Monday 16 December 2019

We Must First Win the Propaganda War .... By Ben Klassen

Before the shooting ever starts
We Must First Win the Propaganda War
In every vicious campaign of destruction the Jews have ever launched, they have had the foresight to first wage an Intensive and unrelenting war of words. This they have done consistently throughout their history, and this they are pursuing today more fiercely and fervently than ever.

For example, before unleashing the "allied" armed forces to destroy Hitler and Germany, the Jews first set in motion a vicious and unrelenting campaign of hatred against Hitler personally, and secondly, against everything German. In this they used every dirty trick in the book, not the least of which were the churches and religion, and above all, their clergy. After they had the goyim’s brains mashed into putty, then they were ready to follow through with the heavy artillery, tanks, bombers and battleships.
When they wanted to destroy Saddam Hussein and Iraq, they followed the same modus operandi. We all remember the vicious hatred that was suddenly ignited and spewed forth against Saddam and Iraq. It was spearheaded by the Jews’ most ardent servant and Zionist mouthpiece, Bushwhacker George Bush, the President of the United States. Once the war fever was considered as having been sufficiently heated up, then the heavy bombers and tanks moved in and smashed Iraq into a mass of rubble. This, despite the fact that only a few months earlier, this same president had ostensibly backed Iraq as one of our favored allies In the Middle East.

The same procedure of lies and propaganda is being pursued by the Jews and the JOG (Jewish Occupational Government) here in the United States against the White people themselves, the very people who pay most of the taxes and do most of the work. For example, in order to pass the pro-nigger, pro-Jew, anti-White Civil Rights Acts (so-called) of the 1960’s, the Jews and the JOG instituted a fierce and diabolical propaganda campaign, an ongoing campaign that is still in full fury today. Concomitant with this major campaign there are, in fact, a whole passel of secondary smear campaigns running alongside the mainstream, aimed at legitimizing such measures as taking the peoples’ guns away from them, forced busing, forced integration, confiscatory taxation, subsidizing the niggers and the rest of the scum of the world – the list is too long to recapitulate here. But they are all aimed at the destruction of Nature’s Finest – the White Race. Let us state the bottom line – all are designated to lay the groundwork for the destruction and/or mongrelization of the White Race, both here in America and throughout the world. That is, and remains, the prime goal of the Jew’s war against the goyim. In short, there is an ongoing, unrelenting war for the minds of men being waged, night and day, year after year. Most of all, the prize target is mind of the White Man.

But more than one can play this game of propaganda, and there are in fact a number of other players in the game. There are even others besides the Jews who are successful. Let us review again what happened in Iran in the last few decades. Before we do so, let us clarify one case in point. When we speak of "America" and "American policy," we must make it clear that such policy is not that of the American people at all, least of all the White American people. America and the manipulation of its policy Is totally in the hands of Israel and the Zionist Jews. Such policy is not designed for the benefit of America at all, but rather for its destruction, for the protection of Israel and the benefit of worldwide Jewry.

Having made this clear, let us proceed further with the Iranian affair. In so doing, we want to illustrate the superior power of religious ideology over a political organization when the two face confrontation.
For most of the 19th century and well into the 20th century the imperialist powers of Europe zealously staked their colonial claims in Africa and the Middle East. Until 1945 the foreign powers dominating Iran were basically Russia and Britain. Whereas Russia was mainly interested in territorial expansion, Britain had several different interests. These were basically in expanding markets for British exports, and establishing a land bridge to their massive colony of India. Later, as rich oil resources were discovered in Iran, the British interests concentrated on capturing and exploiting those fabulous resources for themselves.

Up to this time, for most of the colonial powers, such as Britain, France, Holland, etc., the prime interest in overseas colonies lay in exploiting their natural resources and the cheap labor of these backward peoples. In this respect I want to make it clear that benefits of such exploitation accrued basically to the large corporations and cartels who developed these overseas trade channels, but few, if any, benefits were shared by the common people at home. This was pure national commercial imperialism.

After the end of World War II, a new, more powerful and pervasive imperialism began to emerge, a power structure whose interests were more focused and more international in scope. This alliance was basically Jewish in nature, utilizing and manipulating the newly emerging and military domination of the United States in world affairs. After the establishment of Israel in 1948, the Israeli-American alliance began to challenge and replace the dominance of British Interests in Iran.

The Iranians had been intensely hostile to foreign domination of any kind, whether British, American or Israeli. Leading this opposition from the beginning had been the Moslem clergy, and as the struggle deepened the religious power structure became more vociferous and more fanatically mobilized.

Let us digress for a moment. It is interesting to note that religion also entered into the picture from the side of colonist expansion, as well as the resisters. I remember some of the German propaganda in the late 1930’s accusing the British of acquiring their colonies by means of "the Bible, the check-book and with cannon." The Germans, who at that point in history had been stripped of their colonies, contended the British first invaded virgin territory with their missionaries preaching Christianity and trying to convert the natives. The next stage, after the missionaries were well established, came the mercenaries with their checkbooks, taking over land and resources. Next came the military with their cannons to consolidate and protect their commercial aggrandizement. All this in the name of moral righteousness, as enunciated by King Leopold of the Belgians when he proclaimed: "Our only program is that of the moral and material regeneration, as they took possession of the Congo and its vast territories and natural resources. In short, the church with its appetite for expansion and growth was the spearhead and a powerful adjunct in the takeover of the backward lands and territories in the past century.

