Wednesday 20 December 2017

Your Account is Currently Suspended

Twitter has suspended the Toronto Creator Account, caught up in what is being called the Twitter "Nazi Ban" or purge. The account was active since June 2013, only 205 Tweets over that duration. It was just a tool to share links to this blog. Interaction via reply's, likes, re-tweets and such was almost non existent. So, nothing written on Twitter broke any of their rules, one would have to open the links provided to then feel offended/unsafe or whatever other feelings they may have. Furthermore, one would have to wilfully  "Follow" the account to access the links to then receive those unwanted feelings.

Antifa spearheading the Canadian portion of the ban/purge or just gleefully observing?


Could this ban be a good thing? Not that long ago those involved with the White Racial Loyalist movement would post frequently on sites like Stormfront,(being the most popular), but also individual group sites like Volksfront, Blood and Honour, Aryan Nations, KKK, and of course The Creativity Movement. Should we be surprised that we are being censored/banned on Jewish run social mediums? We do not need them! Let the social mediums that censor free speech wither on the vine.

Brother Smith
Dec 44AC ( 2017)


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