Tuesday 12 December 2017

Comparative Religions...Mormonism...By Ben Klassen


A/K/A Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Mark Twain has observed that "truth is stranger than fiction - it is just less popular." The Mormon religion is a case in point, and owes its existence to the coming together of a number of bizarre coincidences that were not likely to happen. Most strange of all, however, is the fact that the basic book of Mormonism was written by a man who had no intention of starting a religion, never heard of Mormonism and died fourteen years before the Mormon Church was founded in 1830.


Solomon Spalding (1761-1816)

The story rightfully begins with a sometime Congregational preacher and part-time novelist named Solomon Spalding, who was born in Ashford, Connecticut on February 20, 1761. Although he was never too successful as a preacher, nor as a writer, nor as a businessman, yet, what he started more or less by accident would have ramifications that would reverberate into the 20th Century and far beyond.
Solomon Spalding was the third of ten children. His father, Josiah, joined the Revolutionary Army, and Solomon followed him on January 8, 1778 as a private. After the War, Spalding studied law in Windham, Connecticut, and later entered the prestigious Dartmouth College in preparation for the ministry, where he graduated with a Master's degree in 1785.
He became associated with the Windham Congregational Association in 1787, which at that time was one of the largest Congregational denominations in the eastern United States. He was ordained and remained an evangelist for about a decade, but finally quit the ministry
because of ill health.

In 1795, he married Matilda Sabine and shortly thereafter moved to Cherry Valley, New York, to join a brother in the mercantile business. After several other not too successful ventures, Solomon and Matilda moved to Salem, Ohio, in 1809 in order to superintend a small property they owned, while also working at an iron forge. As his health further deteriorated he began writing novels in an effort to earn a living.
When the War of 1812 began his business failed and the family moved to Pittsburgh in the hopes of printing and selling his second novel Manuscript Found, in order to help pay off their debts. Spalding and his wife then moved to Amity, near Pittsburgh, where living was less expensive and the climate hopefully more conducive to his now rapidly failing health. However, change of climate not withstanding, six weeks later on October 20, 1816 Solomon Spalding died.

Although desperately in need of money, Spalding never was able to sell Manuscript Found. He left it with a printer in Pittsburgh, who did not see fit to spend his own money printing it, but would print it if Spalding would pay the costs. There it remained at the time of Spalding's death, and for many years thereafter it lay there in Patterson's Print Shop, unwanted and unpublished.

Sidney Rigdon (1793-1876)

The scenario now shifts to another set of characters. Working at this same Patterson's Print Shop in Pittsburgh was a man by the name of Sidney Rigdon, who was also a sometime preacher, and an unstable religious renegade of shifting ideologies. Somehow Spalding's
unpublished manuscript fell into his hands (it is claimed he stole it from the print shop and copied it at home.) Now Sidney Rigdon was a man of vivid imaginations and unstable character. As a boy, he had been thrown from a horse, his foot entangled in a stirrup and he was dragged some distance before he was freed. In the ensuing accident he received severe contusions of the brain that effected his mental stability and character ever after. Although his mental powers were not diminished, it did greatly affect his equilibrium and
he was subject to running into wild visionary views on almost every question, and strangely enough, this focused in particular on religious hallucinations and visions.

Born on February 19, 1793, Rigdon joined the First Baptist Church in 1817 near his hometown of Liberty. He was ordained a year or two later and in 1822 he became minister of the First Baptist Church in Pittsburgh. His ministry, however, was short lived and he was excommunicated on October 11, 1823 for teaching irregular doctrine.

This experience greatly embittered him. It was between 1823 and 1827 that his vivid and unstable imagination conceived the idea of converting Spalding's fictional novel into the "Holy Book" of a new religion and laying the basis of Mormonism.

Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844)

The drama now shifts front stage and center to the "hero" of our story, the alleged founder and prophet of the Mormon religion. Joseph Smith Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, in Vermont, the third son of Joseph and Lucy Smith. When he was eleven his family moved
to Palmyra, New York, where most of his family joined the Presbyterian Church.
The Smith family was a bizarre collection of individuals and was not well received by their neighbors when they moved to Palmyra. Both Joseph, Sr. and Joseph, Jr. had this droll obsession of digging for money and hidden treasure in the nearby hills and Indian mounds in the area. Both were in particular considered entirely destitute of moral character and addicted to vicious habits, according to an 1834 report.
Joseph, Jr. was an uneducated, (he only went to the fourth grade) uncouth character, slovenly in his manner of dress and had all the morals of an alley tomcat, as his later polygamous life-style was to prove. Before his untimely death at 39 he fornicated with at least 50 women that are on record and probably twice that many that are unrecorded.





He had one redeeming quality, however, that fitted him to become a spook peddler extraordinaire. Even in his younger years Joseph Smith, Jr. could lie fluently, skillfully and convincingly, and his imagination seemed to know no bounds. He was also subject to hallucinations and "visions" which he later managed to turn into a very useful tool in launching his new religion.
As a youth he, along with his father, were involved in such occultic pursuits as "glass-looking" and "crystal-gazing" and similar fortune-telling confidence games. In 1826, Joseph, Jr. was arrested, tried and convicted for the crime of defrauding a local victim by means of a "glasslooking" con-game.

From the combination of these three rather odd and bizarre characters was launched the mighty, affluent and powerful Mormon Empire that exists today. With truth still as unpopular as it was in Mark Twain's day, and with superstition and gullibility still as rife and rampant as it was five thousand years ago in the day of the Ancient Egyptians, Mormonism flourishes today as never before. Here is a concise summary of the material wealth that Empire has accumulated today.


On this sleazy and fraudulent foundation was built the ramparts of a huge financial and religious empire that now encircles the world. Considering that all three actors, Spalding, Rigdon and Smith, were financially incompetent and existing on the edge of poverty during most of their lives, truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Let us now briefly recapitulate the formidable financial wealth of the Mormon Empire as it exists today. Here is a thumbnail sketch of some (but not all) of its assets:

A. Media. Bonneville International Corporation has seven FM radio stations, four AM stations, two television stations: Bonneville Productions produce commercials and others; Deseret News Publishing Company, publishes Deseret News and much of the church printing; Deseret Book Company.

B. Finance. Beneficial Life Insurance Company; Utah Home Fire Insurance Company; Continental Western Life Insurance Company of Iowa; Deseret Mutual Benefit Association.

C. Major Real Estate Holdings. Deseret Farms of California, two commercial farms, Yolo County, California, total of 5,500 acres; Deseret Ranches of Florida, consisting of 300 thousand acres near Disney World; Elberta Farm Corporation, 14 thousand acres in southern Utah;
Deseret Farms of Texas; Deseret Trust Company; Zion Securities Corporation, commercial real estate in Salt Lake City and elsewhere, and also 7,000 acres in Hawaiian Village, Oahu; Beneficial Development Company (development and mortgage loans); Utah Motel Company; Polynesian Cultural Center, Oahu; a 36 story apartment and office building in New York; several million dollars worth of real estate in Nauvoo, Illinois; sixteen temples around the world; 2,600 acres of land in Nevada purchased from Howard Hughes' Summa Corporation; five acres of prime downtown real estate in Salt Lake City. (There is much more, but we cannot pursue all the detailed real estate.) Investments of 53.7 percent of the stock in Utah-Idaho Sugar Company; second largest stockholder in Utah Power and Light Company; controlling stock in Zion cooperative Mercantile Institutions; $28 million worth of stock in Times Mirror Corporation, publishers of Los Angeles Times.

D. Other Enterprises. Management Systems Corporation, data processing firm; Deseret Industries; Mormon Tabernacle Choir; Beehive Clothing Mills. Investments of 53.7 percent of the stock in Utah-Idaho Sugar Company; second largest stockholder in Utah Power and Light Company; controlling stock in Zion co-operative Mercantile Institutions; $28 million worth of stock in Times Mirror Corporation, publishers of Los Angeles Times.

