, a completely new ball game. There will be no problems the White Man can’t solve and solve them he will, resolutely and in totality. For purposes of clarity, we will divide the problems raised and their solutions into three broad sections.

A. Cleaning up the Environment


One of the first major problems we will have to tackle will be to clean up this pristine planet from the ever increasing pollution of billions of tons of ordinary garbage and debris, and then the billions of tons of more dangerous substances classified as hazardous wastes, which consist of poisonous chemicals and radioactive wastes. All are a rapidly mounting problem that is not being addressed at present and the problem is compounding itself by geometric proportions as each year goes by. Nor will it be solved as long as the blood-sucking Jew is in control of our world affairs. Year by year these poisonous wastes are increasingly piling up with no place to go. Our land is polluted; our air is polluted; our ground water is polluted; our rivers, lakes and streams are polluted; and even our bountiful oceans, which occupy three-fourths of the surface of this planet and were once deemed as limitless in their capacity, are now also becoming dangerously polluted, especially along our beaches and shorelines, if this process continues much longer, this lovely planet will no longer be fit to live on, in fact, will not be able to sustain human life. Our environment is rapidly becoming a shambles, and as I have stated before, as long as the Jew is in control, it will become increasingly worse.

After we have eliminated the Jewish parasite from harm, what can we do to turn back the clock on pollution? Can we ever again have a safe and clean environment? Yes, we can. There is much that can be done and must be done. One of the major problems (but by no means the only problem) is overpopulation. No matter how you look at it, there is a limit to the number of people this planet can feed and the amount of waste it can dispose of in a safe and stable manner. There are now some five billion people on this overcrowded planet, and that population is projected to double in the next century. This runaway population explosion is wild and insane, completely out of control. It is a disaster of the first magnitude for all of mankind, especially for the White Race. We Creators believe in a bountiful and qualitative life style, every man a king, every family being prosperous and living in abundance. We have no desire to live in a filthy, diseased, poverty-stricken and overcrowded world as now do most of the mud peoples of the world, such as India, Haiti, Mexico and dozens of others. This planet just simply cannot support five or ten billion people living in the quality of life that we envision, and in any case, it will not do so. The answer is to reverse the population explosion and bring the figure back down again to a reasonable and stable level. I am not sure what that figure might be in the future but I would speculate that somewhere around one billion is a sane and comfortable limit. Since that number has to be kept stable and since there is only a fixed amount of land and space available on this planet, we want to make damn sure that this limited space is utilized exclusively by our own kind – Nature’s Finest – people who are productive and intelligent, capable of providing for themselves a life style of which we can be proud.

So the first major step in bringing the environment back into good order is to reduce the population level of this overcrowded planet by about 80 percent, and to make sure that the future one billion that this planet can comfortably support is productive, responsible, and is capable of feeding and supporting itself. 

But besides cleaning up the racial pollution there is much more we must then do in properly managing the housekeeping affairs of this chaotic, but unique and most extraordinary Planet Earth.

1. We must stop poisoning our farmlands with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals not only poison our soil and our food, but wash down into our streams, rivers, lakes and oceans and poison them as well. Every one of these poisonous chemicals is toxic to plant and animal life. We must drastically change our methods of farming and food production and revert to Organic Farming as I have outlined in Creative Credo No. 13 and 14 of the White Man’s Bible. This will produce three major constructive benefits for us: (a) it will revitalize and save our precious topsoil, (b) it will increase the nutritious qualities of our foods, and (c) it will greatly decrease pollution of our environment.

2. Concomitant with the above approach, we must for our own benefit and well-being also modify our dietary habits. Instead of producing feed and grains for fowl, cattle, hogs and other animals, we must gradually shift towards eating a larger proportion of fruits, vegetables and nuts in their raw state, and gradually eliminate meat products altogether. Not only will this greatly reduce the waste of converting produce into meat, but it will be much more salubrious for our own health and well-being.

