Tuesday 17 July 2018

Rev Matt Hale(Civil Case)...Amicus Commentary To Motion For Leave (Document 236) To Restrict...By Brandon Hall





C.A  NO. 14 - CV 00245


COMES NOW, Brandon Hall, a forty Two (42) year old man, who is a friend and supporter of the Plaintiff Matthew Hale who has read document 236 via the internet.

I have been aware of Matthew Hales situation since 2005, and have been in  contact with Mr. Hale directly for years now. I support him monetarily as I am able to help him in his legal struggles to have his rights to freedom of religion and speech upheld, his named cleared of all charges for which he was convicted and his freedom secured. Like Mr. Hale, I am a believer in the Creativity religion, a religion that teaches the survival, expansion and advancement of the White race, to which I belong.

I have read the entire trial transcripts of Mr. Hale's case and, after reviewing the states evidence and being informed of circumstances of the case, I believe he was wrongly convicted and innocent of all charges. I myself am a generally law abiding, working citizen with only minor traffic violations to my name.

No one know of has demonstrated more clearly the double standard facing White people in our society than Matt Hale The injustices that Mr. Hale has suffered at the hand of our justice system have set a dangerous precedence and are an egregious, clear threat to the liberties of White people of the United States of America of which every White American should be made aware.

Unfortunately, the United States Government and it's agency the Federal Bureau of Prison (BOP) have seemingly made every effort to prevent word of Matthew Hale's situation from reaching the American public through their increasingly heavy handed censorship of Mr. Hale's communications as illustrated by document 236 and their refusal to allow Mr. Hale any interviews with news media reporters.

The injustices suffered by Mr. Hale are multiple and more outrages are inflicted upon him daily, it would seem. Firstly, in spite of clear and convincing evidence of a non-criminal  history, he was denied a law degree for his beliefs simply because some find them objectionable a clear violation of his first amendment rights. Such a blatant injustice was denied a hearing in the courts but was settled behind closed doors through the opinions of anti-white biased committee of judges.

Next, and most damaging to the liberty of Mr. Hale's person, were the outrages and injustices of  Mr. Hale's criminal trial where it was allowed to stand that his defense attorney was allowed to rest his case without presenting any evidence refuting the prosecution's  case. Following that was Mr. Hale's extremely harsh prison sentence for which there is no precedence in American history that I am aware of. Later justices affirmed the "justness" of this atrocity in later appeals, completely ignoring the glaringly  obvious injustices perpetrated against Mr. Hale because of him being denied a competent defense or any defense for that matter.

Since Mr. Hale's imprisonment we are having to witness the increasingly restrictive censorship of Mr. Hale's communications with friends and family in the outside world. When I first started communicating with Mr. Hale the restrictions on his mails were nowhere near as restrictive as they are now. I take these seemingly arbitrary charges in censorship to be merely harassment of Mr. Hale because of his legal fight to have his first amendment rights upheld by the courts. Mr. Hale at no time advocated any criminal activity and the state has not presented any clear evidence that he has done so.

Any of his statements deemed "inflammatory" or "denigrating of non-white persons and adherents of Christianity"  but not specifically advocating any criminal activity, I believe, fall under first amendment protected speech and should not be censored such as document 236 is requesting.

Again, in this case only Mr.  Hale's writings are considered inflammatory while the teaching of Islam and the old testament of the bible, for example, both of which advocate violence, are overlooked. It is easy to demonstrate that the adherents of Christianity and Islam have perpetrated far more crimes of violence that was motivated by the ideologies of their religions than have believers in Creativity committed against others. This double standard against White people in general and adherents of the pro-White Creativity religion in particular must end. Mr. Hale must be allowed his first amendment rights to practise the religion of his choosing and to speak his mind through the mails and other means.




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