Wednesday 27 December 2017

I Never Invented the Wheel..By Ben Klassen / (Wil Williams)

Author’s note: Although this article was written over Will William’s by-line, he did not write it. I had already written it from beginning to end when I hired him In June of 1988, and when I decided to make him the new Hasta Primus I wrote it in the third person form and gave him credit in order to get him off to a good start. B.K.

I Never Invented the Wheel
But I have enough intelligence to utilize the idea for my own benefit.

The wheel! How many times a day do billions of people all over the world utilize and benefit from this ingenious invention! Think of the multitude of vehicles, appliances, ships, motors, clocks and a series of other useful labor saving devices and machines that would be impossible were it not for the invention of the wheel. Yet, in the anthropological history of man, the wheel is a relatively recent invention.

Even the Egyptians, who were highly intelligent, far advanced in their civilization, people who managed to build those huge pyramids, did not think of inventing the wheel. It was not until the Hyksos came along in their horse drawn chariots and defeated the Egyptians in the eighteenth century B.C. that this historic invention was thrust upon them and taught the Egyptians a lesson as to what wheels could do for them or to them. The ignorant American Indians had never thought of the wheel even as recently as 400 years ago, when the White Man brought it to them. Even then, the backward Indians were extremely slow to catch on and for centuries thereafter still used the travois laboriously scraping over the landscape. There are, of course, Indians in South America, niggers in Africa, and primitive tribes in many parts of the world today to whom the wheel is an unknown and unused idea.

The question has often been raised – what is the greatest invention in history, the use of fire or the wheel? Actually, the question is academic, and not even relevant. Man did not invent fire. It was thrust upon him by Nature in thousands of demonstrations. Fires started by lightning burning down trees or forests, or prairie fires, or fires started by hot lava flows, were in evidence even before mankind climbed down from the trees. But not so with the wheel. Nowhere in its structural design of mammals, fishes, birds or insects is the wheel utilized as part of that design. The invention of the wheel is strictly a man-made invention.

Who invented the wheel? I don’t know and neither does anybody else. Nor do I particularly care. Now that I understand the idea, as does most of mankind, I am glad it was invented and I can reap the benefits of that marvelous idea. If we were to reverse history and scrap everything that involved wheels, we would be trashing just about everything we have built and now enjoy. We would be setting technology back approximately four thousand years. I am not so stupid as to say that because I didn’t think of the wheel first I categorically refuse to use it or even recognize that it exists.
There is another idea, of much more recent vintage, that is extremely important for survival of the White Race, the race that has not only developed the wheel to its present state of usefulness, but has been instrumental in most of the world’s great inventions and technologies. That vital idea is the concept of a racial religion for the White Race, an idea that is less than twenty years old. It is called Creativity, and is fully expounded in a series of books written by Ben Klassen, founder of the Church of the Creator. He has written three basic books that lay down the fundamentals. They are Nature’s Eternal Religion, The White Man’s Bible and Salubrious Living. These have been (at this point) further expounded and supplemented by four more books, Expanding Creativity, Building a Whiter and Brighter World, Rahowa!, and The Klassen Letters, the total compilation representing a comprehensive and fully structured creed and program specifically designed for the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race, and the White Race alone.

Now let us get one thing straight – Ben Klassen did not invent the idea of a racial religion, per se. That idea was so obvious the uninventive, parasitical Jews latched on to the racial religion idea even before the Hyksos demonstrated the superiority of the wheel to the Egyptians. The Jews have been monopolizing, nurturing their racial religion, clothing it with ritual and tradition ever since. Today the Jews, a parasitical minority that they represent, nevertheless are the masters of this world, the ruthless slave masters, if you will, but nevertheless fully in control of all the governments, the finances, the propaganda, news media, and even the White Man’s religion. This is an incontrovertible fact, and these parasites owe it all to their religion, Judaism. At the heart of that religion is Racial Loyalty, a fanatic polarization and adherence to the basic tenets of their racial religion. Inherent in that religion are a few basic ground rules: what is good for the Jews is the highest virtue; what is bad for the Jews is the ultimate sin. It all goes back to the one bottom line in their religion fanatic loyalty to their own kind – their own race – in short, Racial Loyalty.

