Wednesday 11 December 2019

Sail, a Jewish Pharisee Rabbi, the Prime Instigator of Christianity...By Ben Klassen


The official story of Christianity, as told by the Christian preachers, goes something like this:

Nearly two thousand years ago, in the year 1 C.E. (Common Era), a spirit called the Holy Ghost, a member of the Holy Trinity, descended upon a Jewish woman by the name of Mary. Although at the time she was married to a Jewish fellow by the name of Joseph, this weird story claims that nevertheless she was a virgin when the Holy Ghost impregnated her and got her pregnant. (Question: Was this the first and only sexual involvement between the Holy Ghost and a human, or were there others? Was this strictly a one-night stand?) The result of this copulation was a bastard son, a hybrid, half-human and half ghost, if you can imagine such a freakish creature. He was named Jesus after the eighth day when he was circumcised, according to Jewish custom.

To follow the life of this hybrid from the story in the Jewish New Testament, little is known about this cross-bred freak for the next 30 years. This is extremely strange, since he claimed to be the son of God, or the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Trinity, take your choice. Anyway, at the age of 30, in a sudden burst of Messianic fervor, he began preaching his strange message, namely that he was the son of God (the Jewish Yahweh, of course) and he now repudiated the harsh code of the old man and came to preach a new message of his own. That message basically was that he had come to save all of us lousy sinners from that fiery sulphurous pit, that horrible torture chamber also known as hell – to which most of humanity was to be relegated. This horrible fiery pit had evidently been constructed at the time of Creation some 4000 years earlier. At that time, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost (who are really all one, and had existed from time eternal) also created heaven and earth, and also mankind, the latter seemingly as an afterthought.

The question as to why they created this horrible, sadistic torture chamber of hellfire, and then followed this up 4000 years later by launching a program for fervently saving us poor mortals from suffering eternal agony in it, is never explained. Nor has it ever been explained why, some 2000 years later, this stupid program of salvation has been an utter failure. Obviously he/it/they could have avoided this horrible problem by never building the goddamned monstrosity in the first place, or having made a boo-boo, demolished it as quickly as possible. But they did neither, and according to one fervent evangelist by the name of Edgar C. Whisenant (See R.L. #58) 39 billion people are going to wind up in it, to be tortured forever and a day. According to him, only one billion are going to heaven, come Judgment Day.

But to get back to our story of the now hyped-up Saviour at the age of 30. For three high-pressured years he roamed the countryside in Palestine preaching to all and sundry: The end is near! Unless you repent and believe in me that I am your Saviour, you are all going to hell! You are going to burn, baby, burn! Repent! Repent!

After three years of this kind of high-powered promotion, he was condemned to death by crucifixion at the demand of the Jewish mob. For this the Jews have been accused by the Christians as being Christ-killers for the last 1900 years, until recently Pope John Paul II, being in cahoots with the Jews, revised the official line and let the Jews off the hook.

However, the story does not end with the hanging on the cross. In fact, it now takes a strange twist. Three days after Christ was taken down from the cross and interred in a tomb, he walked out, fresh as a daisy, flew straight upward into heaven to be with his father (and the holy ghost, presumably) from whence he had come, and with whom he "was one." Evidently he had carried off his performance according to the script as composed by himself, his father, and not to be forgotten – the Holy Ghost. His job of salvation was completed, and if us dumb clucks didn’t take it from there, that was our tough luck. They could burn in hellfire for all eternity, and it would damn well serve them right.


Weird story? Not only weird, but stupid as hell!

Who concocted this strange and garbled story? Did a fellow by the name of Jesus Christ really walk the sands of Palestine some 1900 years ago and preach this strange stuff? Not likely, since there is not the slightest shred of historical evidence that such a character ever existed then, or later. If not Christ, then who did put this jumbled and garbled story together and promote it to the masses, until today there are more than a billion confused and duped followers who believe this deranged story, more or less.

About twenty years ago I started investigating the early beginnings of Christianity from what sources of legitimate history had to say about it. To my surprise, my encyclopedia, and other sources of scholarly information, shamefacedly admitted there was no actual "historicity" for the life of Jesus Christ, but only the religious scriptures" and their unsubstantiated claims. In short, no historical evidence, only claims, not unlike the story of Santa Claus or Mother Goose. If there was no Jesus Christ, then it follows that he obviously could not have had twelve disciples to spread his teachings. No Christ, no teachings, no disciples.

Then who did put this story together and promoted it to the world to become one of its major religions?

A good question. The evidence points strongly to a Jewish rabbi by the name of Saul of Tarsus, who later was elevated to sainthood by the Christians to become St. Paul. It was this scurvy, slimy and perfidious Jew who, with the help of other Jewish rabbis, initiated, concocted and promoted the suicidal creed of Christianity with the express purpose of undermining and destroying the magnificent White Roman Civilization.