3. Along with the Salubrious Living and Organic Farming program also goes a massive program of planting more trees, especially fruit trees. Trees are the most beneficial plant in Nature’s domain. They act as the lungs of our atmosphere, they produce nutritious fruits and nuts for our dietary needs and they are an excellent insurance against the now ongoing desertification of our planet. (See Creative Credo No. 15, "On a Worldwide Scale: the Encroaching Desert" in W.M.B.) The massive and wanton destruction of our great rainforests that is now going on in the Amazon basin is not only an unmitigated disaster, but also a crime against humanity and Nature.

4. We must improve the treatment of sewage by improving the systems, and make sure that no raw sewage is being dumped into our lakes, rivers or oceans. We now have the technology to treat sewage so that It is almost harmless to the environment. However, in many cities the plants are overloaded and outdated. There are also a number of breakdowns, As a result, much raw sewage is dumped into our lakes, rivers and especially our oceans. In fact, until recently a number of seashore cities regarded the oceans as unlimited sewage disposal receptacles, and if they only ran their outfall lines a mile or two offshore, what difference would it make? Well, the oceans are not unlimited garbage cans. I remember while I lived in South Florida on the lower Eastern coast, some of the filthy garbage kept floating back to the beaches. We can have no more of such shoddy practices.

The most flagrant violators of polluting the oceans and the beaches on a worldwide basis are those Third World Countries inhabited by the mud races. Being highly irresponsible in the first place, secondly lacking finances (perpetually) they are in an endless dither about keeping their garbage disposal under control. Add to this their burgeoning population explosion, their situation is one of those mounting crises with no solution. How does this affect us? It affects us significantly, since we have to live on the same planet, share the same oceans and breathe the same air. Mexico is just one prime example of a country of mud races whose population increase is out of control. Not only is their untreated sewage washing up on the coasts of San Diego and lower California, but the population, too, is overflowing and spilling into, and all over the United States.

5. One constructive action we could employ with much of our ordinary garbage is the process of recycling that which can be salvaged. This includes a major portion of our ordinary garbage, such as aluminum cans, tin cans, glass bottles, newspapers, and a variety of paper products as a whole. Not only would this greatly reduce the size of our garbage dumps, but would save the cutting down of trees (for pulp) and a variety of other dwindling resources.
6. Making any and all throw away products biodegradable. About 15 or 20 years ago non-degradable detergents were being manufactured and sold by the millions of tons. Since they did not decompose, they lingered for years in our environment and were becoming evident as foam on the surface of many of our lakes and rivers. When a law was passed making it mandatory for manufacturers to make only biodegradable detergents, the problem soon abated. Today billions of non-degradable plastic containers of all shapes and sizes clutter our roadsides, or lakes, rivers and beaches, and our garbage dumps. This and many other similar problems will also need to be addressed.
B. Upgrading our Gene Pool.

I have put a lot of stress on cleaning up the already existing toxic, radioactive pollution and mountains of other garbage that are now overwhelming and choking this planet. It is a must, and as soon as we regain control of our own destiny we had better get busy, because no matter how we tackle it, the accumulated mess will take years, perhaps generations to clean up. In the meantime, and simultaneously, we must also begin to inaugurate such planned and deliberate programs as will set us on a course of improving our badly eroded White gene pool. In short, we must begin practicing Eugenics. There is nothing more important in the creed and program of the Church of the Creator than improving the genetic qualities of our unique and prestigious race.

Contrary to what the Jews and the liberal press have led us to believe, there is nothing very complex or ominous about this idea. Basically, it means that families endowed with superior physical, mental and moral characteristics should strive to have larger families. Those who are sickly, mentally inferior, and have inherent genetic defects should have smaller families, or if these defects are serious enough, should have no offspring at all. The White Race has known the basic principles of eugenics for more than a hundred years and has been practicing these principles in the breeding of better horses, cattle, dogs and cats for generations.