Getting back to Iran, by the early 1950’s the British dominance was supplanted by the American-Israeli alliance, which was not really American at all, but purely Jewish, capitalizing on American power, prestige and military might. It was a case of the Jewish tail wagging the American dog (See R.L. No. 65). The Iranians, being less naive than their average American counterpart, understood this more clearly than do the Americans. Nevertheless, the hostility of the religious mullahs and the masses was directed almost exclusively against the Americans, culminating in the invasion of the U.S. Embassy in 1979 and the ensuing hostage crisis.

When the American government backed the Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, "The King of Kings," they had found themselves a real patsy. Vainglorious and ambitious, he soon surrounded himself with all the accoutrements of brute power and pomposity, a course of action that soon separated the King from the people and the mullahs. In the ten years before he was ousted in 1978, he took in more than $100,000 million in oil exports. With the help of the United States and Israel he set up a powerful and brutal secret police organization that was the envy of despots all over the world. Called the Savak, the staffing and direction of this vicious organization was taken over by the Israeli Mossad and the American CIA, with the Mossad calling the shots.

Opposing this alien take-over were the Moslem religious leaders, the mullahs, led by the Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, when in 1963 he virtually launched a revolution by a series of proclamations in Qum. In the ensuing struggle, the Savak stormed the Khomeini’s center in Qum and killed 15,000 people. Khomeini was arrested, but later released, and spent the next 15 years in exile in Paris. From here on in it was a battle for the minds of the people, with the Shah having control of the mass media, the military, the secret police and the vast financial resources flowing in from oil revenues.

In the end, as we all know, Ayatollah Khomeini won out with his religious power over the people and drove the Shah into exile and disgrace. Not only did he become the dominant power in Iran, but he became a religious symbol and leader of all the Islamic world, from Africa to India to Indonesia. Even after his death, he remains the cement that binds together the now powerful Islamic revolution on a global basis. This despite the fact that he knew little or nothing about government, was himself cruel and despotic, and was an extremely poor administrator. Such is the power of a religion, even a fraudulent religion as faulted as is Mohammedanism.

Actually, what we are now witnessing is a cultural and religious revolution of the Moslem world, a revolution some historians have equated in importance with the French revolution of 1789 and the Communist revolution of 1917. Underlying this struggle are two virulent religions, Judaism, on the one side controlling and manipulating the power of the (rapidly shrinking) White people of the world, and on the other side, we have the rapidly expanding Arabs and the Moslems. Where do you fit into this world picture, Whitey? Do you have a religion of your own? Most members of the White Race will reply, oh yes, we have a religion of our own. We have our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have our own religion – Christianity.

Really? No, not really, Christianity Is a Judaic opiate, designed to paralyze, deaden and render insensible the natural fighting spirit and acuity and instincts of the White Race, and as Jew Marcus Eli Ravage explains so explicitly, when Pharisee Rabbi Saul of Tarsus imposed Christianity on the unsuspecting goyim, "We conquered you more completely than any conquering enemy ever conquered any people In history."

What all the foregoing illustrates is that religion is the key to our destiny, as it has been in the history of peoples throughout civilization. It is the most powerful and dynamic force in the world in capturing the minds of men
. Furthermore, there is a fierce and unrelenting war going on today as never before for the minds of the people, a war in which the Jews have been the master-manipulators for the last several thousand years. The main prize today as never before is the minds of the White people, the White Race, throughout the world.

Not the niggers, not the Arabs, not the Hindus, not the Chinese, but the White Race. Only we have the power and potential to save ourselves and save the world from utter chaos and cataclysmic horrors. The Jews know this full well, and Whitey, you had better come to your senses and also clearly understand the dreadful reality of this situation.

So what weapons do we, the White Race, have to work with, to unite us and take control of our own destiny? What religion do we have that we can polarize around? Christianity? No, perish the thought. It was Jewish Christianity that has brought us to the brink of disaster and extinction in the first place.

But all is not hopeless. Now for the first time in 6000 years of the White Man’s civilization we do have a racial religion of our own. We have Creativity, which is based on the Eternal Laws of Nature as revealed through science, history, logic, common sense. Creativity has the Total Program, the Final Solution, the Ultimate Creed for the salvation and redemption of Nature’s Finest – the White Race. In Creativity we have it all. We now need to go out and promote the hell out of our own racial religion and take over the world.

Intense, relentless propaganda is the answer. If Hitler had spent only 10% of the time, energy and money on propagandizing the White Race on a worldwide basis as he spent fighting a losing military war (against his own White racial comrades), he probably might never have had to resort to a shooting war at all.

Think about it! Right here in America we can win the war for the minds of our White racial comrades without ever having to resort to a shooting war at all. The fact is, whether we like it or not, we have to win the propaganda war first in any case. If we don’t, we will wind up as we did in W.W. I and W.W. II, with White Men killing White Men when we should have been fighting our real enemies, the Jews and all the other mud races. Think about it again, White Man, then go to work. You now have the weapons you need. Use Them. RAHOWA!

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator

AUG 18AC 1991  

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