The story of "St." Paul is almost as fantastic as the story of the "Crucified Saviour" himself, with one major difference. Whereas Christ never wrote a single word, left no letters, essays or manuscripts to prove that he said anything, there is ample evidence that this hyper, souped-up Jew rabbi Saul of Tarsus not only did plenty of preaching, organizing and proselytizing, but left an ample supply of letters for posterity to back his activities. In fact, the numerous so-called Pauline Epistles, written to the Romans, the Corinthians, the Galatlans, the Ephesians, the Colossians, and the Thessalonians some time during the latter part of the first century, make up 83 pages of the "New" Testament, or about 30% of its total contents.

As to who wrote Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, nobody really knows, nor is there any evidence that such characters ever existed. Evidently their garbled and contradictory stories originated from some earlier "Crucified Saviour" stories, sixteen of such being on record from earlier religions. It seems that most of the highly touted principles of "Christian morality" – such as "love your enemy," "turn the other cheek," "give everything to the niggers," "do not judge," "take no care of tomorrow," etc. – were plagiarized from the teachings of the suicidal Jewish sect of Essenes.

But let us now focus on this fellow Saul, and see what he did and why he did it.
In this respect, we have an excellent essay and analysis written by another Jew, namely Marcus Eli Ravage, in modern times. His article appeared in the February 1928 issue of Century Magazine, and I have reprinted his analysis verbatim, starting on Page 305 of the White Man’s Bible.

Ravage says, in effect, that Saul of Tarsus was obsessed with hatred of the world conquering Romans who ruled most of the civilized world in the First Century, C.E., including the small Jewish province of Palestine. When, in order to subdue the rebellious Jews, the Roman General Titus leveled Jerusalem to the ground, it became Saul’s burning obsession to find ways and means to seek revenge and destroy the proud and haughty Romans, and bring their Empire down in ruins. But how?
Finally Saul hit upon a brilliant idea. He would do it by means of religion. He would feed them a self-destructive religion whereby they, the Romans, could commit genocide by their own initiative – a tall order, indeed. Where could he find such a religion?

He already had such a religion, made-to-order for the job he had in mind. The Essenes had just such a religion that they had practiced for the last century and half, and it was effectively destroying the very people who practiced it. Why not promote and feed this poison to the Romans? Why not, indeed? Saul went at it with a vengeance, and gaining the cooperation of the whole Jewish Kehilla, he soon got the operation into high gear. He did not live to see the phenomenal success of his conspiracy, but I am sure it surpassed his fondest dreams, and the rest is history. By the year 476 C.E., the once proud and mighty Roman Empire lay in shambles, and the once superb Roman gene pool had been dissipated and mongrelized among a welter of alien races.
When I included the Pauline saga back in the late 1970’s in the White Man’s Bible, it was too fantastic for most people’s credibility, but the powerful evidence that such were the early origins of Christianity were too overwhelming to be ignored. The undeniable historical evidence is beginning to seep more and more even into the so-called "mainstream’ publications.

In the April 22, 1991, issue of U.S. News and World Report appears an in-depth article called The Momentous Mission of the Apostle Paul." It says in effect that it was the tent-maker, Saul of Tarsus, trained in the Pharisaic rabbinical school of Judaism, who was the real originator and spark plug of Christianity. Whereas he at first opposed the new suicidal religion the Essenes were promoting, in a flash of brilliance he turned the poisonous brew into a masterly campaign of virulence to the advantage of the Jews. U.S. News and World Report asks the question: Where would Christianity be without Paul? Where, indeed?

There is one major issue that this U.S. News and World Report article, unlike Marcus Eli Ravage, seeks to camouflage, and that is that this Jew Saul did it all out of the goodness of his heart in order to save souls for Christ... Being a Pharisaic rabbi who hated Romans, Greeks and all other Whites with a passion, "the goodness of heart" motivation seems highly incredible. Ravage’s conclusion that Saul did what he did out of revenge and hatred for the Romans makes a thousand times more sense.

One thing both articles agree on is that Jew rabbi Saul of Tarsus was one hell of a slick promoter and organizer. By the way, his favorite saying was: "I am all things to all men." Looking back on the subsequent events of history, there can be little doubt that this Pharisaic Jew rabbi, Saul of Tarsus, did indeed do one hell of an effective job. I will let the reader judge for himself whether he did it out of love or out of malice. Knowing the malevolent, vengeful and sadistic nature of the inventors of the concept of hell, there is little room for doubt in my mind as to what it was that motivated the real founder of Christianity, Jew rabbi Saul of Tarsus.

It is high time for the White Race to reject the Jew-concocted suicidal Christianity and embrace the true White Racial Religion – Creativity.
Delenda est Judaica! RAHOWA!
Ben Klassen
Founder Church of The Creator

JUNE 18AC  (1991)


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