Right at this point the goddamn scurvy Jew will rise up on his knobby hind legs and scream bloody murder. Racist! Shades of Hitler! Human beings are not animals! To which we Creators answer loud and clear: to hell with you, you miserable blood-sucking parasite. We have been listening to your suicidal advice for too long. Now that we have finally managed to get you off our backs and out of our society, we mean to practice eugenics and upgrade our own kind to where it will be a marvel to behold, and thereby attain that lofty goal of mankind that Nature in her superior wisdom deliberately implanted in the Divine Seed of the White Race, and the White Race alone.

The idea of embarking on a constructive program of upgrading the future generations of our race is one of the most sensible, the most productive, and most obvious courses we could pursue. What is more delightful than to see a beautiful, healthy family of bright and intelligent children? What is more tragic than to see a defective child, a child who is crippled or mentally retarded, or physically deformed? Are these contrasts completely a matter of chance, or is there something meaningful we can deliberately do to see to it that the percentage of beautiful, healthy, bright and Intelligent children is significantly increased, and that the percentage of physically deformed, idiots and morons is decreased to where it becomes close to zero? Is it completely a matter of indifference to today’s White parents as to whether future generations of our progeny degenerate into a stupid mass of starving, clawing mud races as exemplified by such countries as Haiti, Burundi, or India, to name just a few?

From the reactions of some of today’s confused and Jew-programmed White parents it would seem that there are too many parents who are completely indifferent about the abysmal fate into which they are willing to cast their future progeny. Be that as it may, we Creators sure as hell are neither indifferent, nor are we so criminally irresponsible as to ignore this most important matter. What future legacy we leave our children and their future progeny is not a matter of indifference but one of vital concern for the health of their genetic gene pool, and also the viability of a clean and healthy 
environment on this unique, this one and only Planet Earth.

As I have said before, there is nothing very complicated about improving the health and happiness of our future generations. We have known all about eugenics, but have stupidly ignored this vital subject for the last hundred years. For this we can thank the assiduous brain pollution dumped upon us by the perfidious Jew whose goal it has been for many centuries to mongrelize the White Race, to destroy the White Race and enslave the brown mongrelized product forever and a day. We can also thank Jewish Christianity, which has lain like a cancer on the White Man’s brain for nearly two thousand years. Jew concocted Christianity also heavily promotes cacogenesis. This it does when it blatantly emphasizes such suicidal advice as blessed are the meek, the halt, the lame, the morons and the idiots on the one hand, and viciously denounces the rich (the capable and the competent) on the other.

Well, we Creators have had enough of this Jewish and Christian treachery. If the White Race is to ever save Itself and its future progeny from the hell of mongrelization, degeneration and slavery, that time has come. It is now or never.

At the beginning of this chapter I have emphasized two special words as defined by Webster’s dictionary, both of which are derived from the Greek. It is interesting that the Greeks 2500 years ago were already aware of racial improvement or its opposite, racial degeneration. In fact, the Spartans assiduously practiced eugenics and by any standard the Greeks, both in Athens and in Sparta, were far superior to any group of people that have evolved since, in either physical or mental excellence. Unfortunately, eugenics was not part of their religion, and mongrelization crept in as the centuries passed. When I last visited Greece in 1973 I found the present indigenous population had sadly degenerated from their zenith of 2500 years ago to the extent that it could now barely be included among Nature’s Finest. The fact is that the whole White Race has been on a downhill path of genetic degeneration for several centuries, and with the Jews promoting a force-fed program of mongrelization and race-mixing, this has especially been accelerated in the last 40 years. So we have our choice, either cacogenesis or eugenics. Either improvement of our genetic fabric, or degeneration. We Creators are firmly committed to a positive program of eugenics. Once we are in control of our own destiny we intend to promote a planned and deliberate program of eugenics, as spelled out in Creative Credo No. 28 of the White Man’s Bible. This basically consists of (a) a Genetic Grading system, as described in the White Man’s Bible, and (b) through religious indoctrination, encouraging those parents endowed with superior genetic qualities to have larger families, and those of inferior endowment to have fewer children or none, and (c) the sterilization of the incurable misfits, idiots and genetically diseased.

