Saturday 11 June 2016

Rev Matt Hale...Letter to Creators/Friends and Supporters

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends and Supporters!

It is a joy for me to finally be able to speak to all of you through my newly-enabled email capability, forwarded to you by my great crusader, my dear mother! Finally, after 13 1/2 years of being deprived of email, I am at long last with you again in this format and I have great hopes that together we will make the most of that possible.

I am pleased to report to you that my transition from locked down for all those years to being in regular population has been truly extraordinary. Only nine days ago I had been in a room with another person without handcuffs on for eleven years, and yet here I am now comfortable being around hundreds of people on a constant basis! I truly do not believe that any person in my shoes could have made the transition as smoothly as I have. The love of all of you sustains me and always has.

Two days ago I was feeding the ground squirrels we have here by hand. It is great to see (and smell) green grass again and to see an open sky again as well! The feeling is truly indescribable, to once again live a semi-normal, natural life.

My lawsuit (Civil Suit) against the BOP of course goes on. That is because we still have to end the violation of my Creativity religious rights, something that is unchanged by the move. I am especially keen on returning to my raw foodist, fruitarian diet---something that I am as convinced as ever is the only natural and healthy way to live.

I am not entirely sure what it costs for you to be added to my email list (whether to me or to you) but by all means, send your email address to my physical address here.

On another note, it seems that ADX is not forwarding my mail from Colorado properly even though BOP policy states that it is supposed to do so for thirty days. (I guess they are so happy to be rid of me that they forgot my mail?) So, if any of you mailed me in Colorado and have not received an answer from me, you should probably assume at this point that the correspondence in questions "MIA" and should therefore re-mail me here.

Also, please spread the word on the internet about my change of address! (I do not have internet here.)  While I certainly have more freedoms now, I must say that they come with a price: I have to pay to use email, pay to listen to music, and pay for things that I never had to pay for at ADX. So your donations to my mother continue to be appreciated and needed. We need all the help we can get.
Rev Matt Hale Transferred to Medium Security Prison

I am hoping to receive my property from ADX very soon so that I can recommence my work on the Civil Suit and continue my work on my third book. In the meantime though, I need all of you to both read and promote far and wide my first two books, Ending White Slavery and The Racial Loyalist Manifesto. I do not hesitate to say that they are the greatest books written for the future of our White people in the past thirty years, quite simply , and it is imperative that we put them in as many hands as possible.

With that I will close for now and look forward to hearing from all of you in the near future. I thank you for standing with me and my family as we continue to fight for justice and the future of our White Race.

Yours Truly,
For Our Folk
Rev. Matt Hale
June 43AC (2016)

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