So Ben Klassen does not claim that he invented the idea of a racial religion, far from it. He states again and again that he learned about the power of a racial religion from the Jews. He took a page out of their history and endeavored to utilize the power of that idea for the benefit of his own race – the White Race. Methodically analyzing what were the inherent factors for the astounding success of the Jews in their drive for world conquest, he came to the touchstone of the phenomenon – religion, and as such this sword had two edges: A fanatic racial religion the Jews adopted for themselves to polarize their racial loyalty, and secondly, a wimpish, self-destructive religion for their enemies (basically the White Race) to soften them up and make them easy prey. The former they accomplished with Judaism. The second objective they accomplished by giving the Romans first, and later the White Race as a whole, a submissive slave religion, namely Jewish Christianity.

The events of history and their unraveling are so obvious that you would think the highly intelligent White Race would have quickly seen the total picture and reacted accordingly to thwart the wily Jew.

Why they have not remains a mystery to me, just as does the fact that the intelligent Egyptians had not invented the wheel before the Hyksos brought it to them. But once you see the idea inherent in the wheel, never again can you turn back the clock. Never again can you forget the idea and turn back the pages of history. And so it is with Creativity. Once you grasp the idea of a racial religion to replace insipid Jewish Christianity, the idea is so powerful, so obvious, that never again can we forget it, or ignore it. Why not one individual among all the millions of intelligent White inventors, philosophers, historians, politicians, theologians, has come up with it before is to me one of the most astounding mysteries of civilization. But the fact is that until less than two decades ago no one did.

But now we have it, and none too soon. For the last fifty years at least 20,000 diverse White groups have been floundering around on such random issues as Christianity, Identity, God and Country, the Flag and the Constitution, Democracy, the "Truth," Nationalism, and a host of others, either singularly or in admixture. They have all failed miserably to stop the Jewish juggernaut, and most of them temporarily flare up, put out a little literature, fold up their tents and go out of business. Why? Because they lack substance, because they neither have a creed nor a meaningful program. Their main forte is to endlessly rehash the problem, to rehash past history as to how we got into the mess we are in. Basically they do no more, no less than the 20,000 previous failures had already done before them merely a rerun of the "deplore and lament" formula. They have singularly or jointly all failed to stop the Jewish juggernaut and we are not one inch closer to getting the Jewish parasite off our backs than we were fifty years ago, or a hundred years ago. On the contrary, we, as a racial entity, are now closer to total destruction than we were ever before, probably not more than a few generations away from complete extinction.

If there is one thing history has taught us (or should have taught us) it is this: a polyglot conglomerate of diverse squabbling factions never accomplished anything, except their own self-destruction. History has also taught us
that a powerful, polarized single movement can, and does, move the course of History. One such historic movement is the tenacious Mosaic racial religion of the Jews around the core of which they have rallied for all these thousands of years. Any Jew will admit that without their cohesive racial religion they would be nothing. Another example is the monolithic structure of the Catholic Church, the oldest corporate structure in the White Man’s history. It has had a tremendous influence in directing that history. It has maintained itself for nearly 2000 years.

But the most significant lesson of all for our purpose of how to break the back of the Jewish behemoth was demonstrated by Hitler’s Nazi Party. Soon after Germany’s dismal defeat in 1918 a myriad of "Nationalist" parties sprang up in Germany, many of them half baked and badly disoriented. These groups, some 2000 in number, spent as much time wrangling amongst themselves, confused in purpose and program, as they did in fighting the enemy. It was not until Hitler built a German Racial Party that absorbed the confused, fragmented membership of the myriad of polyglot parties that the German people finally had the clout to take over the real power of government in their country. One other side lesson we should learn from this event is that Hitler never "merged" with the other parties, nor did he compromise his position, nor did he water down his creed or program. He just kept attracting members and built his organization until it encompassed most of the German racial militants and was the sole power in the Reich.