Again, we will have the Jews, the bleeding hearts and the liberals screaming to high heaven. What? Enforce birth control? Have the government meddle in family planning? The answer is yes, to both questions. We are not "meddling’ when we encourage and take meaningful measures in improving the quality of our future generations. We are taking a much needed positive step towards improving the future welfare of humanity, and eliminating one of the most serious causes of misery. The difference between the welfare of the United States and Haiti, for example, is not a matter of natural resources (200 years ago San Domingo was more prosperous than all the Thirteen Colonies combined) nor Is it a matter of their respective forms of government, contrary to what the liberals would have us believe. The difference between their sick, miserable and unhappy state of affairs and ours is due to the difference in the quality of two respective peoples, namely the competent White Race who built this country, and their degenerate mob of mongrels. However, let us not be too complacent. The way the United States is (a) being force-fed race-mixing, and (b) allowing itself to be flooded and overrun by all the scum and mud races of the world, it will only be a matter of time before we too will be as sick, degenerate and miserable as is Haiti today. (See Creative Credo No. 30 of the White Man’s Bible,
"The Grisly Lesson of San Domingo – a Forerunner for White America.")

We now examine the moral question – does society have a right to prevent children from being born to parents – any parents? Our answer is an overwhelming and resounding Yes! The right to breed irresponsibly and indiscriminately is not an absolute right by any means. For irresponsible married or unmarried parents to push babies into the world whom they can neither support nor intend to support, as many of the nigger women are now doing, and foist them on the productive taxpayers for future support, that, my friend, is a heinous crime in our book. For the idiots and morons to thoughtlessly breed and let society take the consequences of their moronic reproductions, that, too, is a crime of heinous proportions. To throw such defectives into our gene pool to have disastrous consequences for centuries to come is a hellish crime that we Creators will not tolerate. To infuse the black blood of Africa into our White gene pool, that, too, is a crime of monstrous proportions which we will not tolerate either.

The greatest blessing we can bestow upon future mankind is to up-breed our race to where we approach the Superman – healthy, beautiful, intelligent White people, competent in not only responsibly providing for themselves and their families, but each family capable of living a high quality of life such as history has never before enjoyed. Surely, if a government can "legally" conscript young sons in the prime of their life and forcefully put them into a uniform and send them over to the jungles of Vietnam to be maimed and killed, then surely it is more reasonable and morally justified to prevent misfits, morons and mongrels from being indiscriminately pushed into this world by delinquent parents, only to have society take the rap and reap the disastrous consequences for their depravity and irresponsible crime.
There is one more compelling reason why society must finally come to grips with the world population explosion and take a positive stand on birth control. Eventually, even after we, the White Race, have colonized all the good lands of this Planet Earth, and the mud races are only a distant mad memory, the time will come when we will reach an optimum population that this planet can comfortably support. We speculate that such level will have been reached at the figure of approximately one billion. It will not take very long for the White population to reach that level, probably not more than two or three generations. Should we then go on indefinitely expanding that number wantonly and recklessly? The answer is a resounding No! What would be the point? It is much better to stabilize it at a comfortable one billion than overcrowd this planet with starving, clawing five billion, or ten billion, as we are in the process of now doing. Even if all the people on this planet were White, such numbers would hopelessly overcrowd, overstrain and overpollute this limited planet, and cause nothing but poverty and misery. So why do it? Whether we like it or not, positive birth control is the only answer. Since birth control is an absolute necessity, isn’t it also logical that we would have a controlled favoritism for the genetically superior, and discourage the reproduction of the inferior? It absolutely is, and this idea is firmly and permanently ingrained in our creed and program.

C. Improving Our Society and Quality of Life.
We now come to the third stage. We assume that we have now replaced the mud races and our program of eugenics is progressing nicely. Having accomplished that much, we Creators are also keenly interested in upgrading the quality of our society and our lifestyle. We want every family, every man, woman and child to be able to lead a healthy, happy and prosperous life. We want them to have a feeling of belonging in their society, of being a proud member of their race, a feeling of accomplishment and that their life is very much worthwhile.

