Wednesday 11 July 2018

Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case)..Amicus Commentary To Motion For Leave (Document 236) To Restrict..By John Crookston






COMES NOW John Crookston, a sixty five (65) year old man a concerned citizen and friend of  the plaintiff  Matthew Hale. I have read document 236.

I have been writing the Plaintiff Matthew for about four years and am deeply concerned when I notice his situation is deteriorating even while he lies helpless in the hands of the federal government. I keep track of the letters I write to Matt and his replies. I believe I have written about 42 letters of which about 35 have been answered. But over the past year or so 6 letters have been returned, several of which were in their original envelopes with a label indicating that there was no such address as P.O BOX 8500. That is false! Ms. Prose sends her legal mail to Matt at box 8500. I'm sure that if her mail were being returned the matter would by now have been corrected.

I have also had legal mail returned and/or rejected. This correspondence contained the copies required when sending a brief to the court, copies of which must be sent to the U.S Attorney as well as to Matt. These were sent back as being "gang related." How can such a singularly innocuous communications be labeled "gang related"? Indeed is it even possible to be a "gang of one"? I am not a member of "Creativity" much less a minister in that church, but even if I were, that would not make me a "gang member"!  Before one can be a member of a gang or engage in "gang related" activities there has to be a gang! Matthew Hale's belief system Creativity is no more a gang than is any other creed in this country whether Christian or Jewish or Muslim or "other"

With regard to Matt Hale's situation : I have read all the various transcripts of the trial and know that at no time did Matt ever mention killing anyone, and certainly not a federal Judge, who, by the way, had found in Matt;s favour in a case that appeared before her. Upon reading the "testimony" of the governments paid witness Tony Evola, in an attempt to discover the "evidence" upon which Matt was convicted, I can attest that no such evidence exists. As that is the case, there is no rational or juridical reason to punish an innocent man for writing about his desire to be free.

Apparently this entire matter concerns a book Matt has written and that has been confiscated. Really? We have people speaking on national media and the internet, as well as writing and publishing books calling for the assignation of the current president and his family, the murder of whites, the overthrow western civilization and on and on and on and not only aren't these books and tracts (and blogs) censored, those involved do not find themselves sentenced to forty years in solitary confinement for what they did do, much less what they did not do! Given the climate today, the injustice suffered by Matthew Hale is beyond atrocious, it smacks of the Gestapo in more ways than one.

Personally, I am a straight White male, a father, grandfather, husband, union carpenter, craftsmen, artist and singer. I do not hold with the politically correct view that makes of my race the cause of every ill in history but that fact does not make me a "hater" and neither should it make anyone with similar opinions guilty of some vague international criminal conspiracy such has been used to incarcerate Matt Hale!

When everything is said and done, it comes back to those protections "guaranteed' to Americans under what's left of our constitution. According to that much weakened document - Supposedly the foundation of all our laws! The eighth amendment states - Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted" Matt Hale's entire prison experience has been one of cruel and unusual punishments that continue to this day. His real crime? He holds opinions and beliefs that are not accepted by present establishment. That is his entire offense, that he is grossly politically incorrect. However, since so far at least, being politically incorrect is not a crime (yet) he should not be punished for it,. It is my hope that the court looks upon this matter as did our Founders and rules in favour of Matt Hale.




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