Wednesday 26 August 2015

White Racist Leader Endorses Trump Immigration Plan!

Stopping short of endorsing Trump himself at this juncture, Reverend Matt Hale, America's most well-known political prisoner and former leader of the pro-White and anti-Jewish Church of the Creator, today endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's controversial immigration plan, calling it "an excellent step in the right direction."

It will be recalled that Reverend Hale was convicted in Chicago in 2004 on federal charges of having solicited a government informant to murder district court Judge Joan Lefkow during a pending trademark lawsuit involving his church. However, there is no evidence that any such solicitation occurred and the entire transcript of his trial is now posted at  so that the public can see for itself that he is the victim of a horrible miscarriage of justice. Until his arrest in 2003, Reverend Hale was the most effective public advocate for the White racist cause in America, renown for his public speeches around the country and appearing on the Today Show, Good Morning America, Dateline NBC, and numerous other programs. He first made international news in 1999 when he was denied a law license by the State of Illinois for his White racist views and he is the author of the new critically-acclaimed book,Ending White Slavery, now available at
Ending White Slavery By Matthew Hale  His case for freedom is now in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, Case Number 14-1294.

From his solitary cell at the infamous "Supermax" prison in Florence, Colorado, here is what Reverend Hale had to say about Trump's immigration plan:
"Trump's plan is an excellent step in the right direction and I am therefore happy to endorse it. He is the only presidential candidate that I think we have ever had who has the guts to say that all of the millions of illigal invaders of our once-great country must be deported, plain and simple, and I think that Trump would have the guts to actually follow through with that, unlike the others. Furthermore, the idea that a pregnant Mezican can cross a mere inch of the border, spew out her baby on the ground, and that that somehow bestows 'citizenship' on it is a travesty that never should have been tolerated in the first place and must be ended now. I therefore endorse his plan for that reason as well. However, all of that said, Trump's plan must be just the beginning of the general Whitening of America, that once the illegal immigrant invaders are deported, additional policies must be implemented to reclaim this country for the White Race."

As for the practicality of deporting millions of non-white illegal immigrants, here is what Hale had to say:

"Trump's plan on this point coincides with that of my own plan as expressed in Ending White Slavery, something that I would urge every American to read as soon as possible. The simple fact of the matter is that if the millions of illegal immigrants could trickle into this country in the first place, there is simply no rational argument why they cannot be made to trickle out of the country now. If it was practical enough for them to come in the first place, it is just as practical for them to leave, plain and simple, and thus the argument that Trump's plan is impractical is a copout by traitors that is merely designed to continue the invasion unchecked."
Rev Matt Hale
Aug 42AC (2015)

For further comment from Reverend Hale on his endorsement of Trump's plan,
contact him at
Rev. Matt Hale
P.O. Box 8500
Florence, CO 81226
Or email Evelyn Hutcheson at....

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