Sunday 8 December 2019

Language as a Weapon of Jewish Conspiracy ..... By Ben Klassen

from the sublime to collecting alien garbage

The Jews, in their ongoing racial war of annihilation against Nature’s Finest, have used the technique of Divide and Conquer most effectively. They have divided and fragmented the White Race seventeen ways to Sunday, but the three main divisive wedges have historically been, and remain so today, namely language, nationalism and religion. Today we want to examine the Jews’ fanatic drive to keep us divided by a polyglot plethora of different languages.

The Church of the Creator from its beginning has pointed out and advocated that we would be a thousand times better off if the White Race coalesced and polarized around one universal language. Furthermore, we have strongly campaigned that our overwhelming choice is that greatest of all White languages, namely Latin. We make this choice for several solid reasons, all of which we have already explained and will repeat again before the end of this article.

Recently there appeared an extensive article in The Atlanta Constitution entitled "Most of world’s languages saying goodbye forever." A second article accompanying the first was entitled "Vanishing Languages" and under it a major subtitle "Linguists: Rescue efforts made from Alaska to steamy jungles."
The articles went into great detail bewailing such tidbits as: "In Rock Hill, South Carolinian, there Is an Indian ‘Chief’ by the name of Gilbert Blue, poor fellow, who has forgotten how to speak his ‘native’ language of Catawba, which vanished with the death of his grandfather." What will these poor goddamned Indians do without their Catawba? The article continues "From the hardscrabble hills of South Carolinas Catawba Indian reservation to thatch-roofed villages in Amazonia (South America), languages are being snuffed out at a record rate – victims of civilizations advance Into once-Isolated portions of the globe and the pervasive influence of radio and television."

Below is a chart of the endangered languages in the United States.

The article goes on to wring its hands about "disappearance of native language" in the Cherokee Indian Reservation at Cherokee, North Carolina. "Among 600 children I have taught last year," says Marie Junaluska, an Indian teacher at the Cherokee school, I could only find six who could speak it." But, goddamn it, she is going to move heaven and earth (and huge sums of taxpayers’ money!) in a desperate attempt to keep it alive.

The two articles go on to compile a stack of figures and charts about all the primitive languages of the world, from the jungles of the Amazon to the Indian reservations of Oklahoma, to the steamy jungles of New Guinea and Borneo. Not to be omitted, of course, are the passel of mumbo-jumbo languages of the savage niggers of Africa, some of which have an extensive vocabulary of as many as 45 words. They are, of course, oh, so precious!

The articles continue to deplore: "New language surveys suggest that the world is on the verge of a kind of linguistic holocaust, the rapid loss of diversity of human languages." They admit that most of these oh! so precious languages have never been reduced to written form. In short, they were nothing more than the stone-age mumbo-jumbo of some savage tribes which were too stupid to be able to organize their languages Into written form. So now the White Man must come to the rescue!

One of such "language rescuers" is the Summer Institute of Linguistics at the University of Texas at Arlington. This project is under the direction of Dr. Thomas Headlong, and funded, of course, by White taxpayers’ dollars. There are a number of others trying to "save" this vast collection of stone-age garbage, for what purpose, Christ only knows and he won’t tell.

Below is a chart which displays a number of stone-age languages (troubled tongues) on a worldwide basis.
The view of the Church of the Creator regarding languages
Frankly, we care not a tiddle whether savages of the world speak, keep or lose their Babel of stone-age mumbo-jumbo. It is no concern of ours. Why any White Man, who is so indifferent about saving Nature’s Finest specimen, should be so concerned about saving somebody else’s obsolete garbage, is hard to understand. If these savages are too stupid to save their language and put it into written form, any effort on the part of the White Man is a lost cause in any case.
We Creators have no interest in increasing the "diversity" of thousands of different savage languages that are disappearing or still exist. On the contrary, we are primarily concerned about those languages that are spoken by our own racial kinsmen, the White Race, and even in this category we do not advocate an increase, but a worldwide unification of our spoken and written word.