If we are ever to win this battle for the survival of the White Race we must do the same – we must consolidate our forces into one powerful battering ram, instead of the fragmented, polyglot scattering of aimless groups now competing against each other for recognition. In this respect there are two questions I would like to ask every conscientious, responsible White Man and Woman, namely, (a) Of what importance is your hubris if the White Race goes down the drain, as it surely will unless we unite and get our act together? and, (b) Which would you rather do wet nurse your inconsequential little hubris, or fight a successful battle? I know where my loyalty lies. I have made my commitment for victory.

There is one persistent argument I have heard from those who can’t quite commit themselves to building a meaningful powerhouse in opposition to the Jews, and I find that these people completely miss the point. Their argument is that if we are fragmented into thousands of little polyglot groups we are better off because the enemy establishment will not be able to destroy us all at one fell swoop, whereas if we are united into one major powerful movement, they might. This argument is valid only as far as it goes, but it does not go to the ultimate conclusion of really overthrowing the Jewish tyrant and forcefully taking government power into the hands of the White Race. What these cop-out artists are saying is that they would rather prefer to keep on playing meaningless little games, as annoying gnats buzzing at the ears of the enemy, but have no plan or intention of really coming to grips of destroying the enemy in a showdown of power.
The fact is that if we establish and organize thousands of C.O.T.C. centers all over the Unite States, and yes, South Africa, Australia, South America, England and the rest of Europe (we already have a number of groups and ministers in each of these areas) we will have the multiplex dispersion (See "Dispersion and Polarization" p. 22 of Building a Whiter and Brighter World) these polyglots hold so dear. Moreover, we will have a unity of purpose, a common creed and program, a polarized loyalty and a powerful movement that will not quit until we have won the world. Isn’t that what we really want? Yes, it is. The bottom line is that we must build one united, polarized powerhouse on a worldwide basis, as Hitler did with the Nazi party In Germany, in order to oust and destroy the enemy. There is no other way, and there is no better way than to build it around a fanatically militant racial religion as embodied in Creativity.

I did not come up with the idea of a racial religion for the White Race, and incredible as it may seem, neither did anyone else in all our recorded history until the Pontifex compiled a comprehensive omnibus less than twenty years ago. Now the White Race does have its own racial religion – Creativity. Even though I, Will Williams, didn't think of it.

I recognise that it is an idea whose time has come – and none too soon. Our only chance for survival is to consolidate and polarize around this idea and to hell with all the diverse, fragmented side issues. Creativity not only addresses all the crucial issues that are of major importance to the White Race, but goes far beyond, formulating a creed and program that can serve the best interests of the White Race for the next million years. But our first order of business is to get the Jewish parasite off our backs, and only through a militant racial religion can we ever hope to achieve this major breakthrough.

I have now committed myself to promote this one idea with a zeal, more passionately than that of millions of spook-chasing Christian ministers who are promoting their claptrap which, incidentally, none of them had a hand in formulating either. The treacherous Jews devised it, and these "useful idiots" just spread Yahweh’s garbage around for them, much to the yids’ glee and our own detriment. The point I am making is that history has demonstrated time and again the tremendous influence of religion on any people’s destiny, especially in that of our own destruction, and in the success of the Jew’s conquest of the world. A racial religion Is the key to our future existence, and since that is so, let us embrace one that will really "save" us, not one that seeks to equalize us into a tribe of nigrescent octoroons and baboons. If you really believe that our genetic treasure, our precious gene pool, is worth fighting for, then join with us, start a Church of the Creator in your area. It can be done, it must be done.
We will politicize our movement from the pulpits (see C.C. Nos. 64 and 69 in the White Man’s Bible) just as the niggers do from theirs. We will do it just as legitimately, but even more effectively. Come join with us and through our combined forces let us build that mighty battering ram with which to smash the Jewish monster.

So quit spinning your wheels and help distribute ten million White Man’s Bibles. Become a mini-distribution center for W.M.B., as the Pontifex has implored you repeatedly to do. We can "Wheel" our way to victory and smash the Jews and their stranglehold on us to smithereens, once we inform, arouse, and organize the White Race. Once we have control of our own destiny we will make damn sure that neither the Jew, nor the mud races will ever again be a threat to our survival on this planet.

Remember, for inspiration and enlightenment, read your White Man’s Bible everyday.

There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

Ben Klassen
Founder Church of The Creator

August 15AC (1988)




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