Much of this we will already have accomplished by (a) the genetic upbreeding of each individual, the culling out of the misfits and the genetically diseased, and by (b) bringing the population figure down to a comfortable level where there is plenty of room and living space for all.

But we want to further upgrade the health, happiness and well-being of our future generations by improving the societal structure as well. 
This we can do through Creativity whereby we give our White Racial Comrades a sense of
fellowship and camaraderie centered around their church. We want to see each community have a Creativity Center which will consist of not only a church, but which will be a major social center as well, one that will be family-oriented. It will encompass many social and recreational activities. Among them will be sports (baseball fields, bowling alleys, tennis courts, swimming pools, gymnasiums, etc.); cultural activities (theaters, libraries, public meeting halls for lectures, etc.); artists groups, musical activities and festivals, picnic grounds, etc. We also plan to have financial agencies that help finance and advise budding new business enterprises. We hope to have such Creativity Centers for the enjoyment of every small community in the United States and, in fact, throughout the White world. In the larger cities such as Los Angeles, there should be perhaps as many as three or four hundred such centers to service the White communities.

Our schools and colleges will be revised to reflect more interest in racial pride and racial integrity, and be focused more towards training our young people in the practical realities of planning for vocation, business, marriage and family life. Let me add one more feature to the list, and that is a computerized dating and mating system in order to help young people find the best mates for their future family formation. Not that we want to abolish the traditional casual meetings that have culminated in mating and marriage in the past – by no means. But it would be an additional augmentation to help matched family formations. Right now, if we Creators had such a system It would be a real boon for our young people to find proper mates of like mind – a situation that is not easily come by at this time in history.

I just want to add one footnote, namely that we Creators are much more interested in making real progress in our program of eugenics than we are in advancing our scientific technology. The fact is that with atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, radar, laser beams, rocketry, computers and all the rest of an ever accelerating scientific explosion, we are reaching a point of no return, a point where technology has become our master, where scientific technology has far outstripped our social apparatus to control that dangerous and runaway monster. We are now in the precarious position where a few madmen can blow this world to smithereens and kill all human life with their lethal chemical, atomic and other insane weapons. Nor am I convinced that the human population for all its astounding advancement in scientific technology is any happier, or better off today than they were a hundred years ago, nor than were my Mennonite ancestors in their amenable and friendly social structure before the advent of the telephone and television, the automobile and electricity. We, the White Race, can amply feed, clothe and house ourselves and produce all the amenities for an affluent life with the technology we already have at hand. It is time we turn our attention to more important things – our own advancement. Don’t get me wrong. I have no desire to roll back technology to the horse and buggy days, and it cannot be done even if we wanted to. In fact, I have been keenly interested in the sciences, all sciences, most of my life, and when I was a young man I studied electric and electronic engineering at two different universities in Canada. What I am now saying, though, is that we should drastically shift our emphasis. We don’t need anymore complex and sophisticated machinery or gadgets than we already have. What we, the White Race, need to do is concentrate on a program of racial cleansing and advancement and a restructuring of our society and our social life. It will pay us much greater dividends in health and happiness than our obsession with runaway scientific advancement.

A few years ago I visited the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida. Last week I visited the Space Center at Huntsville, Alabama. The length and expense to which our scientists and technicians have gone in order to produce huge sophisticated rockets, rocket engines, extremely complex electronic guidance systems, electronic computers, electronic communication systems and a thousand other extremely complex, complicated, sophisticated (and tremendously expensive) paraphernalia Is just simply mind boggling. In each case, the thought kept recurring to me – what in the hell do we need all this mess of tremendously complicated and outrageously expensive hardware for? There is nothing out there for us in space. If instead we would only have spent the same hundreds of billions of dollars in shipping the niggers back to Africa, and expended the same amount of zeal and ingenuity in improving our societal structure and upgrading our White gene pool,
undoubtedly the benefits accruing to us would have been a thousand-fold greater in terms of our own best interests.

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The hard choice lies before the White Race: either colonize all of Planet Earth with its own, or become an extinct species.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator

NOV 15AC (1988)



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