Tuesday 16 April 2013

OI! FEST After Action Report

OI! FEST After Action Report
Racial regards from deep in illegal mex crossing enemy occupied America! I have a quick summary report of Az. Oi! Fest 2013, forgive me if my writing is ascriptive, short, & factual, it has been awhile since I have written anything excepting para legal stuff; So here goes! The fifth annual Oi! Fest has come & gone another year & another success, a magnificent opportunity of pan Aryan networking & laying the ground work for solidarity amongst out White kinsmen, & Creative proselytes from among are people, to show them the plumb & square way. Another subsequent consequence is just having a good time among our people.

It began Friday afternoon when the first of the regulars & newbie diehards started showing up setting up various camp sites, & playing various games such as horse shoes, wrestling & strength games such as the log tossing competition & tug of war. The games were supposed to continue on Saturday but honestly many were already well into their drinking by noon the official start. The bands begun arriving late Friday night, we sat around a huge bonfire & cracked a keg, some sober, some sipping brewskis, telling war stories & talking politics (all the regulars, bands & event organizers know each other well), Liz picked Reverend Logsdon up at the airport he arrived at the property around twelvish or so & joined us at the fire, we had our first of a couple of good convos about life & Creativity! I went to sleep about 2:30 a.m & was awoken at 6:30 a.m by a skin pounding on the front door wanting to come eat breakfast with them, the first thing I noticed was a camp burned all our sitting logs, but I was determined to have a good day!

We set up the log toss at 10 a.m but no one was interested, so we begun the smash a van event, an old beat up van we stripped down for recycle to help pay for Oi! Fest, we had two 10 pound sledgehammers & an ax maul, we had a contest to see who could chop the top completely off , well let me tell you that lasted all day Saturday & into Sunday & the top is still on, they just don't make 'em like that anymore!

The bands started playing at high noon & the big boy party begun! First up was Youngland with their screaming guitar Oi! & white rock & roll, & the pit started up; Youngland is the best opening band they really start things up & started the energy flowing; White Knuckle Driver followed with hard hitting Nazi punk & solid Hatecore that kicked up the energy factor a couple of notches, that is when the pit begun to fill, with skins bouncing off the hall walls White Knuckle Driver had an exceptional finish; & was followed by Empire Falls an East coast Blood & Honor band that played the shit out of the hall (!) during EF play the was full to capacity old school style with shoulders & elbows in one direction, then opposites on bands call, it got a bit rough & blood was spilled but what was awesome was that whenever a skin ate concrete there was five to pick him up before he was trampled a true spirit of brotherly solidarity ( only if our people could keep it in everyday life!! ) in a pit that at times was wild with drunken abandon. And then came the closer Max Resist with their title song Max Resist, they are the greatest closers I have to this day heard, they pulse with raw energy & great music ability, but they are more than that they are a complete show with audience interaction & jokes. Max Resist played for three hours & didn't miss a beat.
At 3:30 a.m the party broke up into fluid groups as everyone drifted off to their respective tents & R.V's.
Oi! Fest was begun as a pan Aryan people's festival in memoir of Ian Stuart & what he accomplished & fought for in the 1970's..... Attendance was not as great as previous years, yet I will call this one a success!

Yours truly in the fourteen words & RaHoWa
Rev. Pro Tempre B.V. Cook



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