E. Education. Brigham Young University, Utah; Brigham Young University, Hawaii; Rick's College, Idaho; LDS Business College, Utah;  Elementary, secondary, post-secondary schools in Mexico, Pacific Islands, Central and South America, and many other countries around the world.


Again, when we consider the bizarre and deceitful origins of the whole Mormon "faith" and the circumstances that conspired to foment it, the growth of this cult has been phenomenal, to say the least. Here is an historical chronology of its growth since its beginning from 30 members in 1830.

In 1900 - 268,331

1920 - 526,032

1940 - 862,664

1960 -1,693,180

1981 - 4.800,000

The present (1986) membership is estimated at 5.6 million and expanding rapidly. The projected figure by the Mormon Church for the year 2000 is 8 million, but with the fact that it is now going multiracial with a vengence they will undoubtedly far exceed that figure, and will soon become one of the largest and most powerful religions in the world as it tends to cooperate and meld itself more and more with Judaism, the historical enemy of the White Race.


We have already sketched the origins of the Mormon creed and find it is based on Solomon Spalding's fictional novel Manuscript Found. This was then picked up by Sidney Rigdon in Patterson's Print Shop in Pittsburgh several years after Spalding's death. Evidence points strongly that Rigdon deserves the credit for conceiving the idea of Mormonism and converting Spalding's Manuscript Found into a new religion. He then sold  the idea to Joseph Smith, Jr., whose more vocal and flamboyant talents were utilized to spearhead and promote the new religion.




It was during the years 1827-30 that this ambitious pair got their act together and began to put their conspiracy into operation. Rigdon and Smith did their best to keep their contacts a secret in order to not arouse any suspicions about Spalding's manuscript. (The Mormon Church too, has tried to camouflage this relationship, pretending that Rigdon joined the church in 1830 only after it was organized, and that the pair did not know each other before. Despite all these precautions, and denials, however, the evidence is overwhelming regarding their previous relationship and the fact that Spalding's manuscript was utilized as the basis for the Book: of Mormon.)

Joseph Smith's story claimed he had had several "visions" and was told by the Angel Moroni to dig up a set of "golden plates" buried in a hill nearby. These "plates" were to "reveal" the true story of the peoples on the North American Continent and set the record straight. What Smith actually did was sit behind a curtain and dictate from Spalding's fictional novel to his "scribes," making suitable innovations and changes here and there to give it the flavor of a "new" religion. In tailoring the manuscript to fit the new religion much of the editing and detail work was actually done by Rigdon beforehand, with Smith picking it up from there. But basically the story was, and remained, Spalding's Manuscript Found. The "golden plates" then mysteriously and conveniently disappeared. No one else saw them except three, then eight, of his followers, and then only in "a vision."

(However, no problem. In 1979, I visited the Mormon Museum at Nauvoo, Illinois, where in a beautiful glass case they displayed a "replica" of the visionary golden plates.)
Be that as it may, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was organized on April 6, 1830 and was incorporated later that same year.
Spalding, who was too poor to have his Manuscript Found printed during his lifetime, would have been astonished to see the final outcome. In slightly modified form it was now printed up as the Book of Mormon, and the printing was paid for by Martin Harris, one of the original six founding members.

Mormonism now was off and running. It had a creed, a bible, and an extremely loquacious con-artist as its "prophet." By the end of the first month it had 40 members and soon grew by leaps and bounds. One of the major incentives that initially helped to spread and popularize the movement in the 1830's was the fact that the Mormons advocated and condoned polygamy. It was this practice, however, that also aroused the bitter hatred and violent opposition from other religions who were in fierce competition with Mormonism.

