Tuesday 25 August 2015

Indictment Sect....By Brother Bart

Repeatedly I met with accusations aimed at Creativity, implying that our movement was a "sect". Some time ago I came across an article (something like Top 10), which has placed us as the fourth most dangerous "sect" in the world. We Creators proved to be more dangerous than sexual perverts assembly (Rajneesh sect), the children kidnappers (Holic group/"Christians") or Himavanti Monastic Brotherhood, which threatened to blow up the Jasna Góra Monastery. It is time to once and for all get rid of the accusations that are directed towards our religion.


It should start from what does the word "sect" really mean. This is nothing else but created by schism (separation from the structures of a given religion) faction, which creates its own community, while not abandoning or only partially changing the credo of the main branch. So by definition, the sect is nothing but a faction of an existing religion.

In this respect, Christianity can be called a sect of Judaism, in turn, Catholicism or Orthodoxy, sects of Christianity. Perhaps we should introduce the term "sub-sect"? One that is offshoot of another sect.
It turns out already in the introduction that the Creativity Movement is hardly even a cult by definition, because it is not splinter of any existing religion. On the contrary, it has its own creed in crystalline form of three books: Nature's Eternal Religion, White Man Bible and Salubrious Living.

Ben Klassen, the first Pontifex Maximus and founder of The Creativity Movement (then COTC) has not based its creed on any other community. No schism - no sect, but let's move on.

Money, money, money

Further points are outside the definition, but they are characteristic. We could have heard repeatedly that the sects tend to pick up assets of its followers by forcing the community donate all or part of their material goods, whether it's with the help of a strong indoctrination or threats. There are many cases when many members of such groups lost fortunes or the achievements of life, giving it to the community (and most often to its leader). The Creativity Movement does not require paying compulsory (or with the help of indoctrination) tribute, to be "saved," as is the case in many other religions. It does not require a donation of assets in the form of other tangible goods, such as housing or valuables. It is based on sales of books and donations - the free, good will of the people.

 The subordination and lack of free thought

Most religions, no matter how large, has a causative body that indicates which way the community follows. In Catholicism there is the Pope, in Islam (depending on faction) Ajjatolach or Imam, and so on. At the word "sect" we meet with the word "guru", as leaders of the community members. Many times it came to a paranoia, where those supposed gurus, called themselves messiahs, new Jesuses or even the reincarnation of Christ, and the like, more or less absurd cases can be mentioned.

Strong indoctrination in sects made by "gurus" that make community members see only the way indicated by the leader and not trying to make his own interpretation, or reflect on the situation, resulting in often mentioned in the previous section "tribute".

Just like many other religions, Creativity also has a leader, because we believe that the Leadership Principle is the way to coherent existence of the movement. In a similar way it works in political parties and other groupings of people who have a person who outlines the way to go - an example may be an executive of a company you work in.

This does not mean that in our movement there is no "free thought", it is quite the contrary. The Creators believe in common sense, logic and lessons learned from the history. Our religion teaches free thought, assessment of the facts and theories. It promotes liberation from the shackles of the theistic religions, which assume the existence of supernatural gods, ghosts, witches and strigoi, directing our life and fate, lying in wait for us everywhere.


Sects like to portray a vision of doomsday, apocalypse or anything of a similar nature. It is directly linked to the indoctrination, in which a member of the community through brainwashing loses contact with reality. He is deluded with visions of a beautiful world beyond the grave, the coming end of the world, and going then to a better place as a member of the community. A great example is the Peoples Temple, whose indoctrinated and beguiled followers committed a mass suicide (about 900 victims!), cut off from the world and reality. "Guru" creates visions that he pushes to the minds of the pupils, so that issues which affect everyday human life, as work, family, self-fulfillment, social problems and civilization become no longer relevant for them.

The Creativity Movement based on the lessons learned from history sees the real problems of civilization of the White Man. It tries to pick up the humiliated White Race from their knees and give them a new path to a better and more stable future. It promotes the perception of real problems and solving them. In our beliefs, there is no word about the supernatural worlds, because the only one that exists is the one discovered by science.

The outside world

The last point that shaped the image of sects, is indoctrinating people in such a way that one is completely cut off from the world around and all his attention is focused on the community. The result is most often blurring or complete loss of contact with the family, society, law - the whole world, outside the sect. In this way, the community loses a believer, and gains a machine that is ready to do everything "gurus" tell them to. It is directly related to the above points. Man loses his own will, then he is easy to intimidate, he willingly gives anything just to remain among his new fellows and to not be excluded.

Creativity, on the contrary, teaches to be open, bold and friendly. It gives strength to cope with the realities in which the person is located. The Creativity Movement does not cut off from society and the world, but promotes participation in it, creating a reality for the benefit of their own and of the movement.

 Why Creativity is called a sect?

I can think of only two reasons. The first is the lack of knowledge about what sect really is and what are its characteristics. Ignorance leads to a nonsense belief that the existence of religions outside the mainstream, four great world religions, is unacceptable. In this respect, if you are not a follower of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or Judaism - you are sectarian.

The second reason is of a different nature. Creativity is a religion that openly attacks the current state of affairs and political correctness. As Bob Whitaker wrote, each society has its own "heresy", often hidden under a different name. For the Christians heresy was "paganism" for the Communists every enemy was a "fascist" or "class enemy". So, for a destroyed society possessed with the spirit of multiculturalism, we are "sectarians".

Briefly at the end: it turns out that many of today's accepted religions, such as Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Islam or Hinduism factions, has much more in common with the word "sect" than apparently it may seem. How could we call different factions of Christianity (and the Christianity itself), and hundreds or thousands of doctrines of Hinduism and Islam?

I enclose a letter of our last Pontifex Maximus on a topic close to the one shown in the above work.

                                             "Creativity is not a cult!”

One thing I have realized over the years is that people tend to call a "cult" anything having to do with religion that they have little knowledge of or understanding of. Thus our Church has indeed been called a "cult" by ignorant people, usually people totally immersed in the Christian viewpoint and perspective isolated from other forms of religion. For a lot of people, in fact, a "cult" is any religious group they don't like! In reality our Church is anti-cult for several reasons.

First, we keep no one in it against their will. Second, while we do believe in the leadership principle, we do not believe in a cult of personality. Yes, we salute the leader but we do not consider him some kind of prophet or messiah. Third, we in no way try to isolate our believers from the rest of society as cults do. On the contrary, we try to be a part of society as much as we can. Fourth, unlike cults, we make no claim whatever that the world is coming to an end or other such twaddle . For example, a lot of cults say that the world is coming to an end in "2012" Yeah right!

PME Matt Hale, April 38AC (2011)

Brother Bart
TCM Poland
Aug 42AC (2015)

                                Article originally published in IMPERIUM # 16
                                 The Creativity Movement online Magazine

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