Let us repeat a stark reality of the world in which we find ourselves. We are under the heel of a sinister Jewish tyranny, a conspiracy that is moving heaven and earth in order to destroy our precious White Race. They have been astoundingly successful, and unless we unite and destroy them first the White Race will be "saying goodbye forever." One of the most effective techniques that has enabled the Jews to succeed in this anti-White campaign is their "Divide and Conquer’ trickery. As I have stated innumerable times before, the three most devastating forces dividing the White Race have been for centuries and are today – religion, nationality and language. Therefore, if we are ever to get our act together, to arouse, unify and organize the White Race into a powerful battering ram, we do not need more languages, or "greater diversity. We need to unify the White Race.
As I read The Atlanta Constitution year after year, I have noticed this Jew-run newspaper repeatedly chortling about how "multi-cultural" Atlanta is becoming – why, it has such a "diversity" of racial, ethnic, religious and linguistic groups, and is becoming more international every day, until now it is probably the most diverse’ and "international" city in the United States, they say, and isn’t It great?

No, it is not great!

 Atlanta has a superabundance of native grown niggers, as well as large numbers of mud immigrants: Vietnamese, Haitians, Nicaraguans, Mexicans, Cubans, Pakistanis, Hindus and every stripe of Asiatics Imaginable. Does this make for peace and prosperity? No, indeed, on the contrary. Atlanta has the largest crime rate in the country, next to that nigger enclave called Washington, D.C. As I have said any number of times before, a polyglot society has in it the seeds of dissolution and anarchy, and is impossible to govern. And so it is with Atlanta. What used to be a cultural and prosperous White city, is now going down the sump hole of anarchy at a rapid clip. But what is happening to Atlanta is also happening to every other major metropolis and city of the United States.

So we come back to Square One. What the White Race needs is not more fractured diversity, but instead we need to coalesce and unify. Instead of our misguided intellectuals wasting their time and the taxpayers’ money in chasing down the thousands of useless stone-age mumbo-jumbo and trying to put it in writing and on tapes, they would serve humanity a thousand times more usefully if they would spend that same amount of time, energy and money in promoting Latin to our own White Racial kinsmen. There is only one way to go and that is for the White Race to unify under one religion, namely Creativity, and under one language, namely Latin, civilization’s finest and most prestigious language of all time.

We choose Latin for the following reasons:

(a) It is the best organized, perfectly phonetic and most effective of all languages.

(b) It has more tradition, culture and history Imbedded in it than any other language.

(c) It is a neutral language in the fact that none of the major nations of the world can claim exclusivity on this language. It would therefore evoke less bickering and jealousy from rival nations than if a major modern language, such as French, English or German, were chosen.

(d) Most of our basic terms In the field of medicine, law, zoology, biology, botany, anthropology and other sciences are even today imbedded In Latin.

But most important of all, the Latin language of he great ancient White Roman civilization embraces all the greatness of the best in the achievements of the White Race over the last twenty-four centuries, or for that matter, for all time. The best principles of bravery, warfare, organization, political science, government, law, art and civilization are all symbolized in this great language as in no other. In fact, renewed studies of classical Latin during the Renaissance period helped to awaken Europe out of the Dark Ages, and Latin remained the universal language of all educated Europeans until the Jew-orchestrated "French Revolution" of 1789 divided Europe into a polyglot of language-based "nations." In view of the rapidly approaching threat of genetic extinction, all White nations of the world must put Racial Loyalty above National Loyalty, and unite Into a worldwide WHITE RACIAL COMMUNITY with one White Racial Religion (Creativity) and one White Racial Language (Latin).

The White Race of today, what is left of it, can be mighty proud of the heritage handed down to us by the Ancient Romans and their prestigious language, Classical Latin. Let us not allow the Jews to drag it into the dirt and trade it off for some bastardized facsimile that passes for a "modern" language.

Classical Latin is the perfect choice. It is the only way to go if we are ever to unite, arouse and organize our now dying race.


MAY 18AC (1991)

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