Monday 2 July 2018

Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case)..Amicus Commentary to Motion for Leave (Doc 236) to Restrict..By Evelyn Hutcheson



Matthew Hale,                                                                                   


vs.                                                                                            C.A. No. 14:-cv-00245

Federal Bureau of Prisons                                                   


COMES NOW Evelyn Hutcheson, a seventy-nine [79] year old woman and mother of the Plaintiff Matthew Hale who has read Document 236 via the Internet.

I cannot believe or understand how such an outrageous document has made its way into the court records. The issue presented therein is nothing more than a specious argument that somehow, communication to my son will result in violent acts by the individuals who have taken the time to cheer him in his unjust incarceration. But even if the Court could entertain the argument presented, immediately Mr. Troyer proves himself inaccurate at best and dishonest at worst when he states in paragraph 4, “The BOP does not seek total exclusion . . .” How does this statement justify the fact that my attempts to reach my son by mail have been returned to me with the comment that these are “gang related” without any type of justification for this conclusion? This is the opinion of one Rudy Marques, the man in charge of reading my son’s mail. He states that I am a “security risk” as I suppose is everyone who has attempted to contact my son as their letters have also been returned with that same “justification.”

The prison facility is also interfering with my son’s letters by holding them for an extended period of time before putting them in the mail—always providing they are doing so. I received a letter from the Warden when I complained of this interference. His explanation was that the letters were being sent to the wrong post office box and this necessitated their being returned to the senders. He stated that Matt’s box number was 8000, but that was a lie. The correct box number—the one that was always used—was 8500; it has always been 8500. The fact of the matter is that this entire matter is blatant harassment of my son who is already suffering from an unjust imprisonment for a crime that was never contemplated much less committed.

The prison has also suspended my son’s ability to phone me for six months ostensibly because he wrote an article—Why Do I Want To Be Free—included in one of his filings indicating that his mail was being withheld. When I requested a copy of same, it was refused but at least the authorities then began to take our calls. At a hearing held on the matter, the Hearing Officer ruled that the prison cannot restrict what Matt files. But despite that ruling and the fact that the matter was thereupon dropped, the authorities have taken away our two monthly fifteen minutes phone calls.  Who do I Want to be Free... By Rev Matt Hale
If the authorities are so confident in the rightness of their case, why are they doing all in their power to have the Court initiate such restraint as would prevent us from even reading what they are charging? Surely, one of the most important and cherished guarantees under the law is to know what is being charged against you so that you may respond accordingly?
 We are in a very critical period in this country. Everyday, ordinary Americans realize that there is a different standard of justice depending upon the ideology of those in the “justice system” and those who come under their hand. It is no longer even questionable that people at the highest echelon of that system have ignored the laws of the land in order to achieve a desired political and ideological end. A learned individual recently proclaimed that while America could survive a corrupt State Department, it could not survive a corrupt Department of Justice. This prophet is quite correct. When the laws do not apply equally to all Americans, our nation is moribund. Hopefully, there is still time to prevent such a situation from coming to pass, but it requires the actions of those chosen few to uphold our laws and to put an end to the malignant use of legal legerdemain to punish non-conformists and others unwelcome in the establishment.
I pray that you in your position as a proponent of the law, put an end to the persecution of my son and those who love and respect him by nullifying these mendacious efforts on the part of the BOP to isolate him from his family and friends.

Pursuant to 28 U. S. Code §1746 —
“I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.”

Respectfully submitted,

Evelyn Hutcheson
                                                                                          200 Carlson Avenue, 25H
                                                                                          Washington, IL 61571






I certify that I have placed a copy of this Amicus commentary in the United States mail, postage prepaid on ______, June, 2018 to:

 Susan Prose
Assistant United States Attorney
1801 California Street, Suite 1600
Denver, CO 80202


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