There is one other peculiarity that Mormonism had to offer in the way of promises "in the hereafter" that topped those of its rivals. All spookcraft religions are based on lavish promises of rewards, and dire threats of punishments, in the hereafter (a shoddy practice which needs no collateral to back it up). However, whereas the regular Christian sects promise their subservient followers that they will become "angels," fluttering about in a nebulous heaven after death, the Mormons went them one gambit better. The Mormon Church promises their faithful that they will become not subservient angels, but gods in their own right. Each will rule as a god over the untold trillions of worlds out there in the
endless universe. Now there, as the head of the Maflosa said, is an offer you can't refuse. At least, it is extremely difficult to top. Promises, promises, promises.

In the meantime, the Mormon Church continues to increasingly extract millions and billions, most efficiently and ruthlessly, from its deluded victims. By 1976 it was on record as taking in one million dollars a day. By now that figure has easily doubled and is rapidly ballooning. In return it offers only promises — pie-in-the-sky, and like a true con-man implores its victims: TRUST ME! Without having to deliver two cents worth of any real product in return, it continues to fill and over-fill its bulging coffers with worldly wealth. Not only pecuniary wealth, but also, control, power and domination over the human mind and body.


From these sordid and surreptitious beginnings was spawned a worldwide empire, whose wealth, power and magnitude we have already delineated. Had the church maintained its course of White racial purity with which it began, we could assume that despite its deceptions it was at least more beneficial to the White Race than its rival Jewish-Christian religions. But that is not the case. For the last several decades the Mormons have been moving closer and closer to the Jews, citing their background of persecution as a common bond. But the fact is the Jews were already inside the tent at its very beginnings as we have already shown in the "Aloha" article of Racial Loyalty No. 23. In this, we pointed out that as early as 1841, Orson Hyde, an undercover Jew, became one of the Twelve Apostles, and Joseph Smith himself sent Hyde to Palestine to dedicate that unfortunate Arab state to the future piracy of the Jewish conspiracy.

The Jewish influence and control has now surfaced more virulent than ever in recent years, when the late President Spencer W. Kimball had one of his modern day "visions" and proclaimed on June 7, 1978 that his new "revelation from the Lord" instructed him to now take the mud peoples into the priesthood. (How do you create a "vision"? You just close your eyes and lie like hell.) That Jewish takeover became more openly obvious and the Mormons are now one of the most aggressive proselytizers of race-mixing of any of the modern religions embraced by the White Race.

There is however, one thing, we can learn from the Mormons, and that is from their methods of proselytizing and promotion. We can also take comfort in the thought that if such a flimsy set of fraudulent beliefs can build such a wealthy and powerful world religion, just think what can be done with a religious creed and pro gram that is built on the Eternal Laws of Nature, Historic Fact and on Logic and Common Sense. Give us your loyalty and support and I am sure that the glorious and best interests of the White Race will not only prevail, but encompass all that is worthwhile on this dear old Planet Earth.

Yes, we too, have "visions," but unlike the Mormon hierarchy, we don't close our eyes and then lie like hell, in order to conjure up a vision. We look at the world with open eyes, learn from history and learn from Nature, then use our intelligence, apply logic and common sense to accrue to the best interest of our race, in our unending pursuit of building a Whiter and Brighter World.

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. It may also be less popular, as Mark Twain has noted, but it has one redeeming advantage — it is also
more powerful. It has this tenacious habit of persistence. Just as the flat-worlders finally had to yield to the fact the world is round, so the truth keeps coming back again and again to haunt the liars and the deluded and in the end it will prevail.

For more information on Mormonism, we suggest you read:

1. Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? by Wayne L. Cowdry, Howard A. Davis and Donald R. Scales. Vision House Publishers, Santa Ana, California.

2. The God Makers, by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt. Harvest House Publishers, Eugene Oregon 97402.

3. The Maze of Mormonism, by Dr. Walter Martin. Vision House Publishers, Ventura, California.

"Truth is stranger than fiction — it is just less popular." Mark Twain

Religion has historically been the single most powerful force in shaping the destiny of nations and races. Creativity is the only answer to the massive problems that confront us. It has the Total Program, the Final Solution, the Ultimate Creed.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of the Creator



Article taken from Racial Loyalty # 33
March 13AC (1986)



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